Hello hello! I'm known as Schezoroark and I've recently picked up RMXP thank to a giveaway. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to scripts so here I am looking to pick people's scripts to learn how things work. What I AM good at though, is graphic design, and I hope to utilize those skills!
Plus, this place is one of the few bastions I've found that has RMXP scripts, because a lot of people moved on from such an old version...
*HOWUU!!!* (Translation from Lycan: Greetings! )
Yeah, there's always those that try to always push the next 'new' thing and discard the old. And you may have noticed that this bastion (I love that word) also archived a couple other sites now gone.
As a scripter, I still say this: the actual skill needed to control the flow of the game is by the use of the events. And eventer can create many a glorious thing that some thought impossible before. In the days of RPGMaker 2000, I saw side-view battles reminiscent of Final Fantasy VI, and Zelda-esque ABS systems.
If you are graphically oriented, do you have any particular artistic skill connected to game development? Portrait artist, animated pixelartist, tileset and environmental artist? Or perhaps more foley and sound effects?
I can do portraits to an extent to some extent, but I can't help but want to give the menu design a facelift. While I do have a ragtag group of friends wanting to develop games, sometimes I wanna do something on the side as a personal project.
Oh heck yes you have an anime PFP. YOU'RE MEETING ALL OF MY STANDARDS!
Welcome to Save-point, i'm the resident garbage gremlin / chaos goddess. Glad you could make it. If you want some more social from DerVVulfman, myself and the other silly goobers here, you're more than welcome to join our discord which can be accessed from the navigation bar at the top-right of the forum. between [[BBCode]] and [[Search]]!
Either way, I look most forward to seeing your progress~