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Save-Point - music player


Full Version: music player
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Pages: 1 2
is there a music player that can be added to an rmxp game?
isn't there already a music player built in the game engine?
explocion200: You need to be more specific with these support topics. One sentence is not enough. As computer said, there is one in game and since you were not specific enough, we have no idea.
maybe he means one of those scripts that play music in the game as an add-on feature for the player to fool around. if so then there are a lot of them in the scripts forum.
you like for example lets say a small icon that appears in the corner of the screen that says play pause and skip and it plays music from a forlder you select
you mean like muting/adjusting volume for the game's audio?
actually more like i playing my music from any folder lets say i have red hot chili peppers and weezer on a folder and i want to hear them withing the game i can just set the folder and listen to it threw the game and also change the volume of the in game sound
well why don't you mute the game player and listen to your music.


place your music in the default folder(BGM) for music in the game.
This is starting to look more and more like a script request. Moving to the script request forum.

I could try to make a player for you but I'd like you to give me a mockup (how do you want the player to look, basically) of what you want. :P
i don't think that's what he wants, it seems he want an app.
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