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Kolloseum States XP - kyonides - 02-07-2016

Kolloseum States XP
Deceptively Friendly Knockout

version 2.7.0 and 2.4.1

by Kyonides-Arkanthes


This script deals with states and their effects in battle and on the map. As some bonuses it also lets you define what weapons might deal physical damage to the attacker so he or she inflicts more damage to his or her opponents but also weapons that might steal HP or SP from enemies. There are other features that you might find interesting so take a look at the instructions included in my script for further information.

Side Notes

As Steel reported this script seems to work almost perfectly. Even so I can't guarantee it will suit your specific needs. AFAWK it works with the default battle system.

KStates XP Leech Version includes some extra features, you can now setup 2 skills and 2 states in my script so they deal leech damage. A single target can be seeded by many seeders (opponents) during battle and send some of his or her HP or SP to those seeders.

Shield Version included the Life and Mana Shields that would prevent the target battler would get damaged.

Blood Shield Version includes Blood skills (pay some HP so you can cast skills) and the weirdest shield of all, the Blood Shield. You pay an specific amount of HP so a Blood Shield can protect you until its hitpoints are depleted, the HP cost is lower than the shield hitpoints.

Blue Mage Version includes Blue Mage options to allow the player to get a Blue Mage hero that learns skills once they hit him or her or it.

White Knight Version includes a way to define a White Knight a la Cecil in FFII (FFIV) meaning the White Knight hero will block attacks if his or her comrades are the current enemy's target. It will not block multiple target skills for obvious reasons but the game dev can also define what other skills cannot be blocked by the white knight.

Counter Version includes a skill and a state named Counter that affect the opponents in two ways. Those under Counter state effect will get half normal cure effects except for potions that are not affected by the state, meaning the healer won't be as good as he or she is used to. In case of White Knights, they won't block attacks or spells on their comrades as usual. There is also the Delay state that makes the White Knight show up late to protect his ally thus letting the enemy hit his or her comrade at will. The next feature is the (pseudo) Random Skill, it will add the Random State to the victim and make it use pseudo random skills if the battler chooses to use skills.

Random Toad Version includes a Random Skill that applies a Random State that will change the skill the hero or the trooper selected for a different one chosen by the script pseudo randomly. It also features the Toad Skill and State. As you might remember, FF series included this weird skill to turn anybody into toads or frogs and the only ways to cure it were to cast the same spell onto the target or use a Maiden's Kiss (a consumable item). Oh there was a catch, the caster should be free to choose between an ally or a foe. Well, now it's possible after I made some arrangements to make it happen... in RMXP! BTW, it now features the Thorn Skill and Thorn State. Anybody can cast this spell on an ally so that any foe will be inflicted a percent of the damage dealt to the victim under that state. Demi and Level (Number) skills are now available in version 1.8.3, guys.

Casters Version includes the possibility to select multiple attackers (heroes) to hit a single enemy but who knows if you could also take couple of foes instead. I also tried to fix any bug that might have been caused by all these recent script updates.

Build Up Thievery Version includes Build Up HP and SP damage Skills and States, an actual Thief Skill for heroes and troopers, the thief will also run to his or her victim to snatch anything at reach, and Cursed Items. The latter consist of items that should neither be sold at stores nor be consumed the usual way so they can deal either physical or magical damage to the entire party. Just make sure the troopers send the heroes a present and then they will be cursed!

Kolloseum States XP, previously known as KStates XP, reached version 2.1.0 and is the result of the fusion of both scripts, Kolloseum and KStates XP. Now it's possible to fight in a colloseum or some sort of gladiator's arena by setting up Legions to face in combat. There are several difficulty levels to choose from like Easy, Normal, Hard and Nightmare.

