Drain skills or weapons for DBS - Printable Version

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Drain skills or weapons for DBS - Jimmie - 08-10-2009

"Drain" skills or weapons for DBS
by Jimmie
August 10, 2009

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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This has probably been done a hundred times...

A skill which leeches HP from an enemy. A sword which hurts both the target and the wielder. Etc.
In short, this script:
  • Makes certain skills and weapons heal/hurt the user in proportion to the damage dealt (or healed) by use of said skill or weapon
  • Shows an animation on the user which plays after the target animation but before healing/dealing damage to the user
  • Allows multiple drain effects with varying efficiency and animations
  • Allows you to choose how it deals with using a draining skill with a draining weapon.
    • This script was designed for the default battle system. It may or may not work with other battle systems.

      Copy/paste the script below into a new slot above main.

      # ** Draining skills and weapons
      # Vesion 1.0 by Jimmie 10 of August 2009
      # Allows skills and weapons to make the user gain (or lose) life depending on
      # the damage dealt to targets.

      # Which elements indicate a draining skill/weapon?
      # Syntax: Element_ID => [percent of damage drained, animation ID] (remember commas!)
      # Negative percentages will make the user pay HP when using the skill.
      # Put 0 for no animation
                        17 => [100, 100],
                        18 => [50, 2],
                        19 => [25, 3],
                        20 => [-10, 4]

      # When using a skill...
      #  0: Weapon drainage doesn't count
      #  1: Weapon drainage counts as normal
      #  2: Uses weapon drainage * skill ATK-F / 100

      # When using a skill...
      #  0: Skill drainage as in database
      #  1: Skill drainage * skill INT-F
      SKILL_DRAIN = 0

      # Skill animation will always take priority

      # End of configuration

      class Scene_Battle
        def make_skill_action_result
          # Get skill
          @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
          # If not a forcing action
          unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
            # If unable to use due to SP running out
            unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
              # Clear battler being forced into action
              $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
              # Shift to step 1
              @phase4_step = 1
          # Use up SP
          @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
          # Refresh status window
          # Show skill name on help window
          @help_window.set_text(, 1)
          # Set animation ID
          @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id
          @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id
          # Set command event ID
          @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
          # Set target battlers
          # Apply skill effect
          # Keep track of total damage dealt
          total_damage = 0
          for target in @target_battlers
            target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)
            total_damage += target.damage if target.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
          # Checks whether the used skill is a draining skill,
          # and if so apply the effects
          drain = DRAIN_ELEMENTS[DRAIN_ELEMENTS.keys.find {|element, value| @skill.element_set.include?(element)}]
          if SKILL_DRAIN == 1
            drain[0] *= @skill.int_f / 100
          # Checks whether the equipped weapon is a draining weapon
            weapon_drain = DRAIN_ELEMENTS[DRAIN_ELEMENTS.keys.find {|element, value| @active_battler.element_set.include?(element)}]
            if weapon_drain != nil
              weapon_drain = weapon_drain[0]
              if WEAPON_DRAIN_WHEN_USING_SKILL == 2
                weapon_drain *= @skill.atk_f / 100
              drain[0] += weapon_drain
          if drain != nil
            # Performs the effects of the drain on the user
            @active_battler.hp += total_damage * drain[0] / 100
            @active_battler.damage = - total_damage * drain[0] / 100
            @draining_battler = @active_battler
            @drain_animation = drain[1]
            @draining_battler = nil
            @drain_animation = nil
        def make_basic_action_result
          # If attack
          if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
            # Set anaimation ID
            @animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id
            @animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id
            # If action battler is enemy
            if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
              if @active_battler.restriction == 3
                target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
              elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
                target = $game_party.random_target_actor
                index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
                target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
            # If action battler is actor
            if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
              if @active_battler.restriction == 3
                target = $game_party.random_target_actor
              elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
                target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
                index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
                target = $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)
            # Set array of targeted battlers
            @target_battlers = [target]
            # Apply normal attack results
            # Keep track of damage
            total_damage = 0
            for target in @target_battlers
              total_damage += target.damage if target.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
            # Checks whether the used weapon has drain properties
            # and if so apply the effects
            drain = DRAIN_ELEMENTS[DRAIN_ELEMENTS.keys.find {|element, value| @active_battler.element_set.include?(element)}]
            if drain != nil
              # Performs the effects of the drain on the user
              @active_battler.hp += total_damage * drain[0] / 100
              @active_battler.damage = - total_damage * drain[0] / 100
              @draining_battler = @active_battler
              @drain_animation = drain[1]
              @draining_battler = nil
              @drain_animation = nil
          # If guard
          if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1
            # Display "Guard" in help window
            @help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1)
          # If escape
          if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
             @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2
            # Display "Escape" in help window
            @help_window.set_text("Escape", 1)
            # Escape
          # If doing nothing
          if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3
            # Clear battler being forced into action
            $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
            # Shift to step 1
            @phase4_step = 1
        def update_phase4_step5
          # Hide help window
          @help_window.visible = false
          # Refresh status window
          # Display damage
          for target in @target_battlers
            if target.damage != nil
              target.damage_pop = true
          # Did someone use a drain skill?
          if @draining_battler != nil
            # Show the drained HP
            if @drain_animation != 0
              @draining_battler.animation_id = @drain_animation
              length = $data_animations[@drain_animation].frame_max * Graphics.frame_rate / 20
              while length > 0
                length -= 1
                #p @draining_battler
            @draining_battler.damage_pop = true
          # Shift to step 6
          @phase4_step = 6

      As the script indicates, the values at the top of the script determine which elements indicate a draining skill or weapon, and how much these skills/weapons will heal the user as well as what animation is used. Set these up to your liking. It's recommended that the remaining options are left as they are, but feel free to play around, that's what they're there for.

      Have fun!
