08-08-2024, 01:25 AM
Resource Sifter
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
This script is a resource management utility tool designed to search your product and list any audio or graphic resoures no longer in use, or not being used by the base RPGMaker database and map system to be specific.
It does not have the capability to compare resources to content defined within custom scripts. Only that of the based/default systems and database are recognized.
![[Image: bullet-png-free-image-download-15.png]](https://freepngdownload.com/image/bullet-png-free-image-download-15.png)
There.... It's shot....
Here ya go
# ** Resource Sifter (XP)
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 08-07-2024 (MM-DD-YYYY)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# ============
# This script is a resource management utility tool designed to search your
# product and list any audio or graphic resoures no longer in use, or not
# being used by the base RPGMaker database and map system to be specific.
# It does not have the capability to compare resources to content defined
# within custom scripts. Only that of the based/default systems and data-
# base are recognized.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ============
# Place below Scene_Debug and above Main. If necessary, the configuration
# section is available to alter titles and headings if language differences
# exit. After that, just execute/run your project.
# There will be a temporary pause as the script gathers all your resources
# and stores them in memory. After that, it will go through your project's
# database and maps and erase from the memorized resource lists any files
# that match.
# When all searching hase been completed, a report will appear within your
# project's root folder, typically "Sifted Resources.txt" by default. This
# report will list all of the files that could not be found, and thus not
# used by your project.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# =======
# Some filenames may contain characters of which this script cannot account
# and will be unable to test. If any such files are encountered, they will
# be separated and may be found on the bottom of the report. The header for
# these files is "Cannot be used" by the configuration's default.
# The script will gather all your game's resources and store them in memo-
# ry before comparing them to resources defined/referenced in your game.
# Any resources in your project that are not defined in your game will be
# project folder for "Audio" not used in your game. That is to say, it will
# find if you have any extra/unnecessary audio files.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# =============
# Designed for RPGMaker XP and its default system/database layout. Custom
# scripts and systems other than RPGMaker XP are not taken into account.
# ==================
# This is a free-for-use design tool. However, due credit for its use would
# be appreciated.
# If ported to any other system by a scripter other than myself, I only ask
# for credit of the original concept, and a link be provides to this topic
# of origin: https://www.save-point.org/thread-8991.html
# ** Resource_Sifter
# This portion of the Resource Sifter module holds the words/dialogue used
# within the generated report.
module Resource_Sifter
# ========
# This is the name of the file generated and saved in your project's folder.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILENAME = "Sifted Resources.txt"
# =====================
# This is a single line of text that will appear in the report if the script
# cannot find any resources unused by your project.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORDS_NO_CONTENT = "No content to report" # Text if all checks out
# ======================
# This is where you define the title of the report as it will appear at the
# top, and the smaller headings for the Audio and Graphic resources found.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORDS_AUDIO = "Audio" # Audio resources header
WORDS_GRAPHICS = "Graphics" # Graphic resources header
# ========================
# This is where you define the headings for the individual audio resources
# that may still exist within your project, but are unused. These headings
# should basically conform to the subfolders in the project's Audio folder.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORDS_BGM = "Background Music"
WORDS_BGS = "Background/Ambient Sound"
WORDS_ME = "Music Effects"
WORDS_SE = "Sound Effects"
# ===========================
# This is where you define the headings for the individual graphic resources
# that may still exist within your project, but are unused. These headings
# should basically conform to the subfolders in the project's Graphic folder.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORDS_ANIMATIONS = "Animation(s)"
WORDS_AUTOTILES = "Map Auto-Tile(s)"
WORDS_BATTLEBACKS = "Battleback(s)"
WORDS_BATTLERS = "Battler(s)"
WORDS_CHARACTERS = "Character Set(s)"
WORDS_FOGS = "Fog(s)"
WORDS_GAMEOVERS = "Gameover screen(s)"
WORDS_ICONS = "Icon(s)"
WORDS_PANORAMAS = "Panorama(s)"
WORDS_PICTURES = "Picture(s)"
WORDS_TILESETS = "Map Tileset(s)"
WORDS_TITLES = "Title Screen(s)"
WORDS_TRANSITIONS = "Transition(s)"
WORDS_WINDOWSKINS = "Windowskin(s)"
# ==========================
# This is where you define the headings for the individual resources whose
# filename may contain illegal characters that this script is unable to test.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
WORDS_INVALID = "Cannot be used"
