* ## Plugin Info
* # Plugin Name
* DoubleX RMMV Item Charge
* # Introduction
* Suppose a battler has n action slots(that battler can input n actions
* in a single turn), and suppose that battler has inputted n actions,
* each needing xi turns to be charged, where 1 <= i <= n, then that
* battler will behave as follows:
* 1. At turn y, that battler has inputted the aforementioned n actions
* 2. At turn y + x1, that battler will execute the 1st inputted action
* 3. At turn y + x1 + x2, that battler will execute the 2nd inputted
* action
* 4. At turn y + x1 + x2 + x3, that battler will execute the 3rd
* inputted action
* 5. At turn y + x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xi, where 1 <= i <= n, that
* battler will execute the ith action
* 6. At turn y + x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xn, that battler will execute the
* nth action
* 7. At turn y + x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xn + 1, that battler will become
* able to input actions again
* If the ith action that's not executed yet is the 1st one needing
* charging, the battler speed will only take the first (i - 1)th
* actions' speeds into account
* Item charging's ignored by forced actions
* # Terms Of Use
* 1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
* 2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
* 3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
* DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from
* using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
* 4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies
* to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
* 5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin
* anymore if you've violated any of the above.
* # Prerequisites
* Abilities:
* 1. Nothing special for most ordinary use cases
* 2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this
* # Links
* This plugin:
* 1.
* Video:
* 1.
* Mentioned Patreon Supporters:
* # Author
* DoubleX
* # Changelog
* v1.00a(GMT 0800 28-8-2016):
* 1. 1st version of this plugin finished
* @plugindesc Lets you set skills/items to need turns to charge before using
* @author DoubleX
* @param isEnabled
* @desc Sets whether this plugin will be enabled
* It'll be stored as a boolean, and will be regarded as true if and only
* if it's true
* Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
* you're truly foing
* E.g.: Setting isEnabled as false will disable this plugin
* @default true
* @param textColor
* @desc Sets the text color of the text showing the number of turns needed to
* charge the skill/item on the skill/item window
* It'll be stored as a Number
* Don't change this when it's shown to ensure proper text displays
* E.g.: Setting textColor as 31 will set the text color of the text
* showing the number of turns needed to charge the skill/item on
* the skill/item window as 31
* @default 30
* @help
* The skill/item window charging turn display can be problematic if the
* number of turn's 1000 or above
* The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Item Charge v100a
* If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
* DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_File, which must be done via opening this plugin
* js file directly
* ## Notetag Info
* # Skill/Item Notetags:
* 1. <item charge: turns>
* - Sets the number of turns needed to charge the skill/item before
* using it as turns
* - E.g.:
* <item charge: 1> will set the number of turns needed to charge
* the skill/item before using it as 1
* - Only the 1st notetag will be used
* ## Plugin Call Info
* # Configuration manipulations
* 1. $gameSystem.itemCharge.param
* - Returns the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager
* - E.g.:
* $gameSystem.itemCharge.textColor will return the stored value of
* parameter textColor shown on the plugin manager
* 2. $gameSystem.itemCharge.param = val
* - Sets the stored value of param listed in plugin manager as val
* - E.g.:
* $gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled = false will set the stored
* value of parameter isEnabled shown on the plugin manager as false
* - All $gameSystem.itemCharge.param changes will be saved
* # Skill/Item notetag manipulations
* 1. meta.itemCharge
* - Returns the <item charge: turns> notetag value turns as a Number
* - E.g.:
* $dataSkills[1].meta.itemCharge will return the
* <item charge: turns> notetag value of skill with id 1
* 2. meta.itemCharge = turns
* - Sets the <item charge: turns> notetag value turns as a Number
* - E.g.:
* $dataItems[2].meta.itemCharge = 0 will set the
* <item charge: turns> notetag value of item with id 2 as 0
* - All meta.itemCharge changes can be saved if
* DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used
var DoubleX_RMMV = DoubleX_RMMV || {};
DoubleX_RMMV['Item Charge'] = 'v1.00a';
// The plugin file name must be the same as DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_File
DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_File = 'DoubleX RMMV Item Charge v100a';
* ## Plugin Implementations
* You need not edit this part as it's about how this plugin works
* # Plugin Support Info:
* 1. Prerequisites
* - Basic knowledge on the default RMMV battle flow implementations
* - Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully comprehend this
DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Item_Charge_Notes_Loaded = false; // v1.00a - v1.00a
DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_Params = { // v1.00a - v1.00a
isEnabled: 'Boolean', // Marks that isEnabled is a Boolean
