
Full Version: Prevent Deactivation
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Prevent Deactivation
by KK20
Version: 1.1
* and Minor F12 fix added by DerVVulfman

When the game window is no longer the active window, it normally freezes the game from updating. This script will allow games to still run in the background.

This feature makes it so your game stays active and continues to run, even if you bring up another window or program.

  • Keeps the game running, even if you're running another program
  • Has options to turn on/off the prevention feature
  • Versions for Ruby 1.8 and newer Ruby 2.0+


The version for Ruby 1.9.2+
The version for RPGMaker VXAce

Required Attachment

Mainly, place the .DLL attached in your project's root directory and paste the script just above main after all other custom scripts.  Other instructions are in the script.

This was searched for by DerVVulfman, the request at RPGMakerWeb.Com posted and found right (>HERE<)

Designed for the RPGMaker engines, with two versions based on which version of Ruby/RGSS your engine is using.

Credits and Thanks
This script was designed by KK20, and with thanks to Jaiden for the toggle on/off feature request.

Terms and Conditions
Due credit for both KK20 and Jaiden is required.  Free for use in commercial projects.