KExtra XP WAS - kyonides - 01-06-2018
KExtra XP
WAS Version
by Kyonides-Arkanthos
This is just another scriptlet for XP only that should let you modify skills by "cursing" them from the very beginning or once a skill has been learned by any hero. It is not a plug and play script because you need to setup initial values in the KExtra module. How many should they be? As many as you need!
There is one list for actors aka as heroes, this one will be checked out by my script if the actor has been initialized. The second list will be applied to the actor's skill while learning it only if there's no previous "curse" on that skill.
It is possible to configure some weapons to break after a few uses or curse them or reduce its attack power. Even so keep in mind that the maker does not include an unique weaponry...
Code: # * KExtra XP WAS Version
# Scripter : Kyonides-Arkanthos
# 2018-01-12
# Primer Paso del Llamado a Script - Obtener al Héroe del Equipo...
# a = $game_party.actors[Indice_Actor]
# O a un Héroe que no forma parte del grupo
# a = $game_actors[ID_Actor]
# Y justo debajo de esa línea agreguen alguna de las siguientes.
# Para devolver algo del poder a una técnica embrujada
# a.increase_skill_power(ID_Tecnica)
# Para desbloquear por completo una técnica embrujada (con éxito del 100%)
# a.unblock_skill(ID_Tecnica)
# Para aumentar el número de usos de una técnica embrujada
# a.add_skill_uses(ID_Tecnica) # usando un objeto
# a.add_skill_uses(ID_Tecnica, Usos_Extras) # sin objeto
# Para remover el embrujo al consumir un objeto preseleccionado, no fallará.
# a.lift_skill_curse(ID_Tecnica)
# Para dejar que un clérigo o evento remueva el embrujo de la técnica
# a.priest_lift_skill_curse(Nivel_Clerigo, ID_Tecnica)
# Para remover el embrujo por la fuerza (con éxito del 100%)
# a.force_lift_curse(ID_Tecnica)
# Para verificar si una técnica está embrujada (1 de 2 opciones)
# ¡Necesitará incluir los datos del miembro o héroe!
# $game_party.actors[Indice_Actor].skill_cursed?(ID_Tecnica)
# $game_actors[ID_Actor].skill_cursed?(ID_Tecnica)
# Para devolver algo del poder a una arma embrujada
# a.increase_weapon_power(ID_Arma)
# a.increase_armor_resist(ID_Armadura)
# Para dejar que un herrero o evento reforje el arma o la armadura rota
# a.reforge_weapon(Nivel_Herrero, ID_Arma)
# a.reforge_armor(Nivel_Herrero, ID_Armadura)
# Para dejar que un "clérigo" remueva el embrujo del arma o de la armadura
# a.lift_weapon_curse(Persona, Nivel, ID_Arma)
# a.lift_armor_curse(Persona, Nivel, ID_Armadura)
# Abreviaturas o Siglas
# Persona - Puede ser :clerigo o :herrero o :tecnico
# RP - Reducción de Poder, IP - Incremento de Poder, CF - Costo de Forja
# NE - Nivel del Embrujo, PF - Prob. de Fracasar en Forja
# CRE - Costo de Remoción del Empbrujo
# ID_Obj - objeto removedor de embrujo, 0 para ninguno
module KExtra
DEFAULT_USES = 5 # Valor Típico de Usos que se sumarán a la t. embrujada
SKILL_USES_ITEM_ID = 28 # ID del Objeto que incrementa los Usos
SEAL_SKILL_ID = 81 # Técnica de algún Enemigo
# [ID_Arma] = [Usos, ¿Rota?, ¿Embrujada?, NE, PF, PR, PI, ID_Obj, CF, CRE]
BREAK_WEAPONS[1] = [3, nil, nil, 1, 5, 90, 15, 34, 250, 300]
BREAK_WEAPONS[2] = [2, nil, nil, 2, 10, 90, 10, 34, 500, 600]
BREAK_WEAPONS[3] = [1, nil, true, 2, 15, 95, 5, 34, 750, 900]
# [ID_Armadura] = [Usos, ¿Rota?, ¿Embrujada?, NE, PF, PR, PI, ID_Obj, CF, CRE]
BREAK_ARMORS[1] = [2, nil, nil, 1, 5, 90, 15, 34, 350, 400]
# Agregue ID_Actor => {}, incluye la coma excepto en el último valor
# Le permite agregar limitaciones a las técnicas de un héroe específico
ACTOR_HANDICAPS = { 1 => {} }
# [ID_Actor][ID_Tecnica] = [Usos, ¿Bloqueada?, Nivel_Embrujo, RP, IP, ID_Obj]
ACTOR_HANDICAPS[1][57] = [3, nil, 1, 90, 10, 0]
# [ID_Tecnica] = [Usos, ¿Bloqueada?, Nivel_Embrujo, RP, IP, ID_Obj]
SKILL_HANDICAPS[57] = [2, nil, 1, 70, 10, 0]
# [Usos, ¿Bloqueada?, Nivel_Embrujo, RP, IP, ID_Obj]
SEALED_SKILL_HANDICAP = [0, true, 2, 95, 5, 33]
class ItemBase
attr_accessor :kind, :uses, :level, :power_reduction, :power_increase
attr_accessor :remover_item_id
def initialize
@level = 1
@power_reduction = 0
@power_increase = 0
@remover_item_id = 0
class Equipment < ItemBase
attr_accessor :broken, :cursed, :failure_rate, :cost
def initialize
@broken = @cursed = nil
@failure_rate = 0
@cost = {}
class Skill < ItemBase
attr_accessor :blocked
def initialize
@kind = :skill
@blocked = nil
class Game_Battler
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_battler_attack_effect attack_effect
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_battler_skill_effect skill_effect
def attack_effect(attacker)
foe = attacker
effective = kyon_kextra_was_gm_battler_attack_effect(foe)
if effective
if foe.respond_to?(:weapon_id) and foe.weapon_id > 0
