02-08-2023, 05:29 AM
KDescXtraLines ACE
by Kyonides
Did you ever feel the need to add more description lines to your hero's status?
Did you resize the screen?
Then this is the perfect scriptlet for you!
Please read the comments embedded in the scriptlet!
The Script
# * KDescXtraLines ACE * #
# Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
# 2023-02-07
# Add More Lines to Your Hero's Description!
# Use the <desc> tag to mark the beginning and end of your description lines.
# - Note Tag Usage Example - #
# <desc>
# Line 1
# <desc>
class Window_Status
alias :kyon_desc_xtra_ln_win_stts_draw_desc :draw_description
def draw_description(dx, dy)
kyon_desc_xtra_ln_win_stts_draw_desc(dx, dy)
lines = @actor.actor.note.split(/<desc>/i)[1]
draw_extra_lines(dx, dy, lines) unless lines.nil? or lines.empty?
def draw_extra_lines(dx, dy, lines)
lines = lines.split("\n")[1..-1]
total = lines.size
lh = line_height
ly = dy + 2 * lh
cw = contents.width
total.times do |n|
contents.draw_text(dx, ly + lh * n, cw, lh, lines[n])
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Free as in beer.
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