(09-30-2024, 03:33 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]FYI: The older RPGMaker 2000 and 2003 engines allowed enemies both an attack and a 2xAttack in their Enemy attack definitions... Another REMOVAL of a feature that Enterbrain liked to do (and then return it and say... oooh, new feature).
(10-01-2024, 08:18 AM)Bennerdeben Wrote: [ -> ]About this script though, I found an error when I try to use the skill againt a party of 1 enemy. After the initial hit, it crashes before the second hit, saying "Script Game_Troop TypeError occured. no implicit conversion from nil to integer"
I needed to rework a few features. THIS will be ... fun:
module Collateral
SKILLS, ITEMS = {}, {}
# 0 = Identical target(s) as the initial attack
# 1 = One random target separate from initial attack
# 2 = All targets other than those of the initial attack
# 3 = All targets
# Type Chance
# ==== =====-
SKILLS[1] = [ 3, 50 ] # Heal has 50% chance to collateral all
SKILLS[57] = [ 1, 99 ] # Cross Cut has 99% to hit another
SKILLS[58] = [ 2, 99 ] # 2 == all other
# ** Game_Battler
# This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.
class Game_Battler
# * Alias Listings
alias collateral_init initialize
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :collateral_flag # Collateral damage flag
attr_accessor :collateral_responce_flag # Collateral responce flag
attr_accessor :collateral_performed # Collateral prevent looping
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original method
# New flags in play
@collateral_flag = false
@collateral_responce_flag = false
collateral_performed = false
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Alias Listings
alias collateral_update_phase4_step2 update_phase4_step2
alias collateral_make_basic_action_result make_basic_action_result
alias collateral_make_skill_action_result make_skill_action_result
alias collateral_make_item_action_result make_item_action_result
alias collateral_update_phase4_step3 update_phase4_step3
alias collateral_update_phase4_step6 update_phase4_step6
# * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action)
def update_phase4_step2
# Clear new flags battler at each one's action start
@active_battler.collateral_flag = false
@active_battler.collateral_responce_flag = false
@active_battler.collateral_performed = false
# Perform the original method
# * Make Basic Action Results
def make_basic_action_result
# Only do this if not already performed (no looping)
unless @active_battler.collateral_performed
if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
# Only a melee attack by Actor (no guard/escape)
if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
# Get the skill ID
id = @active_battler.current_action.skill_id
# Generate collateral damage result
collateral_action_result(Collateral::SKILLS, id)
# Get the skill ID
id = @active_battler.current_action.skill_id
# Generate collateral damage result
collateral_action_result(Collateral::SKILLS, id)
# perform the original method
# * Make Skill Action Results
def make_skill_action_result
# Only do this if not already performed (no looping)
unless @active_battler.collateral_performed
# Get the skill ID
id = @active_battler.current_action.skill_id
# Generate collateral damage result
collateral_action_result(Collateral::SKILLS, id)
# perform the original method
# * Make Skill Action Results
def make_item_action_result
# Only do this if not already performed (no looping)
unless @active_battler.collateral_performed
# Get the item ID
id = @active_battler.current_action.item_id
# Generate collateral damage result
collateral_action_result(Collateral::ITEMS, id)
# perform the original method
# * Make Collateral Action Result
# array_list : configured list of collateral tagged attacks
# id : attack ID
def collateral_action_result(array_list, id)
# Exit if not in list
return unless array_list.has_key?(id)
# Get values from array
responce = array_list[id][0]
chance = array_list[id][1]
# Exit if chance doesn't succeed
roll = rand(100)
return if chance < roll
# Set that there will be collateral damage
@active_battler.collateral_flag = true
@active_battler.collateral_responce_flag = responce
# * Frame Update (main phase step 3 : animation for action performer)
def update_phase4_step3
# Just skip the attacker animatics if we are performing a loop
if @active_battler.collateral_performed == true
@phase4_step = 4
# Perform the original method
# * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
def update_phase4_step6
# Determine if there WOULD be another target
if @active_battler.collateral_flag == true
@target_battlers = collateral_gather
# Remove nil entries
# ONLY if the collateral flag is true and collateral targets exist
if @active_battler.collateral_flag == true && @target_battlers != []
# Perform collateral action
# Shift to step 3
@phase4_step = 3
# Exit method
# Clear flag
@active_battler.collateral_flag = false
# Perform the original method
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets)
def collateral_gather
# Determine target of collateral based on active battler's action scope
targets_are_enemies = collateral_gather_scope
target_group = collateral_gather_group(targets_are_enemies)
# Make temp copy of all previous battlers targeted
old_battlers = @target_battlers
# Branch on collateral responce
case @active_battler.collateral_responce_flag
when 0 ; battler_return = collateral_gather_identical(target_group)
when 1 ; battler_return = collateral_gather_other(target_group)
