
Full Version: KSkillUnstable VX + ACE
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KSkillUnstable VX + ACE

by Kyonides


Do you want your heroes to learn unstable skills? Thinking 

Then this script will let you implement such a feature with ease. Two Thumbs Up! 

Just add Skill IDs to the UNSTABLE_SKILL_IDS array and that's it! Winking

What are the unstable skills?

They are a group of skills that will be excluded from a hero's list of skills randomly.

Optional Script Calls


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Free for use in non commercial games.
Due credit is mandatory!
Mention this forum in your game credits.
That's it! Tongue sticking out
The ACE Port Has Arrived!

Now even VX ACE users can enjoy Laughing the insecurity Confused of not knowing for certain if a given hero's skills will show up on the skill list next time he has to target his darn foe. Witch Ghost Golem