textColor: 'Number', // Marks that textColor is a Number
Boolean: function(param) { return param === 'true'; }, // Boolean
Number: function(param) { return +param; } // Number
}; // DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_Params
(function(IC) {
'use strict';
IC.DataManager = {};
var DM = IC.DataManager;
DM.isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded;
DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function() { // Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Rewritten to read all notetags of this plugin as well
return DM.isDatabaseLoaded.apply(this, arguments) && DM.loadAllNotes();
}; // DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded
/* Reads all notetags of this plugin from the database
* Return: True
* Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
DM.loadAllNotes = function() { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Ensures the notetags will only be read exactly once upon game start
if (DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Item_Charge_Notes_Loaded) return true;
[$dataSkills, $dataItems].forEach(function(type) {
type.forEach(function(data) { if (data) DM.loadNotes(data); });
DoubleX_RMMV.Is_Item_Charge_Notes_Loaded = true;
return true;
}; // DM.loadAllNotes
/* Reads all notetags of this plugin from a dataum of the database
* (Object)datum: The datum to have its notetags of this plugin read
* Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Idempotent
DM.loadNotes = function(datum) { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
var regExp = /< *item +charge *: *(\d+) *>/i;
var lines = datum.note.split(/[\r\n]+/);
for (var index = 0, length = lines.length; index < length; index++) {
if (!lines[index].match(regExp)) continue;
return datum.meta.itemCharge = +RegExp.$1;
datum.meta.itemCharge = 0; // The default's not needing charging
}; // DM.loadNotes
IC.BattleManager = {};
var BM = IC.BattleManager;
BM.processTurn = BattleManager.processTurn;
BattleManager.processTurn = function() { // Rewritten; v1.00a - v1.00a
var subject = this._subject;
var action = subject.currentAction();
// Rewritten to stop executing actions upon reaching a charging one
var isEnabled = $gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled;
if (action && (!isEnabled || action.itemCharge <= 0)) {
if (action.isValid()) {
} else {
this._subject = this.getNextSubject();
}; // BattleManager.processTurn
IC.Game_System = {};
var GS = IC.Game_System;
* New public instance variable
// itemCharge: The container of all parameters shown on the plugin manger
GS.initialize = Game_System.prototype.initialize;
Game_System.prototype.initialize = function() { // Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GS.initialize.apply(this, arguments);; // Added
}; // Game_System.prototype.initialize
/* Initializes all parameters of this plugin shown on the plugin manager
* Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Idempotent
GS.initializeItemCharge = function() { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
this.itemCharge = {};
var params = PluginManager.parameters(DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_File);
var ICP = DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge_Params;
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(param) {
this.itemCharge[param] = ICP[ICP[param]](params[param]);
}, this);
}; // GS.initializeItemCharge
IC.Game_Action = {};
var GA = IC.Game_Action;
* New public instance variable
// itemCharge: The number of remaining turns for the action to be charged
GA.initialize = Game_Action.prototype.initialize;
Game_Action.prototype.initialize = function(subject, forcing) {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GA.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.itemCharge = 0; // Added
}; // Game_Action.prototype.initialize
GA.clear = Game_Action.prototype.clear;
Game_Action.prototype.clear = function() { // Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GA.clear.apply(this, arguments);
this.itemCharge = 0; // Added
}; // Game_Action.prototype.clear
GA.setSkill = Game_Action.prototype.setSkill;
Game_Action.prototype.setSkill = function(skillId) {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GA.setSkill.apply(this, arguments);
// Added to mark the number of turns needed to charge this action
if (!this._forcing) this.itemCharge = this.item().meta.itemCharge;
}; // Game_Action.prototype.setSkill
GA.setItem = Game_Action.prototype.setItem;
Game_Action.prototype.setItem = function(itemId) {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GA.setItem.apply(this, arguments);
// Added to mark the number of turns needed to charge this action
if (!this._forcing)this.itemCharge = this.item().meta.itemCharge;
}; // Game_Action.prototype.setItem
IC.Game_Battler = {};
var GB = IC.Game_Battler;
GB.makeSpeed = Game_Battler.prototype.makeSpeed;
Game_Battler.prototype.makeSpeed = function() {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Rewritten
if (!$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) {
return GB.makeSpeed.apply(this, arguments);
this._speed = Math.min.apply(null,;
this._speed = this._speed || 0;
// Game_Battler.prototype.makeSpeed
/* Collects speed from 1st act to the one right before the one having charge
* Return: An array of Numbers each being the speed of a collected action
* Functional cohesion/Message coupling
GB.makeItemChargeSpeed = function() { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
var act, length = this._actions.length, speeds = [];
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
act = this._actions[index];