when 2 ; battler_return = collateral_gather_all_other(target_group)
when 3 ; battler_return = collateral_gather_all(target_group)
return battler_return
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets : get attack scope)
def collateral_gather_scope
# Branch according to each action
case @active_battler.current_action.kind
when 2 ; return (@item.scope == 1 || @item.scope == 2) # Items
when 1 ; return (@skill.scope == 1 || @skill.scope == 2) # Skill
# Exit method true (assume Basic)
return true
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets : get target group)
# enemy_targets : if targets are battler's enemies or allies
def collateral_gather_group(enemy_targets=true)
# If action battler is actor
if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
# group is 'troop' if true, otherwise group is 'party'
group = (enemy_targets) ? $game_troop.enemies : $game_party.actors
# group is 'party' if true, otherwise group is 'troop'
group = (enemy_targets) ? $game_party.actors : $game_troop.enemies
# Return group member list
return group
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets: all identical)
# group : party or troop member list
def collateral_gather_identical(group)
# Set receiving array and get list of prev targets
battler_return = []
old_battlers = @target_battlers
for target in group # Cycle through group
if old_battlers.include?(target) # If previously targeted
battler_return.push(target) if target.exist? # Add if valid target
# Exit method with gathered
return battler_return
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets: random other)
# group : party or troop member list
def collateral_gather_other(group)
# Set receiving arrays and get list of prev targets
target_list = []
battler_return = []
old_battlers = @target_battlers
for target in group # Cycle through group
next if old_battlers.include?(target) # Skip if it was targeted
target_list.push(target) if target.exist? # Add to list if valid
id = rand(target_list.size) # Choose target in list
new_target = target_list[id] # Acquire target from ID
battler_return.push(new_target) # Add valid target
# Exit method with gathered
return battler_return
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets: all other targets)
# group : party or troop member list
def collateral_gather_all_other(group)
# Set receiving array and get list of prev targets
battler_return = []
old_battlers = @target_battlers
for target in group # Cycle through group
next if old_battlers.include?(target) # Skip if it was targeted
battler_return.push(target) if target.exist? # Add if valid target
# Exit method with gathered
return battler_return
# * Frame Update (main phase gather collateral targets: all targets)
# group : party or troop member list
def collateral_gather_all(group)
# Set receiving array
battler_return = []
for target in group # Cycle through group
battler_return.push(target) if target.exist? # Add if valid target
# Exit method with gathered
return battler_return
# * Frame Update (main phase collateral action)
def collateral_action
# Set flag showing collateral damage is performed (no looping)
@active_battler.collateral_performed = true
# Clear the old flag
@active_battler.collateral_flag = false
# Refresh status window
# Branch according to each action
case @active_battler.current_action.kind
when 0 # basic (and attack)
collateral_action_melee if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
when 1 # skill
when 2 # item
# * Frame Update (main phase collateral action : melee attack)
def collateral_action_melee
# Set anaimation ID
@animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id
@animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id
# Apply normal attack results
for target in @target_battlers
next if target.nil?
# * Frame Update (main phase collateral action : skill attack)
def collateral_action_skill
# Show skill name on help window
@help_window.set_text(@skill.name, 1)
# Set animation ID
@animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id
@animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id
# Apply skill effect
for target in @target_battlers
next if target.nil?
target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)
# * Frame Update (main phase collateral action : item attack)
def collateral_action_item
# Display item name on help window
@help_window.set_text(@item.name, 1)
# Set animation ID
@animation1_id = @item.animation1_id
@animation2_id = @item.animation2_id
# Apply item effect
for target in @target_battlers
next if target.nil?
A serious expansion, isn't it? Now the secondary (or collateral) damage can fall along these lines:
0) - The target(s) hit by the attack get a second attack.
1) - One random target is attacked, one not already struck by the initial attack
2) - All 'others' get attacked collaterally.
3) - Everyone gets hit collaterally, even the initial target(s)
And right now, the entries for each skill (cough) are in the form of [type, chance), so you can set an attack to hit everyone with a 25% chance of the collateral damage effect working.
I haven't tested ITEM use, but items SHOULD work.
And I haven't added all the mechanics for MELEE/BASIC as yet. But this should fall along the options of
1) ACTOR (by database ID) ... which would be odd indeed
2) WEAPON (by database ID) ... could make a sword that can have 2x hits
3) ENEMY (by database ID) ... this WOULD allow for enemies that can have 2x hits (which existed before RMXP)