06-27-2024, 05:12 AM
Dear friends,
Some months ago, I was given word that another RPGMaker indie game development forum in trouble. The site going blank from time to time, those who were technical staff that could repair no longer present, and an increasingly large trove of content under threat of total loss; I was recognized as perhaps the one person who could possibly rescue a decade-long collection.
There was certainly more than a hint that this work was being performed, the thread I made this past November of the Arduous Work Performed clearly noting the unstable condition of RPG Maker Central and the beginning of my labours. But at long last, the first stage of saving its content is now complete. But the work itself is not.
RPG Maker Central had Gigabytes of graphics to salvage and over 100 forum index pages of scripts, each with over twenty script threads alone. Not all could be saved due to lost links (megaupload, imageshack, etc). And to acquire the scripts and plugins as expeditiously, I copied the entire web page of the plug-ins's thread. That is with the exception of content already available within Save-Point, work by kyonides and DoubleX simply glossed over.
However, that provided the issue of 'bloat', and the second stage demands conversion of the web pages into a more amicable format. In essence, the individual web pages salvaged are being converted into a text file holding the basic BBCode (Bulletin Board Code) of the page. OR, at least a quickly reproduced facsimile. As such, a webpage of 2.5MB may be reduced to merely 10KB.
But now...
I have now unveiled a new forum within the Archives Board, the "RPG Maker Central" forum. Initially designed to hold all salvaged resources, I have uploaded one 24MB collection of scripts/plugins saved. Some content within the Zip file are graphic that belonged to the salvaged web pages. Other portions may be demos. But the bulk are .txt files, and that should suggest the massive number of scripts saved within the .zip file... well over 150.
And yet, that is only 10% of the plug-ins salvaged, nearly all RPGMaker MV and MZ.
It is intended that they will eventually be posted individually to fill the RPG Maker Central board properly. But due to additional work being performed, they are being presented in the current format. And no, reposting of said content on my behalf is not desired, this because of the additional work I am being performed.
So if you have an RPGMaker MV or MZ project, you may find something of interest.