# ** Resource_Sifter
# This portion of the Resource Sifter module is the executable code. It is not
# to be altered or edited. All editing takes place in the above section.
module Resource_Sifter
# * Invariables
GFX = ['@system_l.gameover_name', '@system_l.title_name',
'@system_l.battle_transition', '@system_l.windowskin_name',
'@system_l.title_bgm.name', '@system_l.battle_bgm.name',
'@system_l.battle_end_me.name', '@system_l.gameover_me.name']
SFX = ['@system_l.cursor_se.name', '@system_l.decision_se.name',
'@system_l.cancel_se.name', '@system_l.buzzer_se.name',
'@system_l.equip_se.name', '@system_l.shop_se.name',
'@system_l.save_se.name', '@system_l.load_se.name',
'@system_l.battle_start_se.name', '@system_l.escape_se.name',
'@system_l.actor_collapse_se.name', '@system_l.enemy_collapse_se.name']
# * Main Processing
def self.main
setup # Setup data
update # Update/Process tests
output # Output result(s)
# * Main Proccing Commands
# * Setup
def self.setup
setup_database # Load editor database
setup_arrays # Create resource arrays
setup_files # Load resources
# * Update and perform searches
def self.update
search_actors # Search actor database
search_animations # Search animations database
search_common # Search common events
search_enemy # Search enemy database
search_icons # Search databases for Icons
search_map # Search map content
search_se # Search databased for SE
search_system # Search system database
search_tiles # Search tileset database
# * Output Content
def self.output
# Open the file with the defined filename
filename = Resource_Sifter::FILENAME
f = File.new(filename, "w+")
# Generate Title Header
output_header(f, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_TITLE, true )
# Empty report if no viable content
unless output_test
output_text(f, "")
output_text(f, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_NO_CONTENT)
# * Setup Commands
# * Setup (when gaining access to the RMXP database)
def self.setup_database
@actor_l = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
@anim_l = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
@armor_l = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
@common_l = load_data("Data/CommonEvents.rxdata")
@enemy_l = load_data("Data/Enemies.rxdata")
@item_l = load_data("Data/Items.rxdata")
@skill_l = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
@tiles_l = load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
@troop_l = load_data("Data/Troops.rxdata")
@map_l = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
@system_l = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
@weapon_l = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
# * Setup (when creating the empty resource arrays)
def self.setup_arrays
# Audio
@root_bgm = [] # Background music
@root_bgs = [] # Ambient background sound
@root_me = [] # Music effects
@root_se = [] # Sound effects
# Graphics
@root_anims = [] # Animations
@root_auto = [] # Autotiles
@root_backs = [] # Battlebacks
@root_batt = [] # Battlers
@root_chars = [] # Characters
@root_fogs = [] # Fogs
@root_g_over = [] # Game Over
@root_icons = [] # Icons
@root_pan = [] # Panoramas
@root_pics = [] # Pictures
@root_tiles = [] # Tilesets
@root_title = [] # Title
@root_trans = [] # Transition
@root_w_skin = [] # Windowskin
@invalid = [] # Cannot be validated
# * Setup (when loading all resource content)
def self.setup_files
# Audio
setup_file_load(@root_bgm, "Audio/BGM/*")
setup_file_load(@root_bgs, "Audio/BGS/*")
setup_file_load(@root_me, "Audio/ME/*")
setup_file_load(@root_se, "Audio/SE/*")
# Graphics
setup_file_load(@root_anims, "Graphics/Animations/*")
setup_file_load(@root_auto, "Graphics/Autotiles/*")
setup_file_load(@root_backs, "Graphics/Battlebacks/*")
setup_file_load(@root_batt, "Graphics/Battlers/*")
setup_file_load(@root_chars, "Graphics/Characters/*")
setup_file_load(@root_fogs, "Graphics/Fogs/*")
setup_file_load(@root_g_over, "Graphics/Gameovers/*")
setup_file_load(@root_icons, "Graphics/Icons/*")
setup_file_load(@root_pan, "Graphics/Panoramas/*")
setup_file_load(@root_pics, "Graphics/Pictures/*")
setup_file_load(@root_tiles, "Graphics/Tilesets/*")
setup_file_load(@root_title, "Graphics/Titles/*")
setup_file_load(@root_trans, "Graphics/Transitions/*")
setup_file_load(@root_w_skin, "Graphics/Windowskins/*")
# * Setup (when acquiring files from a game resource folder)
# pathway_list : pathway specific resource array
# path_test : the folder path for a resource
def self.setup_file_load(pathway_list, path_test)
path_len = (path_test.length) -1 # Get pathway length (minus *)
for name in Dir[path_test] # Cycle through root folder
unless FileTest.exist?(name) # If cannot be tested
@invalid.push(name) # Push into untestable array
next # And skip to next
next if File.stat(name).directory? # If NOT a subfolder
name_len = name.length # Get filename's length
name_len -= path_len # Shorten length by path length
name = name.slice(path_len, name_len) # Trim the audio name
pathway_list.push(name) # Push into the root path list
# * Update Search Commands
# * Actor Database Search
def self.search_actors
for actor in @actor_l # Cycle through actors
next if actor.nil? # Skip invalid actor
test_char(actor.character_name) # Test Character
test_battler(actor.battler_name) # Test Battler
