
Full Version: The Wanderers: The Customizable Encounters System
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The Wanderers
The Customizable Encounters System

Version: 1.0


For many, the idea of wandering encounters is a staple among RPG games, be it Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Dragon Quest or the like.  And the creators of the RPGMaker engine recognized this.  However, the enemies encountered per map with RPGMaker line of engines were fixed. Changes were not possible.

The Wanderers fixes this issue. It allows the game developer to define one or more encounter lists per map, and connect these encounters to the basic RPGMaker Variable system. If enemies get stronger after completing quests, a switch can turn on a new encounter list with stronger troops. And if the big bad evil guy in a castle was defeated, another switch can turn on another encounter list that is empty... to ensure no more monsters show up.

  • Ability to set new encounters per map by way of configured settings:
    • Encounters can be changed by RPGMaker switches in each encounter set
    • Each encounter set can have its own set of troops and steps count
    • If a map has no configured encounter set, the default values are used
  • BONUS: Revised Game_Switches methods:
    • Updating game switches will automatically refresh the game map
    • Updating game switches will automatically refresh encounter rates


The Wanderers


Paste below Scene Debug and above main.

Paste above KSteps2Doom by Kyonides-Arkanthes if it is in use. The encounter rate changes by KSteps2Doom will then function in tandem.

Configure as desired.


Designed for RPGMaker XP.
Rewrites Game_Switch methods.
Compatible with KSteps2Doom by Kyonides-Arkanthes.

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Free for use, even in commercial scripts. Due credit to all involved is the only requirement.