What's on your mind?
u_u I know all about pain in the ass animals. *sigh*
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my cat jumps up to investigate my glass of water i just poured:
"Oh no! Looks like you didn't pay your cathair tax!"

every piece of food has to be at least 5% cat hair......
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what kind of bitchy little witch would say such a thing? don't even compare yourself, you're better than that. being open and social have nothing to do with being around people, it has to do with being comfortable doing what you're doing. the weird/nerdy stuff you babble about makes you you
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Meh. I iz self-made social outcast and total computer/music geek. Proof is in my use of "I iz". Don't let other's opinions of how they percieve you to be change how you feel about yourself. Being true to yourself is always the best way to go and in the long run you'll feel much better about it.
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I've always felt that if someone likes me for who I am, then they're a friend. If they like me for something I pretend to be then how good of a friend could they possibly be? I'd rather have a few good friends than lots of acquaintances. If you're looking to meet new people though... just go join things you're interested in and you should be in a room filled with people with the same interests :) And remind the mean people in your peer group that people who are considered "wierdos" are usually the ones who end up your boss ;)
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Oooh Olicat's getting sneaky... :3
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More traffic, more people to see me.....*Ego off*

Yeah, so we are moving out into the open now. Great job Olivia.
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lol white people doing the cupid shuffle
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I have been contacted by some asian guys who are translating Hartacon. Only they changed the name and also all the menu backgrounds!!! Without any permission! What the hell is wrong with these guys??
[Image: facebook_icon.png] [Image: youtube_128x128-120x120.png] [Image: deviant.png] [Image: save-point.png]
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Woohoo! Patriots going to the Superbowl!!!!!!
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