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Tileset ID Checker

by Kyonides


Do you need to check if the current tileset is good for your heroes?
Or perhaps you need to make sure it is as dangerous as possible after the heroes messed up with some poor Witch witches?

Well, now you can do that via a script call! Grinning

The Script

# * Tileset ID Checker XP & ACE * #
#  Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#  2024-02-21

# * Script Call * #
# $game_map.tileset?(TilesetID)

class Game_Map
  def tileset?(t_id)
    @map.tileset_id == t_id


Q: Why isn't there a VX port as well? Thinking 
A: Because VX only has a single tileset for the entire game! Tongue sticking out

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in ANY game.
Due credit is optional in this case. Happy with a sweat
That's it! Tongue sticking out