Problem with drain script form the ATOA ACBS - Djigit - 07-12-2015
Hello, dear forum. Im a user of the ATOA ACBS, which can be downloaded here. The script itself has many modifications from the the creaotr of this script which are under main, so they're uneffective until they are put above main. Well I wanted to use the drain scritpt and put it above main, but the scirpt didint do anything. I really believe, that it was coded wrong. In the script I posted, the skill 116 is meant to drain HP from the enemy, but when I use it, nothing happens. Can anyone help me by looking at the code and try it out himself? I posted this in several forums, but didint get any help...
Thanks in advance!
Code: #==============================================================================
# Skill Drain
# By Atoa
# This script allow to create skills and equips that adds the effect 'drain'
# of HP and SP.
# That way attacks and skills can absorb part of the damage caused
module Atoa
# Do not remove this line
Drain_Action = {'Skill' => {}, 'Weapon' => {}, 'Item' => {}}
# Do not remove this line
# Drain_Action[action_type][id] = {drain_type => [success, rate, anim_id, pop, show_excedent],...}
# action_type = action type
# action_type = 'Skill' for skills, 'Weapon' for weapons, 'Item' for items
# id = ID of the skill/weapon/item
# drain_type = drain type
# 'hp' for HP drain, 'sp' for SP drain
# success = absorb success rate
# rate = % of damage converted in HP/SP
# anim_id = ID of the animation shown when absorb HP/SP, leave nil or 0 for
# no animation
Drain_Action['Skill'][116] = {'hp' => [100, 50, nil, true, false],
'sp' =>[100, 50, 18, true, false]}
Drain_Action['Weapon'][43] = {'hp' => [50, 50, nil, true, true]}
# ■ Atoa Module
$atoa_script = {} if $atoa_script.nil?
$atoa_script['Atoa Drain'] = true
# ■ Game_Battler
# Esta classe gerencia os jogadores da batalha.
# Esta classe identifica os Aliados ou Heróis como (Game_Actor) e
# os Inimigos como (Game_Enemy).
class Game_Battler
# Variáveis Públicas
attr_accessor :base_absorb
# Inicialização do Objeto
alias initialize_drain initialize
def initialize
@base_absorb = 0
# ■ Scene_Battle
# Esta classe processa a tela de Batalha
class Scene_Battle
# Atualização da fase 4 do personagem (parte 1)
# battler : Battler ativo
alias step4_part1_drain step4_part1
def step4_part1(battler)
# Atualização da fase 4 do personagem (parte 3)
# battler : Battler ativo
alias step4_part3_drain step4_part3
def step4_part3(battler)
action = battler.now_action
if action != nil and Drain_Action[action.type_name] != nil and
absorb_damage(battler, battler.base_absorb, Drain_Action[action.type_name][action_id(action)].dup)
# Definir dano do dreno
# battler : Battler ativo
def set_drain_damage(battler)
battler.base_absorb = 0
for target in battler.target_battlers
battler.base_absorb += target.damage if target.damage.numeric?
# Absover dano
# battler : Battler ativo
# absorb : valor de absorção
# action : Ação
def absorb_damage(battler, absorb, action)
for type in action.keys
if type == 'hp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))
base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i
if base_absorb > 0
difference = battler.maxhp - battler.hp
base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min
elsif base_absorb < 0
base_absorb = [base_absorb, - battler.hp].max
if base_absorb != 0
battler.damage = - base_absorb
battler.hp -= battler.damage
battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]
battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]
wait(3) if battler.damage != 0
if type == 'sp' and (action[type][0] >= rand(100))
base_absorb = ((absorb * action[type][1]) / 100).to_i
if base_absorb > 0
difference = battler.maxsp - battler.sp
base_absorb = [base_absorb, difference].min
elsif base_absorb < 0
base_absorb = [base_absorb, - battler.sp].max
if base_absorb != 0
battler.damage = - base_absorb
battler.sp -= battler.damage
battler.animation_id = action[type][2].nil? ? 0 : action[type][2]
battler.damage_pop = action[type][3]
battler.sp_damage = action[type][3]
wait(3) if battler.damage != 0
RE: Problem with drain script form the ATOA ACBS - DerVVulfman - 07-12-2015
You're right. There is an error in the script. It uses base_absorb to hold the amount of damage that is initially inflicted on the target, which is fine by me. But the script attempts to check how much damage the target suffers before the damage is even applied. Ow. No damage inflicted, no value pushed into base_absorb.
Lines 75-79 read as
Code: alias step4_part1_drain step4_part1
def step4_part1(battler)
Change them to
Code: alias step4_part2_drain step4_part2
def step4_part2(battler)
RE: Problem with drain script form the ATOA ACBS - Djigit - 07-12-2015
Thank you so much!!!!!