09-10-2019, 03:40 AM
OS Detection via Ruby
Version 1.2
Version 1.2
While most RPGMaker games are designed for users of the Windows Platform, not everyone who plays games are Windows users. So what of those custom scripts that use the Win32DLL? They won't work on their PCs! This scriptette will determine what OS the player is using. And if used properly, a scripter/coder can write something to turn off those custom Win32API dll systems (if possible for their game).
The Code
# ** OS Detection via Ruby v 1.2
# by DerVVulfman (09/09/2019) MM/DD/YYYY
# based on the work of Thomas Enebo (11/27/2012) MM/DD/YYYY
# ** Operating System Detection
# This module actively uses the RbConfig system to detect what operating
# system is in use. The below code is sound, the RbConfig used above is
# merely a snippet of the whole.
# Refer to OS_Detect.execute to perform detection operation
# Refer to OS_Detect.version to acquire OS after generation
module OS_Detect
# * Methods/Functions Executable From Outside Call
# * Object Execution
def execute
# Only perform if not F12 Reset
if $@.nil?
# Set Default
@version = :unknown
@os ||= (
case host_os
when /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince|emc/
@version = :windows
when /darwin|mac os/
@version = :macosx
when /linux/
@version = :linux
when /solaris|bsd/
@version = :unix
# * Get OS version (:windows, :macosz, :linux, :unix, :unknown)
def version
return @version
Example Calls
OS_Detect.execute to generate it.
p OS_Detect.version to print it after generating.
This generates the result of :windows for most users
Normally, if you run RUBY_PLATFORM while using Java, your response would always be 'Java'.... even if running Mac or Windows. This version instead demands a comparison and should distinguish even if running Java as well.
Since it contains no modules or classes, it should work with all Ruby-Based RPGMaker Engines.
Credits and Thanks
Well, to enough people at stackoverflow that said not to use the RUBY_PLATFORM command. But specific thanks to Thomas Enebo at Stack Overflow that wrote the basis for this script. Not that he helped me figure out the RbConfig file.
Terms of Use
Free for use, even within commercial products. But due credit to both myself and Thomas Enebo is required.