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Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase of the average temperature on Earth. Many scientists agree and disagree with the theory that global warming is taking place. Many enviromentalists are taking charge and spreading the word about global warming. Many bussinesses also try to go green, to increase their sales and attract more costomers. What do you think?

  • Do you think global warming is real?
  • Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
  • Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
  • Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
  • Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?

This is a mature debate. No spam will be tolerated.
I guess I'll get it rolling.

Do you think global warming is real?

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
Depends on the definition of media. Al Gore? Certainly. The media? Not quite, although they do misrepresent certain aspects of global warming...
See: Businesses? Two words: energy corporations.

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
Yes: it's an excellent opportunity for energy independence AND...

Not completely related...

Not to mention here, in California, it would be quite an excellent business venture. And seeing as how unemployment is around... 12% or so, I'd say it'd be a good investment in job production.

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
Yes, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a bad thing. Just like the discovery of a heliocentric universe took a few people and a couple of executions to spread the word, so too will global warming. (Minus the execution part... I hope.)

Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
It'd say that it's part human, part nature. While It's TRUE that the climate naturally changes, it shouldn't be doing it at this rate:
[Image: huahuahuehua.gif]

And please, before anyone mentions 'climategate', you have to read this:
Quote:University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit Director Phil Jones wasn't "hiding" anything that wasn't already being openly discussed in scientific papers. He was using a "trick"—a technique—published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

This email exchange from 1999 seems to refer to scientists examining past climate data and communicating with one another about it. In particular, Jones is talking about how scientists compare temperature data from thermometers with temperature data derived from tree rings. Comparing that data allows scientists to derive past temperature data for several centuries before accurate thermometer measurements were available. The global average surface temperature since 1880 is based on thermometer and satellite temperature measurements.

The "trick" is actually a technique (in other words, a "trick of the trade") used in a peer-reviewed, academic science journal article published in 1998. "Hiding the decline," another phrase that has received much attention, refers to another technique used in another academic science journal article. In any case, no one was tricking anyone or hiding anything. Rather, this email exchange shows scientists communicating about different ways to look at the same data that were being discussed at the time in the peer-reviewed literature. Later the same data were discussed at length in a 2007 IPCC report.
Dude its REAL!!!!

the earth is now keeping too much radiation due to the green house effect!!!!!!!

This is a mature discussion thread. Do not spam. - PK8
Do you think global warming is real?
Yes. The earth is heating up; I don't really think someone can deny that. Of course that depends on how you define global warming, too.

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
Yes and no. I think some people are being stupid about it - usually the ones who claim we'll all die in a few years if we don't start recycling. But I think it's a genuine concern we should have and it's good that it occasionally gets media attention.

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
Absolutely. But my opinion has nothing to do with global warming. We're eventually going to run out of fossil fuels, so I think now would be a good time to switch to renewable energy. That would avoid a problem in the future. Also see Helel's picture of LA.

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
Yes and no. I don't think we should tax people for not switching to greener energy, but I think we should reward people who don't. It should be convenient to switch, not inconvenient to stay the same, in my opinion. :)

Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
I truly believe this is just a natural cycle. We're probably helping it a little, but I don't believe we have the ability to drastically change how our planet works. I might sound a little naive in saying that. I just don't see us a huge force. We're just another animal living here, from my point of view. Also keep in mind that I haven't seen any studies or graphs, nor do I trust them because they can be fudged to make one side look good. I generally don't trust humans, especially not when there's an organization behind them. >_>
Do you think global warming is real?
Yes. The data and science behind it is pretty sound. Not even the conservatives can deny it. However, I think that some people believe that it is happening way too fast. While I believe we can affect the environment with greenhouse gases, I doubt that we are only to blame with the recent warm cycle.

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
Sometimes yes. Those wanting to make a profit tend to overreact about it. It is happening, it can happen, but there are much more important things to broadcast in the news, like Tiger Woods and Octomom (I joke)

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
Yes. I work on a lake and let me tell you, it's disgusting. We as a society need to start recycling, switching to greener energy, and just overall being conscious of what we are doing not only to the environment but also the places we live in. It's gross living near a junkyard or landfill or near a lake that has been polluted like crazy in. To me, it's the same as not showering or keeping up with personal hygiene; it affects everyone around you!

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
No. It's pretty solidly proven. The degree to which it is happening is debatable. It's not being pushed enough sometimes.

Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
Global warming, by definition, is human caused. If it were nature, it would be a natural cycle. This current situation is a combination of both.
Global warming is actually NOT a proven fact, if you research into it you will find that just as many scientists argue against it as the amount who say it is fact. There is evidence to suggest that CO2 emissions have no bearing whatsoever on the heat of our planet, only effects caused by the sun. There is evidence to state that in previous years our temperature has been far hotter, these claims go back hundreds of years. You can find all of this scientific evidence simply by looking up the arguments against global warming on google. When you ask people why they believe in global warming they will usually say "because scientists say so", this is an ignorant approach and without looking into both sides you cannot declare fact and fiction.
Ask any scientist, the debate is not over and with science the debate never can be over. They are always looking into it. They say our sea levels are rising dramatically and yet our governments have as yet put up no defenses against rising sea levels. Most of the research as of yet has been done using models and simulations, it can be strongly argued that this is highly unrealistic
Sorry for a double post but the thread was dead for a day or 2, i just wanted to illustrate my point by bringing up this article i found online stating that as many as 15,000 scientists have now rejected the idea of global warming entirely. There are many articles that are similar.
It dosen't matter if "15,000 scientists have now rejected the idea of global warming entirely.", Do u like to breath C02 anyway?
I don't know if global warning it's cause of nature or the human's pollution, anyways, making pollution isn't good for us too.

Do you think global warming is real?
Ye sit's real, the world is heatting.

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
I don't know, probably.

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?

I just say this: Why not ?

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?

Not totally, I think than some part know as the world can warm, it can get cold too.

Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?

Maybe a combination from both sides.
Thats fair enough but you cant have the attitude that simply says "global warming is true so there", there is no solid evidence to suggest that carbon emissions can harm our planet in any way, there is even suggestion that if the planet does warm up it would be greatly beneficial to plants and wildlife. I don't believe any of it for a second and when the scientists who came up with the idea have a problem with their own theory it doesnt convince me one bit. Believe what you wish though, i would just hope that you actually take the time to read to scientific evidence that contradicts the theory before you shun the non believer lol

Oh and quick edit, any and all suggested solutions for the "global warming problem" are also protested against because they are crippling to the economy in how much money would need to be spent. Again look this up on the internet, its an interesting read.
I rage when it comes to serious business.

* Do you think global warming is real?
Yeah, if you at evidence provided around the media, you should know that it's bloody real
* Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
To the people that cares, yeah and this should be a serious matter to be looked upon.
* Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
We've been trying, most of us aren't trying hard enough to do so. Many alternative that are out there aren't doing the job or most people don't have the money to make it happen. (ie. Solar Panals)
* Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
It is, and it should, it was ignored for a long time, it's about time to seriously get this pushed to these twat's face
* Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
If nature was all that's left, then suddenly spontaneous combustion will kick in, but not like it will be at a rapid rate. But us, the human, grown by ignorance and stupidity, caused this, lookin back at the early times, and all the technologies we did a;pt pf screw up and completely ignored and continued this crap.
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