01-30-2023, 11:08 PM
KMessageTarget MV
2 Versions
by Kyonides Arkanthes
by Kyonides Arkanthes
By default the Battle Log doesn't expect you to add a target's name to a skill action message. This plugin changes that to make sure you can certainly read who's the hero's current target.
Please read the instructions embedded in the plugins.
Simple Version
// * KMessageTargetMV.js - Simple Version
* @plugindesc This plugin will let you add the enemy's name to a skill's
* action message by using a tag or wildcard.
* @author Kyonides Arkanthes
* @help Date: 2023-01-30
* # * Free as in beer. * #
* The regular expression or regex is %e by default.
function KMessageTarget() {
throw new Error('This is a static class');
KMessageTarget.regex = /%e/i;
Window_BattleLog.prototype.displaySkillTargets = function(subject, item, targets) {
let target = 0;
let msg = "";
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
target = targets[i];
if (item.message1) {
msg = subject.name() + item.message1.format(item.name);
msg = msg.replace(KMessageTarget.regex, target.name());
this.push('addText', msg);
if (item.message2) {
this.push('addText', item.message2.format(item.name));
const KMessageTarget_win_btl_log_displayAction = Window_BattleLog.prototype.displayAction;
Window_BattleLog.prototype.displayAction = function(subject, item, targets) {
if (DataManager.isSkill(item)) {
this.displaySkillTargets(subject, item, targets);
} else {
KMessageTarget_win_btl_log_displayAction.call(subject, item);
Window_BattleLog.prototype.startAction = function(subject, action, targets) {
let item = action.item();
this.push('performActionStart', subject, action);
this.push('performAction', subject, action);
this.push('showAnimation', subject, targets.clone(), item.animationId);
this.displayAction(subject, item, targets);
Full Version
// * KMessageTargetMV.js - Full Version
* @plugindesc This plugin will let you add the enemy's name to a skill's
* action message by using a tag or wildcard.
* @author Kyonides Arkanthes
* @help Date: 2023-01-30
* # * Free as in beer. * #
* The regular expressions or regex are
* %a for an Actor or Ally
* %e for an Enemy
* Note Tag: _party item_
* It allows your hero uses an item on all of his or her allies while preventing
* the Battle Log from repeating itself over and over again.
* You can customize the KMessageTarget.party_as_target string if necessary.
function KMessageTarget() {
throw new Error('This is a static class');
KMessageTarget.item_list = [1, 6];
KMessageTarget.actor_regex = /%a/i;
KMessageTarget.enemy_regex = /%e/i;
KMessageTarget.no_target_item = / on %a/i;
KMessageTarget.party_item = /_party item_/i;
KMessageTarget.party_as_target = "the party";
Window_BattleLog.prototype.displaySkillTargets = function(s_name, item, targets) {
let target = 0;
let msg = "";
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
target = targets[i];
if (item.message1) {
msg = s_name + item.message1.format(item.name);
msg = msg.replace(KMessageTarget.actor_regex, target.name());
msg = msg.replace(KMessageTarget.enemy_regex, target.name());
this.push('addText', msg);
if (item.message2) {
this.push('addText', item.message2.format(item.name));
Window_BattleLog.prototype.processNames = function(s_name, item, t_name) {
let msg = TextManager.useItem.format(s_name, item.name);
if (!KMessageTarget.item_list.includes(item.id)) {
msg = msg.replace(KMessageTarget.no_target_item, "");
msg = msg.replace(KMessageTarget.actor_regex, t_name);
this.push('addText', msg);
Window_BattleLog.prototype.displayItemTargets = function(s_name, item, targets) {
if ( KMessageTarget.party_item.exec(item.note) ) {
this.processNames(s_name, item, KMessageTarget.party_as_target);
let target = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
target = targets[i];
this.processNames(s_name, item, target.name());
Window_BattleLog.prototype.displayAction = function(subject, item, targets) {
let numMethods = this._methods.length;
if (DataManager.isSkill(item)) {
this.displaySkillTargets(subject.name(), item, targets);
} else {
this.displayItemTargets(subject.name(), item, targets);
if (this._methods.length === numMethods) {
Window_BattleLog.prototype.startAction = function(subject, action, targets) {
let item = action.item();
this.push('performActionStart', subject, action);
this.push('performAction', subject, action);
this.push('showAnimation', subject, targets.clone(), item.animationId);
this.displayAction(subject, item, targets);
Side Note: There should be another regex that I could have used there, yet, I preferred to use a very specific one that people could quickly interpret as an enemy's name if they ever find it in the message box. We could say it's a very friendly reminder of what it actually stands for.
Terms & Conditions
Free as in beer.
Include my nickname in your game credits.
Read the instructions.
Do not repost it.