
Full Version: KExpBook VX + ACE
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by Kyonides


Yes, I know that this is a scriptlet but I thought that some of you might have been thinking about an easy way to make items become actual experience books that allow your heroes to earn some experience points. Well, here's my version of such a script.

All versions of my scriptlet will let you freeze or thaw an actor's experience gaining feature.
By default the experience gaining feature is enabled. (@exp_frozen = nil)

VX Version

You will need to use the following note tag: <exp 100>

Its value could be 100 or anything you game devs can come up with.

# * KExpBooK VX
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.0.0 - 2022-01-02

# Let items become books filled with experience points by adding a simple
# note tag! * Offer only valid for Actors aka Heroes! *
# You can also freeze the experience gaining feature at any given time.
# Item Note Example: <exp 500>

# This scriptlet is free as in beer and speech!

# * Script Calls * #

# - Get a Party Member
# actor = $game_party.members[ActorIndex]
# - Get an Actor listed in the DB
# actor = $game_actors[ActorID]

# - Freeze or Thaw the Experience Gaining Feature
# actor.exp_frozen = true or false # Default: nil (here the same as false)

module KExp
  BOOKS_NOTE = /<exp (\d+)>/i

class Game_Battler
  alias :kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_gr_fx :item_growth_effect
  alias :kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_fx? :item_effective?
  def item_growth_effect(user, item)
    if actor?
      book_exp = $1.to_i
      return gain_exp(book_exp, true) if book_exp > 0
    kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_gr_fx(user, item)

  def item_effective?(user, item)
    return !@exp_frozen if actor? and item.note[KExp::BOOKS_NOTE]
    kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_fx?(user, item)

class Game_Actor
  attr_accessor :exp_frozen

VX ACE Version

You will need to use the following note tag: <exp 100>

Its value could be 100 or anything you game devs can come up with.

# * KExpBooK ACE
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.0.0 - 2022-01-02

# Let items become books filled with experience points by adding a simple
# note tag! * Offer only valid for Actors aka Heroes! *
# You can also freeze the experience gaining feature at any given time.
# Item Note Example: <exp 500>

# This scriptlet is free as in beer and speech!

# * Script Calls * #

# - Get a Party Member
# actor = $game_party.members[ActorIndex]
# - Get an Actor listed in the DB
# actor = $game_actors[ActorID]

# - Freeze or Thaw the Experience Gaining Feature
# actor.exp_frozen = true or false # Default: nil (here the same as false)

module KExp
  BOOKS_NOTE = /<exp (\d+)>/i

class Game_Battler
  alias :kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_apply :item_apply
  alias :kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_test :item_test
  def item_apply(user, item)
    if actor?
      book_exp = $1.to_i
      gain_exp(book_exp) if book_exp > 0
    kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_apply(user, item)

  def item_test(user, item)
    return !@exp_frozen if actor? and item.note[KExp::BOOKS_NOTE]
    kyon_exp_book_gm_btlr_item_test(user, item)

class Game_Actor
  attr_accessor :exp_frozen

Terms & Conditions

The only thing you need to know about it is that it is free as in Beer beer and Shocked speech!