03-12-2024, 08:40 PM
Saumon's Enemy Reveals
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden until revealed during battle. This useful for battles where a boss enemy may be one to summon underlings to fight.
This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden This assumes that all enemies are defined within the appropriate Troops page. But once done, it is a simple matter to update the TROOP array in the Saumon_Reveal configuration module.
# ** Saumon's Enemy Reveals
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 03-12-2024 (mm/dd/yyyy)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden
# until revealed during battle. This useful for battles where a boss enemy
# may be one to summon underlings to fight.
# This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden
# This assumes that all enemies are defined within the appropriate Troops
# page. But once done, it is a simple matter to update the TROOP array in
# the Saumon_Reveal configuration module.
# Place this script below Scene_Debug and above Main. Then configure the
# TROOPS hash array for any battles needed.
# This is relatively simple.
# TROOP[key] = [ collection of enemy/anim arrays ]
# Each TROOP entry has a key, this key is the ID of the Troop within the
# RMXP database. Each Troop entry is also assigned an array that has one
# or more enemy/animation arrays within.
# TROOP[12] = [ [0,49], [2,16] ]
# The above example TROOP entry will alter Troop #12, the battle with three
# Cockatrice. I t will hide the 1st and 3rd (assuming enemy index 0 and 2),
# and give each enemy its own animation when revealed. The first enemy
# will have a 'Darkness 2' animation (49) played while the third enemy will
# play the 'HP Recovery 2' animation when revealed.
# DO NOTE: An animation ID must be given. IF you do not wish an enemy to
# have an animation, supply '0' as the animation ID instead.
# There are really only two, and very easy to understand, And the script
# will already recognize which troop is currently in battle.
# NOTE: If used in battle with a Troop not defined, they will not work.
# * battle_reveal_id(member_index)
# ------------------------------
# This command will reveal a single enemy that has been hidden. It goes
# by the 'member_index' which assumes the first enemy defined within
# the troop is enemy #0. This assumes the order in which the enemies
# are shown and not the ID of the enemy within the Enemy Database.
# Ex: battle_reveal_id 1
# This reveals the 2nd enemy in the troop, not the first.
# * battle_reveal_all
# ------------------
# This command will reveal all currently hidden/concealed enemies defined
# for this troop. If any enemies were previous revealeda and then killed,
# they will not accidentally re-appear.
# Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems. It doesn't rewrite any methods
# in the system.
# Thanks to Saumon of Save-Point.Org for the simple request.
# Free for use, even in commercial games. Only due credit is required, for
# both myself and Saumon who put forth the request
module Saumon_Reveal
TROOP = {} # Do not touch
# =========== =========================
TROOP[1] = [ [0,16] ]
# ** Game_Enemy
# This class handles enemies. It's used within the Game_Troop class
# ($game_troop).
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :member_index # index of enemy within a given troop
# ** Game_Troop
# This class deals with troops. Refer to "$game_troop" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_Troop
# * Alias Listings
alias game_troop_saumon_reveal_setup setup
# * Setup
# troop_id : troop ID
def setup(troop_id)
@troops_hidden_summon = []
# Perform the original method
# Exit unless for a defined troop
return unless Saumon_Reveal::TROOP.has_key?(troop_id)
# Acquire list of concealed enemies
list = Saumon_Reveal::TROOP[troop_id]
for id in list
# Cycle through enemies
for enemy in list
id = enemy[0]
next if @enemies[id].nil? # Skip if enemy invalid
@enemies[id].hidden = true # Make hidden
@enemies[id].hp = 0 # Erase HP to make untargetable
# * Reveal all enemies within a troop
# troop_id : troop ID
def reveal_all(troop_id)
# Exit unless for a defined troop
return unless Saumon_Reveal::TROOP.has_key?(troop_id)
# Acquire current troop data
troop = $data_troops[troop_id]
# Cycle through entire troop
for enemy_id in 0...troop.members.size
reveal_id(troop_id, enemy_id)
# * Reveal an enemy within a troop by its id
# troop_id : troop ID
# enemy_id : enemy ID
def reveal_id(troop_id, enemy_id)
# Exit unless for a defined troop
return unless Saumon_Reveal::TROOP.has_key?(troop_id)
# Exit unless enemy is in concealed list
return unless @troops_hidden_summon.include?(enemy_id)
# Define default ID push
temp_array = [0,0]
# Using configured list...
list = Saumon_Reveal::TROOP[troop_id]
# Cycle through the list
for arrays in list
# and define the proper enemy/animation array
temp_array = arrays if arrays[0] == enemy_id
troop = $data_troops[troop_id] # Get troop data
temp = Game_Enemy.new(troop_id, enemy_id) # Get enemy data from troop
@enemies[enemy_id].hp = temp.hp # Restore health from data
@enemies[enemy_id].hidden = false # Make visible
@troops_hidden_summon.delete(enemy_id) # Erase from list
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
# * Reveal all summonnable or concealed enemies
def battle_reveal_all
id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
# * Reveal summonnable or concealed enemy by ID
# enemy_id : enemy ID
def battle_reveal_id(enemy_id)
id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
$game_troop.reveal_id(id, enemy_id)
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :reveal_ids # enemy id/animation combinations
# * Alias Listings
alias scene_battle_saumon_reveal_main main
alias scene_battle_saumon_reveal_setup_battle_event setup_battle_event
# * Main Processing
def main
# Create the id/animation combo array
@reveal_ids = []
# Perform the original method
# * Battle Event Setup
def setup_battle_event
# Perform the original method
# Cycle through the id/animation combo array
for id in @reveal_ids
# Acquire individual enemy and animations
enemy_id = id[0]
enemy_anim = id[1]
# Cycle through current troops
for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
# Skip if stored enemy ID not a match
next unless enemy.member_index == enemy_id
# Apply stored animation to enemy and pop the animation
enemy.animation_id = enemy_anim
enemy.damage_pop = true
# Erase the array for the next round/turn
@reveal_ids = []
Plenty, and within the script.
Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems. It doesn't rewrite any methods in the system.
Credits and Thanks
Thanks to Saumon of Save-Point.Org for the simple request.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. Only due credit is required, for both myself and Saumon who put forth the request