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Save-Point - script edit (sdk removal)


Full Version: script edit (sdk removal)
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hey im using this large party side view battle system script but it has sdk, i was wondering if it's possible to remove it? or would that require too much going thru all the scripts which there are a few..

and also, would someone be able to edit it so that the battle command selection window appears in the one spot for all characters? and preferably not over the battlers. maybe if u make the window solid and put it in the bottom left hand corner... whichever u think is most appealing.

oh and if it isnt too much to ask, could you get rid of the option to fight or escape and just go straight to the battle? i no i can get that script just thought it might be easier to have someone do it while they edit this script.. anyways thanks for any help :)

the script demo
remove the line that has the word SDK vX.X on it, then remove the last end where it has the "End SDK" comment.
as for the script call, why not make a skill where it goes to comment event that has the call script?
1) Fomar0153's Large Party script in HBGames.Org is non-SDK
2) ParaDog's Battlestatus (available here) is nicely formatted and is kinda like the Final Fantasy layouy... a bonus if you like
3) Laura's Escape Bar Removal (or whatever I named it) is here.
are you talking about the charlie fleed ctb? if so how would that work with a large group? because they have it set with just room for 4 characters along the bottom (their status's) . and i like how the system i requested for an edit has everyone attacking at once, i like the fast pacedness of it..
arghhhh sorry sorry, i was just playing around with the scripts and realised that none of the other scripts use the sdk, i dont think... they just have the sdk script in ther.

but i stil do have questions, if you were talking about that ctb i mentioned derVVwulfman, how do u have more characters in that battle? and can you make it as fast paced as the one i would like to use?

and dervv if u dont mind can u take a look and tell me why the enemies dont dissapear when you kill them? i'm not sure which script might say this in it and there wasn't a manual or help file explaining how to do anything...

if not and i have to use this battle system im requesting the edit for,, can you please edit where the battle commands window shows up? thanks..