# * Animation Database Search
def self.search_animations
for anim in @anim_l # Cycle through animations
next if anim.nil? # Skip invalid animation
test_anim(anim.animation_name) # Test animation
times = anim.timings # Acquire timing for animation
for timed in times # Cycle through timing
next if timed.nil? # Skip invalid timing
test_se(timed.se.name) # Test SE
# * Common Events Database Search
def self.search_common
for event in @common_l # Cycle through all common events
next if event.nil? # Skip invalid event
list = event.list # Get list of commands
search_events(list) #`Search every item in the event
# * Enemy Database Search
def self.search_enemy
for enemy in @enemy_l # Cycle through enemies
next if enemy.nil? # Skip invalid enemy
test_battler(enemy.battler_name) # Test Battler
# * Icons Search (Multiple Databases)
def self.search_icons
sift_icons(@armor_l) # Armor database
sift_icons(@item_l) # Item database
sift_icons(@skill_l) # Skill database
sift_icons(@weapon_l) # Weapon database
# * Map Database Search
def self.search_map
for map in @map_l # Cycle through all maps
id = map[0] # Get the map ID
text = "Data/Map%03d.rxdata" # Define the Map file structure
filename = sprintf(text, id) # Get the formatted map filename
map_data = load_data(filename) # Get the map data
sift_map_params(map_data) # Search through map parameters
sift_map_events(map_data) # Search through map events
# * SE Search (Multiple Databases)
def self.search_se
sift_se(@item_l) # Item Database
sift_se(@skill_l) # Skill Database
# * System Database Search
def self.search_system
test_gameover(eval(GFX[0])) # Test Gameover screen
test_title(eval(GFX[1])) # Test Title screen
test_trans(eval(GFX[2])) # Test Transitions
test_windowskin(eval(GFX[3])) # Test Windowskin
test_bgm(eval(GFX[4])) # Test Title Screen BGM
test_bgm(eval(GFX[5])) # Test Battle BGM
test_me(eval(GFX[6])) # Test Battle End ME
test_me(eval(GFX[7])) # Test Gameover ME
for item in SFX # Cycle through all System Sfx
test_se(eval(item)) # Test each Sound Effect
# * Tileset Database Search
def self.search_tiles
for tile in @tiles_l # Cycle through all tilesets
next if tile.nil? # Skip if no tile data
autotiles = tile.autotile_names # Grab autotile names
for auto in autotiles # Cycle through all autotiles
test_auto(auto) # Test autotile
test_panoramas(tile.panorama_name) # Test Panorama
test_fogs(tile.fog_name) # Test Fogs
test_battlebacks(tile.battleback_name) # Test Battlebacks
test_tiles(tile.tileset_name) # Test Tileset
# * Update Sift Commands (executed by searches)
# * Sift through database Icons
# list : list of database objects
def self.sift_icons(list)
for list_item in list # Cycle through all items in list
next if list_item.nil? # Skip if item invalid
test_icons(list_item.icon_name) # Test Icon
# * Sift through map events
# map_data : data acquired from a single map
def self.sift_map_events(map_data)
events = {} # Create the Event hash array
for i in map_data.events.keys # Sort through map events
events[i] = map_data.events[i] # Fill testable Event hash array
for event in events # Sort through the Event array
for page in event[1].pages.reverse # Sort through Event Pages
char = page.graphic.character_name # Get character
test_char(char) # Test Character
list = page.list # Get the list of commands
search_events(list) # Execute resource item search
# * Sift through map parameters
# map_data : data acquired from a single map
def self.sift_map_params(map_data)
test_bgm(map_data.bgm.name) # Test the map's auto-run BGM
test_bgs(map_data.bgs.name) # Test the map's auto-run BGS
# * Sift through database SEs
# list : list of database objects
def self.sift_se(list)
for list_item in list # Cycle through all items in list
next if list_item.nil? # Skip if item invalid
test_se(list_item.menu_se.name) # Test SE
# * Update Map Event Search
# * Map Database Search (when sifting through each event command)
def self.search_events(list)
for list_item in list # Cycle through all items in list
item_0 = list_item.parameters[0] # Get the item
item_1 = list_item.parameters[1] # Get the item
case list_item.code # Branch by item's event code
when 131 ; test_windowskin(item_0) # Test Windowskin
when 132 ; test_bgm(item_0.name) # Test Battle BGM
when 133 ; test_me(item_0.name) # Test Battle End ME
when 204 ; search_ev_204(list_item) # Test Map Settings
when 209 ; search_ev_209(list_item) # Test Move Route
when 222 ; test_trans(item_0) # Test Transition
when 231 ; test_pictures(item_1) # Test Picture
when 241 ; test_bgm(item_0.name) # Test BGM
when 245 ; test_bgs(item_0.name) # Test BGS
when 249 ; test_me(item_0.name) # Test ME
when 250 ; test_se(item_0.name) # Test SE
when 322 ; search_ev_322(list_item) # Test Actor Graphic
# * Map Database Search (when changing the map settings)
def self.search_ev_204(list_item)
item_0 = list_item.parameters[0] # Get the item
item_1 = list_item.parameters[1] # Get the item
case item_0
when 0 ; test_panoramas(item_1) # Test Panoramas
when 1 ; test_fogs(item_1) # Test Fogs
when 2 ; test_battlebacks(item_1) # Test Battlebacks
# * Map Database Search (when sifting through the move route command)
def self.search_ev_209(list_item)
move_l = list_item.parameters[1].list # Get the move route command list