if (!act) continue;
if (act.itemCharge > 0) return speeds;
return speeds;
}; // GB.makeItemChargeSpeed
/* Removes all actions before the 1st charging one and updates its turn
* Functional cohesion/Message coupling
GB.updateItemCharge = function() { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
var act;
for (var i = 0, length = this._actions.length; i < length; i++) {
act = this._actions[i];
if (act && act.itemCharge > 0) return act.itemCharge -= 1;
}; // GB.updateItemCharge
IC.Game_Actor = {};
var GActor = IC.Game_Actor;
* New private instance variable
// _hasItemCharge: Whether the actor's charging skills/items
GActor.initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers;
Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function() {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
GActor.initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
this._hasItemCharge = false; // Added
// Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers
GActor.makeActions = Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions;
Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions = function() { // Extended; v1.00a - 1.00a
// Added to stop making new actions when there are still charging ones
if (!$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) {
return GActor.makeActions.apply(this, arguments);
if (BattleManager._surprise) return;;
this._hasItemCharge = this._actions.length > 0;
if (this._hasItemCharge) return ;
GActor.makeActions.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions
/* Checks whether this actor isn't also charging skills/items
* Functional cohesion/Message coupling/Referentially transparent
Game_Actor.prototype.canInput = function() { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Ensures this plugin works with those having state changes in canInput
if (! return false;
return !$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled || !this._hasItemCharge;
}; // Game_Actor.prototype.canInput
IC.Game_Enemy = {};
var GE = IC.Game_Enemy;
GE.makeActions = Game_Enemy.prototype.makeActions;
Game_Enemy.prototype.makeActions = function() { // Extended; v1.00a - 1.00a
// Added to stop making new actions when there are still charging ones
if (!$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) {
return GE.makeActions.apply(this, arguments);
if (BattleManager._preemptive) return;;
if (this._actions.length > 0) return ;
GE.makeActions.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Game_Enemy.prototype.makeActions
IC.Window_ItemList = {};
var WIL = IC.Window_ItemList;
WIL.drawItem = Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItem;
Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
WIL.drawItem.apply(this, arguments);
// Added to draw the number of turns need to charge the item as well
if (!$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) return;
var item = this._data[index];
if (!item || item.meta.itemCharge <= 0) return;
var r = this.itemRect(index);
r.x -= WSL.costWidth.apply(this, arguments);
r.width -= this.textPadding();, item.meta.itemCharge, r.x, r.y, r.width);
}; // Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItem
WIL.numberWidth = Window_ItemList.prototype.numberWidth;
Window_ItemList.prototype.numberWidth = function() {
// Rewritten; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Added
if ($gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) {
return WIL.numberWidth.apply(this, arguments) * 2;
return WIL.numberWidth.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Window_ItemList.prototype.numberWidth
/* Draws the number of turns needed to charge the item on the item window
* (Number)turns: The number of turns needed to charge the item
* (Number)x; The x position of the text drawn
* (Number)y; The y position of the text drawn
* (Number)width: The max width of the text drawn
* Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Idempotent
WIL.drawItemCharge = function(turns, x, y, width) { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
this.drawText(turns, x, y, width, 'right');
}; // WIL.drawItemCharge
IC.Window_SkillList = {};
var WSL = IC.Window_SkillList;
WSL.drawItem = Window_SkillList.prototype.drawItem;
Window_SkillList.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
// Extended; v1.00a - v1.00a
WSL.drawItem.apply(this, arguments);
// Added to draw the number of turns needed to charge the skill as well
if (!$gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) return;
var skill = this._data[index];
if (!skill || skill.meta.itemCharge <= 0) return;
var r = this.itemRect(index);
r.x -= WSL.costWidth.apply(this, arguments);
r.width -= this.textPadding();, skill.meta.itemCharge, r.x, r.y, r.width);
}; // Window_SkillList.prototype.drawItem
WSL.costWidth = Window_SkillList.prototype.costWidth;
Window_SkillList.prototype.costWidth = function() {
// Rewritten; v1.00a - v1.00a
// Added
if ($gameSystem.itemCharge.isEnabled) {
return WSL.costWidth.apply(this, arguments) + this.textWidth('000');
return WSL.costWidth.apply(this, arguments);
}; // Window_SkillList.prototype.costWidth
/* Draws the number of turns needed to charge the skill on the skill window
* (Number)turns: The number of turns needed to charge the item
* (Number)x; The x position of the text drawn
* (Number)y; The y position of the text drawn
* (Number)width: The max width of the text drawn
* Functional cohesion/Data coupling/Idempotent
WSL.drawItemCharge = function(turns, x, y, width) { // New; v1.00a - v1.00a
this.drawText(turns, x, y, width, 'right');
}; // WSL.drawItemCharge
})(DoubleX_RMMV.Item_Charge = {});