* ## Plugin Info
* # Plugin Name
* DoubleX RMMV Confusion Edit
* # Terms Of Use
* You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
* You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
* DoubleX or his aliases
* None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases
* # Prerequisites
* Abilities:
* 1. Little Javascript coding proficiency to fully utilize this plugin
* # Links
* This plugin:
* 1.
* Video:
* 1.
* Mentioned Patreon Supporters:
* # Author
* DoubleX
* # Changelog
* v1.00e(GMT 1100 9-9-2022):
* 1. Fixed infinite loop in targetsForReversedExcludeSelf due to typo
* v1.00d(GMT 0200 6-6-2020):
* 1. Fixed actions having no targets not executing bug
* v1.00c(GMT 0300 9-3-2020):
* 1. Fixed undefined subject in hasValidOriginalTargets
* v1.00b(GMT 0800 30-1-2016):
* 1. Fixed missing return in targetsForOpponents and targetsForFriends
* 2. Fixed undefined target in targetsForReversedExcludeSelf due to typo
* 3. Fixed infinite loop with excludeSelf when subject's always selected
* v1.00a(GMT 0800 3-1-2016):
* 1. 1st version of this plugin finished
* @plugindesc Lets you set some states to reverse the ally/foe identification
* @author DoubleX
* @help
* ## Notetag Info
* # State Notetags:
* 1. <confusion edit: reverse, excludeSelf>
* - Sets the confusion state to reverse the ally/foe identification
* only instead of restricting the battler to be merely using the
* 1st skill in the database if reverse is true and the actions
* aren't forced
* - Reversal will never take place for state Restriction as Attack an
* Enemy nor skill/item scope as The User
* - Reversal will have 50% chance to take place for state Restriction
* as Attack Anyone
* - Reversal will always take place for state Restriction as Attack
* an Ally
* - Sets the confusion state to make the battler never targeting self
* if excludeSelf is true and the actions aren't forced
* - Only the effective notetag with the highest priority will be used
* ## Plugin Call Info
* # State manipulations
* 1. meta.confusionEdit
* - Returns the confusion edit reverse and excludeSelf flag in the
* form of { reverse: reverse, excludeSelf: excludeSelf }
* 2. meta.confusionEdit = { reverse: reverse, excludeSelf: excludeSelf }
* - Sets the confusion edit reverse and excludeSelf flag in the form
* of { reverse: reverse, excludeSelf: excludeSelf }
* - All meta.confusionEdit changes can be saved if
* DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used
"use strict";
var DoubleX_RMMV = DoubleX_RMMV || {};
DoubleX_RMMV["Confusion Edit"] = "v1.00e";
* ## Plugin Implementations
* You need not edit this part as it's about how this plugin works
* # Plugin Support Info:
* 1. Prerequisites
* - Some Javascript coding proficiency to fully comprehend this
* plugin
* 2. Function documentation
* - The 1st part describes why this function's rewritten/extended for
* rewritten/extended functions or what the function does for new
* functions
* - The 2nd part describes what the arguments of the function are
* - The 3rd part informs which version rewritten, extended or created
* this function
* - The 4th part informs whether the function's rewritten or new
* - The 5th part informs whether the function's a real or potential
* hotspot
* - The 6th part describes how this function works for new functions
* only, and describes the parts added, removed or rewritten for
* rewritten or extended functions only
* Example:
* /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
* * Why rewrite/extended/What this function does
* *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* // arguments: What these arguments are
* functionName = function(arguments) { // Version X+; Hotspot
* // Added/Removed/Rewritten to do something/How this function works
* functionContents
* //
* } // functionName
DoubleX_RMMV.Confusion_Edit = {};
(function(CE) {
CE.DataManager = {};
var DM = CE.DataManager;
DM.isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() {
// Rewritten
return DM.isDatabaseLoaded.apply(this, arguments) && DM.loadAllNotes();
}; // DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded
DM.loadAllNotes = function() {
$dataStates.forEach(function(data) {
if (data) { DM.loadDataNotes(data); }
return true;
}; // DM.loadAllNotes
// data: The data to have its notetags read
DM.loadDataNotes = function(data) {
data.meta.confusionEdit = {};
var lines = data.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
var regex = /< *confusion +edit *: *(\w+) *, *(\w+) *>/i;
for (var index = 0, length = lines.length; index < length; index++) {
if (!lines[index].match(regex)) { continue; }
data.meta.confusionEdit.reverse = RegExp.$1 === "true";
return data.meta.confusionEdit.excludeSelf = RegExp.$2 === "true";
}; // DM.loadDataNotes
CE.Game_Action = {};
var GA = CE.Game_Action;
GA.friendsUnit = Game_Action.prototype.friendsUnit;
Game_Action.prototype.friendsUnit = function() {
// Rewritten to reverse the ally/foe identification with reverse flag
return, "friends", "opponents");
}; // Game_Action.prototype.friendsUnit
GA.opponentsUnit = Game_Action.prototype.opponentsUnit;
Game_Action.prototype.opponentsUnit = function() {
// Rewritten to reverse the ally/foe identification with reverse flag
return, "opponents", "friends");
}; // Game_Action.prototype.opponentsUnit
GA.setConfusion = Game_Action.prototype.setConfusion;
Game_Action.prototype.setConfusion = function() {
