You Know Your GM's Evil When... - DerVVulfman - 02-24-2016
Trust me guys, I didn't come up with this.
I got this from a website while searching for RPG Humor.
You Know Your GM's Evil When...
by Gamewyrd
- His dice have the souls of past players trapped inside them.
- The white dragon you have been attempting to kill is really an albino red dragon.
- He spends too much time looking at this list.
- He gets out an artbook by H.R. Giger "for atmosphere".
- They keep all the good munchies for themselves.
- Your dreams are haunted by the sound of his dice rolling.
- You get arthritis in your wrist from rolling up PCs.
- Every shopkeep is a retired 20th level character that will attack at the smallest provocation.
- He matter of factly states "between sessions, your characters have been off in a foreign land killing beggars and poor people for fun".
- You find a deck of many things with 1(one) card left, and she's smiling.
- He starts rolling dice just to make his players nervous that something is going to happen.
- Your DM has a huge pile of blank character sheets & asks you to fill in 10 new characters.. Just to be on the safe side.
- He puts you in an easily escapable deathtrap and then explains all his plans to you.
- He buys 20 extra dice just for tonight's adventure.
- His kobolds know karate.
- Atomic bombs detonating near by are the least of your worries.
- She spends hours refining her critical fumble tables.
- They look at you, look at their notes, repeat the process, then get a scary look on their face and burst out in hideous laughter just before your gaming session is to begin.
- Your codpeice suddenly animates and attacks its neighbors.
- A year spent fighting your way out of the 2759th layer of the Abyss is a good year.
- Your first level wizard always falls over and kills themselves.
- He tells you your character has to be a wizard in a realm with no magic.
- He uses a "special" -- loaded -- d20 for rolling critical threats.
- You walk through the door a orge cuts your head off with his cluba sharp club.
- Your whole party is killed off in one session in the undead city. Your new party arrives and you are attacked by all your old charactersnow undead!
- His notes occupy as much space as the entire encyclopaedia brittanica, and thats just the traps.
- Your GM has the habit of ordering a pizza and chowing down without giving you any, and then making reference to your character as a slab of pepperoni as your character is torn limb from limb and is eaten.
- He sprouts horns and appears before you weilding a pitchfork.
- When, to get him away from the Monster Manual, you have to exorcise him.
- The random name generator on your computer begins to repeat itself.
- Political adventures are complicated by doppelganger assassins.
- An entire volcano is collapsing on 1st level players. while they fight of thousands of goblins.
- He comes up to you before the game session with a smirk on his face and says "Remember the ten dollars you owe me".
- The NPC cleric of the party heals you by hitting you with her mace.
- He bans munchies from the game.
- While you are sewing you prick your self with a soul sucking needle.
- After he kills off your PC's he goes after your family next.
- All the light bulbs in the room explode when she opens her notes.
- The angry gold dragon has a friend.
- Saying his name out aloud is considered unlucky.
- He signs himself 'The Evil GM'.
- She starts wearing mirror shades just so you can get a glimpse of which page of the MM she's looking at.
- A pair of wizards, level 8 and level 9, working as a team, come across a mithril sacraphogas and decide they'd rather not check for treasure.
- The players develop nervous twitches.
- She turns up to sessions with THAT smirk.
- He clones the Tarasque in order to breed more of them.
- He starts the session with, "Okay, this may hurt a little, but it will all be over in a second."
- Anything you try and kill ends up being "unique".
- The monster manual makes him laugh.
- You find voodoo dolls of the players in with his dice.