for move_item in move_l # Cycle through
item_0 = move_item.parameters[0] # Get the item
case move_item.code # Branch by item's event code
when 41 ; test_char(item_0) # Test Characterset
when 44 ; test_se(item_0.name) # Test SE
# * Map Database Search (when sifting through the change actor command)
def self.search_ev_322(list_item)
move_l = list_item.parameters[1].list # Get the character
move_3 = list_item.parameters[1].list # Get the battler
test_char(item_1) # Test Character
test_battler(item_3) # Test Battler
# * Tests : Audio
# * Test BGM Audio resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_bgm(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_bgm, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test BGS Audio resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_bgs(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_bgs, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test ME Audio resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_me(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_me, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test SE Audio resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_se(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_se, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Tests : Graphic
# * Test Animation Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_anim(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_anims, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Pictures Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_auto(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_auto, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Pictures Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_battlebacks(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_backs, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Battler Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_battler(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_batt, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Character Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_char(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_chars, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Fog Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_fogs(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_fogs, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test GameOver Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_gameover(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_g_over, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Icon Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_icons(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_icons, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Panorama Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_panoramas(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_pan, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Pictures Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_pictures(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_pics, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Pictures Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_tiles(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_tiles, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Title Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_title(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_title, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Transition Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_trans(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_trans, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Test Windowskin Graphic resource and remove from list
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_windowskin(filename)
return if filename.nil? # Exit if no file
return if filename. == '' # Exit if empty filename
test_resource(@root_w_skin, filename) # Perform resource test
# * Tests : Resource Test
# * Test resource and remove from list
# pathway_list : pathway specific resource array
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_resource(pathway_list, filename)
temp_list = pathway_list # Create copy of pathway list
new_list = [] # Create a new list array
for item in temp_list # Cycle through entire list
item = test_resource_strip(item) # Strip file extenions for test
new_list.push(item) # Push the stripped file
unless new_list.include?(filename) # If file isn't in the new list
return pathway_list # Exit method with pathway list
idx = new_list.index(filename) # Get index position
pathway_list.delete_at(idx) # Delete at index position
return pathway_list # Exit with updated pathway list
# * Strip extension from filename for testing purposes
# filename : name of the resource to test
def self.test_resource_strip(filename)
return filename if filename.nil? # Exit if not valid
return filename if filename == "" # Exit if empty name
idx = filename.rindex('.') # Find extension
return filename if idx.nil? # Exit if no extension
filename = filename.slice(0,idx) # Strip extension
return filename # Exit with updated filename
# * Output text to a file
# file_id : ID of file which to write
# text : text to output
# center_just : if text is center justified (in 80 column output)
def self.output_header(file_id, text, center_just=false)