// Added to let battlers with reverse flag to use all available skills
if (, "reverse")) { return; }
GA.setConfusion.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Game_Action.prototype.setConfusion
GA.isValid = Game_Action.prototype.isValid;
Game_Action.prototype.isValid = function() {
// Rewritten to ensure the target list won't be empty due to excludeSelf
if (!GA.isValid.apply(this, arguments)) { return false; }
if (!this.isForOpponent() && !this.isForFriend()) return true;
return this.makeTargets().length > 0;
}; // Game_Action.prototype.isValid
GA.makeTargets = Game_Action.prototype.makeTargets;
Game_Action.prototype.makeTargets = function() {
// Rewritten
if (, "reverse")) {
return this.repeatTargets(;
} else if ( {
return GA.makeTargets.apply(this, arguments);
return [];
}; // Game_Action.prototype.makeTargets
GA.confusionTarget = Game_Action.prototype.confusionTarget;
Game_Action.prototype.confusionTarget = function() {
// Rewritten to exclude the subject itself with the excludeSelf flag
var subject = this.subject();
var target = GA.confusionTarget.apply(this, arguments);
if (, "excludeSelf")) {
while (subject === target) {
target = GA.confusionTarget.apply(this, arguments);
return target;
}; // Game_Action.prototype.confusionTarget
GA.targetsForOpponents = Game_Action.prototype.targetsForOpponents;
Game_Action.prototype.targetsForOpponents = function() {
// Rewritten
return, "targetsForOpponents");
}; // Game_Action.prototype.targetsForOpponents
GA.targetsForFriends = Game_Action.prototype.targetsForFriends;
Game_Action.prototype.targetsForFriends = function() {
// Rewritten
return, "targetsForFriends");
}; // Game_Action.prototype.targetsForFriends
* Returns the reversed allies/foes for reverse flag
/* original: The original units to be returned
* reversed: The units with the reverse flag to the returned
GA.originalReversedUnit = function(original, reversed) {
var subject = this.subject();
if (!this._forcing &&, "reverse")) {
switch (subject.confusionLevel()) {
case 1: return GA[original + "Unit"].apply(this, arguments);
case 2:
var side = Math.random() < 0.5 ? original : reversed;
return GA[side + "Unit"].apply(this, arguments);
default: return GA[reversed + "Unit"].apply(this, arguments);
return GA[original + "Unit"].apply(this, arguments);
}; // GA.originalReversedUnit
* Uses Autobattle with reversed ally/foe definition to mimic confusion
GA.makeReversedTargets = function() {
if (this.isForOpponent()) { return this.targetsForOpponents(); }
if (this.isForFriend()) { return this.targetsForFriends(); }
return [];
}; // GA.makeReversedTargets
* Returns if excludeSelf is false or self isn't the only valid target
GA.hasValidOriginalTargets = function() {
if (this._forcing) { return true; }
var subject = this.subject();
if (!, "excludeSelf")) { return true; }
if (this.isForUser()) { return false; }
if (subject.confusionLevel() !== 3) { return true; }
return this.friendsUnit().aliveMembers().length > 1;
}; // GA.hasValidOriginalTargets
// functionName: The targetsForOpponents/targetsForFriends function name
GA.confusionEditTargets = function(functionName) {
if (!, "excludeSelf")) {
return GA[functionName].apply(this, arguments);
// Prevents inifinite loops by checking for cases having no valid target
if (! { return []; }
return, functionName);
}; // GA.confusionEditTargets
* Checks if there are targets other than self with the reverse flag
GA.canTargetReversed = function() {
// User's always equal to self for both original and reversed cases
if (this.isForUser()) { return false; }
var level = this.subject().confusionLevel();
if (level === 1 && this.isForFriend()) {
return this.friendsUnit().aliveMembers().length > 1;
} else if (level === 3 && this.isForOpponent()) {
return this.opponentsUnit().aliveMembers().length > 1;
return true;
}; // GA.canTargetReversed
* Returns the target list with both reverse and excludeSelf flags
// functionName: The targetsForOpponents/targetsForFriends function name
GA.targetsForReversedExcludeSelf = function(functionName) {
var subject = this.subject();
var index, num = this.isForRandom() ? this.numTargets() : 1, targets;
do {
// Prevents infinite loop by ensuring the subject won't be selected
if (this._targetIndex === subject.index() && this.isForOne()) {
this._targetIndex -= 1;
targets = GA[functionName].apply(this, arguments);
index = targets.indexOf(subject);
if (index >= 0) { targets.splice(index, 1); }
} while (targets.length < num);
return targets;
}; // GA.targetsForReversedExcludeSelf
CE.Game_BattlerBase = {};
var GBB = CE.Game_BattlerBase;
* Returns the queried notetag value of the 1st found effective notetag
// flag: The reverse/excludeSelf notetag value
GBB.isConfusionEdit = function(flag) {
if (!this.isConfused() || !this._states) { return false; }
var state = this.states().filter(function(state) {
return state.meta.confusionEdit !== undefined;
return state && state.meta.confusionEdit[flag];
}; // GBB.isConfusionEdit
CE.Game_Actor = {};
CE.Game_Actor.makeActions = Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions;
Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions = function() {
// Added to let actors with the reverse flag to use all available skills
if (, "reverse")) {;
return this.makeAutoBattleActions();
CE.Game_Actor.makeActions.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions