09-15-2024, 08:01 AM
KAppraise VX + ACE
version 1.1.1
by Kyonides
version 1.1.1
by Kyonides
Did you ever need a custom menu scene that could allow you to identify items?
Now this script will let you do it in a very convenient way!

You can even make a hero a "certified" appraiser as well!

2 Snapshots
![[Image: kappraisevx01.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/bYMhfVnb/kappraisevx01.jpg)
![[Image: kappraiseace01.jpg]](https://i.postimg.cc/NF7PZ6Pz/kappraiseace01.jpg)
You will need to configure some of its features via editing a TXT file called appraisals.txt
Appraisal Shops' Template
Store ID: 101
Expertise Level: 2
Purchases for Next Lvl: 20
Basic Cost: 50
Commission %: 20
Sell Item Price %: 50
Success Rate: 25
MAX Haggle Attempts: 0
Price Increase %: 0
MIN Purchase Price: 50
Cheat %: 5
Store ID: 102
Expertise Level: 5
Purchases for Next Lvl: 30
Basic Cost: 75
Commission %: 30
Sell Item Price %: 45
Success Rate: 40
MAX Haggle Attempts: 3
Price Increase %: 5
MIN Purchase Price: 100
Cheat %: 10
Store ID: 201
Expertise Level: 1
Purchases for Next Lvl: 25
Basic Cost: 25
Commission %: 10
Sell Item Price %: 40
Success Rate: 20
MAX Haggle Attempts: 1
Price Increase %: 5
MIN Purchase Price: 25
Cheat %: 0
Further Instructions for the VX port
# Find out what a mysterious item really is with this script!
# You do not need to call the new menu scene!
# In your game root directory create a file called appraisals.txt
# You may include as many appraisal shops there as needed.
# That temporary TXT file should not be distributed with your game.
# Now a hero might become a wandering appraiser! Just press a button on the
# map and you will see how the menu shows up effortless.
# Keep in mind that the hero must be an active party member.
# Since version 1.1.0 any appraiser can offer collectors' requests at their
# shops. They always have a maximum number of units to be purchased and they
# can be canceled via script call as well.
# The SHOPKEEPER_PIC_DIR Constant will allow you to choose the directory
# where the shopkeepers' pictures will be located.
# * Activation Steps * #
# 1. The event's name will be used as the shop's name.
# * For Events * #
# 2. Set the shop ID with a script call: KAppraise.setup_shop(ShopID)
# 3. Add shopping goods as usual.
# * For a Hero * #
# 2. Use the Hero as Appraiser Script Call (see below).
# 3. Add shopping goods as usual.
# In both cases you might need to add additional lists just in case any given
# appraiser reaches the highest level, i.e. 11 alias Master.
# * Script Call * #
# - Set or Change the Party's Appraisal Luck Rate:
# $game_party.appraisal_luck = Number
# $game_party.appraisal_luck += Number
# $game_party.appraisal_luck -= Number
# - Change the Current Shop's No. of Haggle Attempts - after Shop Setup!
# KAppraise.shop.haggle_max = Number
# - Change the Current Shop's Level of Expertise
# KAppraise.shop.level = Number between 0 through 10
# KAppraise.shop.level += Number
# KAppraise.shop.level -= Number
# - Make an Actor become an Appraiser
# actor = $game_actors[ActorID]
# actor.setup_appraiser(ShopCode, MapID, EventID)
# - Add a new Collector's Request
# Kind stands for :item or :weapon or :armor
# collector_request(Kind, ItemID, Number, Price, Increase %)
# - Remove a Collector's Request
# remove_collector_request(Kind, ItemID)
Terms & Conditions
Free for use in non commercial games. Inexpensive.
Contact me if you are going commercial.

Mention me in your game credits!

Do not repost it anywhere!