12-10-2023, 05:54 AM
Fukuyama Spriteset Consistancy
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
Fukuyama's classic Train Actor from 2015 is one of the oldest caterpillar, or party-following systems, that has existed for RPGMaker XP. However, the following party members were never an active part of the Spriteset called by the map system. It never needed to.
However any other instance needing to ustilize the spriteset command, such as a custom menu or combat system with the current field map in the background, did not show the additional party members. The traditional call of "Spriteset.new" to capture the screen had nothing to accommodate the following party members.
Hence, this new script. A simple script that merely adds the Fukuyama Train Actor caterpillar actors into the Spriteset. Fine for any who need the party to be visible in frozen Spriteset screens.
Ye Patch
# ** Fukuyama Spriteset Consistancy
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 12-09-2023 (mm/dd/yyyy)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# =============
# Fukuyama's classic Train Actor from 2015 is one of the oldest cater-
# pillar, or party-following systems, that has existed for RPGMaker XP.
# However, the following party members were never an active part of the
# Spriteset called by the map system. It never needed to.
# However any other instance needing to ustilize the spriteset command,
# such as a custom menu or combat system with the current field map in
# the background, did not show the additional party members. The tradi-
# tional call of "Spriteset.new" to capture the screen had nothing to
# accommodate the following party members.
# Hence, this new script. A simple script that merely adds the Fuku-
# yama Train Actor caterpillar actors into the Spriteset. Fine for any
# who need the party to be visible in frozen Spriteset screens.
# =============
# Install this script below the Fukuyama Train Actor script.
# Designed as a patch for those who use the Fukuyama 'Train Actor' script.
# But the patch only attaches/aliases new code, and performs no rewrites
# on its own.
# Free for use, even in commercial games. Due credits to both myself and
# to Fukuyama are required.
# ** Spriteset_Map
# This class brings together map screen sprites, tilemaps, etc.
# It's used within the Scene_Map class.
class Spriteset_Map
# * Alias Listings
alias dvv_fukuyama_train_actor_patch_init initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Test if the Fukuyama "Train Actor" script is in use
fukuyama = false
fukuyama = true if defined?(setup_actor_character_sprites?)
# Exit if Train Actor is not in use
return unless fukuyama == true
# Cycle through all fukuyama characters
for fuku_actors in $game_party.characters
@character_sprites.push(Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, fuku_actors))
# Again, update
Install this script below the Fukuyama Train Actor script.
Designed as a patch for those who use the Fukuyama 'Train Actor' script. But the patch only attaches/aliases new code, and performs no rewrites on its own.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. Due credits to both myself and to Fukuyama are required.