In Zombie Bite Version (2.2.0) you may find new Zombie and proto-zombie Skills and States, the proto-zombie ones are slow paced methods to turn a foe into a zombie as it would be the case if anyone were bitten by a zombie or contracted some zombie virus. There is also Pestilence, a damage per round skill that hurts the living but heals the undead (zombies). As a sidenote I let you know that the White Knight will NEVER protect zombies or pestilent allies. It is also possible to let monsters equip a weapon or piece of armor if that's their current treasure or drop.

In Assassin's Covenant Version (2.3.0) it is possible to make more realistic Assassins than those you could configure with the default BS. They will attack their targets from a short distance and change their location after every single hit before their turn ends. Theoretically speaking it might be possible to setup monster and hero assassins but so far I could only confirm that it actually works with heroes.

Now speaking about version 2.4.0 aka Bold Monsters Version I can tell you it fixed several issues with already existing features and modified some others like Scan skill. Anyway it's main focus is to let the monsters become more problematic by letting you increase their stats and experience and gold at will and this might happen practically at any moment. You just need to make a script call namely KEnemies[Enemy_ID].level = NEW_LEVEL or KEnemies[Enemy_ID].level += GAINED_LEVELS. Obviously you need to know that you need to enter some info in a TXT template for as many monsters as you want. Any excluded monster won't get any benefits at all.

Aggressive Monsters and Kidnappers Version 2.6.1 includes all of KEW XP features plus its Mango Add-On and practically all of KStates XP extras.

Deceptively Friendly Knockout 2.7.0 features the possibilities of setting up weapons that will be ignored by certain enemy, granting some sort of specific invulnerability, or causing an instant knockout or kill. You can also define armors that will redistribute damage inflicted to the armor's wearer or bearer or owner or traitorous coward to the whole team instead. Laughing


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Negligent but Adorable Amnesiac Berserker version 2.2.50

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RE: KStates XP - Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-07-2016

I tested the script in both my project and in a brand new project and I noticed the SP recovery/damage pop out doesn't appear. I do gain/loss SP but I don't see so how much.

Aside from that, the script works as intended, both inside and outside battle. The HP/SP stealing weapons also work.

RE: KStates XP - kyonides - 02-07-2016

I updated my script, now it reached version 1.1.2, so the SP damage or slip damage would show up. I'm still unsure if HP and SP damage will pop up at the same time if needed.

RE: KStates XP - Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-07-2016

I tested the script again and this error pops up in battle:

[Image: t90jUwX.png]

RE: KStates XP - kyonides - 02-07-2016

It refers to this line:

sp_damage(@battler.damage, @battler.critical)

That means it looks for line 108 that says:

def sp_damage(value, critical)

So it's a total nonsense. Two arguments are passed as expected but I got to admit they are not the correct arguments. I'll change that and see if it works later on.


I posted script version 1.1.3, I hope this time no error pops up.

RE: KStates XP - Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-07-2016

I tested the script again on my project and it turns out the error was caused by an incompatibility with Derv's SP damage script. I had forgotten about that script. Sorry for the confusion.

I tested in a brand new project and now the SP damage/recovery does pop out but no the HP damage/recovery. On a tangent, could it be a way to differentiate the SP damage done by weapons? Since the font's color is the same as the normal damage, it gets confusing.

RE: KStates XP - kyonides - 02-07-2016

Eh, perhaps you would like to check those Constants included in Strings module and see if they help you somehow.

RE: KStates XP - Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-07-2016

... I just did that and now I feel quite silly.

EDIT: Since the script is incompatible with Derv's SP damage script, there is way to make the script make skills to cause SP damage the same way it does to weapons?

RE: KStates XP - kyonides - 02-07-2016

Possible? Yes, it is. Do I want to include such feature? Perhaps but I can't tell you when exactly I would do that, Steel. In theory it's not that hard to accomplish.

BTW, I guess HP and SP damage pop ups don't show up at the same time as I expected because they use the same variable to store the sprite, meaning that the HP damage sprite will be overridden by the SP one. I'll check if I can do something about it.

RE: KStates XP - Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-07-2016

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I wonder if that has something to do with SP recovery not showing in RMXP.