header = text
len = header.length
margin = (80-len)/2
margin = 0 unless center_just
output_txt = (" " * margin) + header
output_text(file_id, output_txt)
header = "=" * len
margin = 0 unless center_just
output_txt = (" " * margin) + header
output_text(file_id, output_txt)
# * Determine if text present to output
def self.output_test
effective = false
effective = true if @root_anims != []
effective = true if @root_auto != []
effective = true if @root_backs != []
effective = true if @root_batt != []
effective = true if @root_chars != []
effective = true if @root_fogs != []
effective = true if @root_g_over != []
effective = true if @root_icons != []
effective = true if @root_pan != []
effective = true if @root_pics != []
effective = true if @root_tiles != []
effective = true if @root_title != []
effective = true if @root_trans != []
effective = true if @root_w_skin != []
effective = true if @root_bgm != []
effective = true if @root_bgs != []
effective = true if @root_me != []
effective = true if @root_se != []
effective = true if @invalid != []
return effective
# * Output main body report to the file
# file_id : ID of file which to write
def self.output_body(file_id)
# Generate Audio Header
output_text(file_id, "")
output_header(file_id, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_AUDIO)
output_text(file_id, "")
output_to_file(file_id, @root_bgm, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_BGM)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_bgs, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_BGS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_me, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_ME)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_se, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_SE)
# Generate Graphic Header
output_text(file_id, "")
output_header(file_id, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_GRAPHICS)
output_text(file_id, "")
output_to_file(file_id, @root_anims, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_ANIMATIONS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_auto, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_AUTOTILES)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_backs, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_BATTLEBACKS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_batt, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_BATTLERS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_chars, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_CHARACTERS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_fogs, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_FOGS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_g_over, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_GAMEOVERS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_icons, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_ICONS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_pan, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_PANORAMAS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_pics, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_PICTURES)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_tiles, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_TILESETS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_title, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_TITLES)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_trans, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_TRANSITIONS)
output_to_file(file_id, @root_w_skin, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_WINDOWSKINS)
output_text(file_id, "")
output_text(file_id, "")
output_to_file(file_id, @invalid, Resource_Sifter::WORDS_INVALID)
# * Output specific line of text to a file
# file_id : ID of file which to write
# text : text to output
def self.output_text(file_id, text)
file_id.puts text # Print text to file
# * Output generated content to a file
# file_id : ID of file which to write
# pathway_list : pathway specific resource array
# text : text to output
def self.output_to_file(file_id, pathway_list, text="")
return if pathway_list.nil? # Exit if no list
return if pathway_list == [] # Exit if empty list
file_id.puts text # Print text to file
text = "-" * 80 # Create horizontal dash line
file_id.puts text # Print text to file
for resource_name in pathway_list # Cycle through all resources
file_id.puts resource_name # Print resource name to file
file_id.puts " " # Print Spacer
# * Execution Command
Place below Scene_Debug and above Main. If necessary, the configuration section is available to alter titles and headings if language differences exit. After that, just execute/run your project.
Designed for RPGMaker XP and its default system/database layout. Custom scripts and systems other than RPGMaker XP are not taken into account.
Terms and Conditions
This is a free-for-use design tool. However, due credit for its use would be appreciated.
If ported to any other system by a scripter other than myself, I only ask for credit of the original concept, and a link be provides to this topic of origin.
If any do create ports of this script, I would indeed provide links to those ports right here.