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Long time no see! Haha, I'm so sorry because I haven't visit this forum again ^^. There are some updates
- 50% to demo
- Update more screenies
What's up with your signature computerwizard?

Anyway, I love the screenshots. I'm looking forward to a demo.
Nice screenshot guys....
I just wait for a demo...
This game look so nice...
Although.. there are some gramatical error (lol)
Thank you very much!

Haha, the story translator is not me, but my friend, reijubv~
I still think the game looks good, but dude. Change that title. :P
Valdred Wrote:I still think the game looks good, but dude. Change that title. :P

Haha, why? Laughing + Tongue sticking out
the screenshots looks decent so far, i guess i'll play the demo once it's released.
I agree with valdred, the game title seems generic lol, but in the end, its your choice to decide what to name the game~
read number 6 in this tutorial. Also, the title should always be related to the storyline. This game deserves a decent title.
I would say let him chose his title like he wants. I would not rely on a tutorial. Rely on your own ideas, even if 100 tutorials say something else. If he likes the title, why should he change it?
Yes, of course, it's his choice. But choosing something that is related to the game is an advantage.
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