return effective unless breakable = foe.break_weapons[foe.weapon_id]
breakable.uses -= 1 if breakable.uses > 0
if breakable.uses == 0
breakable.broken = true
foe.equip(0, 0)
if self.respond_to?(:armor1_id)
ids = [@armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id]
ids.each do |aid| next if aid == 0
next unless (breakable = @break_armors[aid])
breakable.uses -= 1 if breakable.uses > 0
next if breakable.uses > 0
breakable.broken = true
equip(ids.index(aid), 0)
return effective
def skill_effect(user, skill)
sid =
if user.respond_to?(:troop_id) and sid == KExtra::SEAL_SKILL_ID and
if @skills.size > 0
cursed = self.skill_cursed?(sid)
@skill_hit = @skills[rand(@skills.size)] if !@skill_hit
self.add_skill_handicaps(@skill_hit, KExtra::SEALED_SKILL_HANDICAP)
return (!cursed and self.skill_cursed?(sid))
return false
elsif user.respond_to?(:skill_handicaps) and user.skill_handicaps[sid]
sh = user.skill_handicaps[sid]
sh.uses -= 1
skill = $data_skills[sid].dup
skill.power -= skill.power * sh.power_reduction / 100
skill.str_f -= skill.str_f * sh.power_reduction / 100
skill.dex_f -= skill.dex_f * sh.power_reduction / 100
skill.agi_f -= skill.agi_f * sh.power_reduction / 100
skill.int_f -= skill.int_f * sh.power_reduction / 100
effective = kyon_kextra_was_gm_battler_skill_effect(user, skill)
@skill_hit = sid if effective and self.respond_to?(:troop_id)
return effective
class Game_Actor
attr_reader :break_weapons, :break_armors, :skill_handicaps
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_setup setup
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_atk base_atk
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_pdef base_pdef
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_mdef base_mdef
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_equip equip
alias kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_learn_skill learn_skill
def setup(actor_id)
@levels = { :priest => 0, :smith => 0, :tech => 0 }
@break_weapons = {}
@break_armors = {}
@skill_handicaps = {}
ids = [@armor1_id, @armor2_id, @armor3_id, @armor4_id]
ids.each {|aid| add_break_armor(aid) }
if (handicaps = KExtra::ACTOR_HANDICAPS[actor_id])
handicaps.each {|sid, data| add_skill_handicaps(sid, data) }
def base_atk
old_atk = kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_atk
weapon = @break_weapons[@weapon_id]
old_atk -= old_atk * weapon.power_reduction / 100 if weapon
return old_atk
def base_pdef
old_pdef = kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_pdef
armors = [@break_armors[@armor1_id], @break_armors[@armor2_id]]
armors += [@break_armors[@armor3_id], @break_armors[@armor4_id]]
armors.compact.each {|a| old_pdef -= old_pdef * a.power_reduction / 100 }
return old_pdef
def base_mdef
old_mdef = kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_base_mdef
armors = [@break_armors[@armor1_id], @break_armors[@armor2_id]]
armors += [@break_armors[@armor3_id], @break_armors[@armor4_id]]
armors.compact.each {|a| old_mdef -= old_mdef * a.power_reduction / 100 }
return old_mdef
def equip_fix?(equip_type)
actor = $data_actors[@actor_id]
case equip_type
when 0
cursed = @break_weapons[@weapon_id].cursed rescue false
return (actor.weapon_fix or cursed)
when 1
cursed = @break_armors[@armor1_id].cursed rescue false
return (actor.armor1_fix or cursed)
when 2
cursed = @break_armors[@armor2_id].cursed rescue false
return (actor.armor12_fix or cursed)
when 3
cursed = @break_armors[@armor3_id].cursed rescue false
return (actor.armor3_fix or cursed)
when 4
cursed = @break_armors[@armor4_id].cursed rescue false
return (actor.armor4_fix or cursed)
else false
def equip(equip_type, id)
if equip_type == 0 and id > 0
if (none = @break_weapons[id] == nil)
elsif !none and @break_weapons[id].broken
kyon_kextra_was_gm_actor_equip(equip_type, id)
def add_break_weapon(wid)
source = KExtra::BREAK_WEAPONS[wid]
return if !source or @break_weapons[wid]
@break_weapons[wid] = weapon =
weapon.kind = :weapon
breakable_setup(weapon, source)
def add_break_armor(aid)
source = KExtra::BREAK_ARMORS[aid]
return if !source or @break_armors[aid]
@break_armors[aid] = armor =
armor.kind = :armor
breakable_setup(armor, source)
def breakable_setup(thing, source)
thing.uses = source[0]
thing.broken = source[1]
thing.cursed = source[2]
thing.level = source[3]
thing.failure_rate = source[4]
thing.power_reduction = source[5]
thing.power_increase = source[6]
thing.remover_item_id = source[7]
thing.cost = { :broken => source[8], :cursed => source[9] }
def increase_weapon_power(weapon_id)
return unless (weapon = @break_weapons[weapon_id])
reduction = [weapon.power_reduction - weapon.power_increase, 0].max
weapon.power_reduction = reduction
def increase_armor_resist(armor_id)
return unless (armor = @break_armors[armor_id])
reduction = [armor.power_reduction - armor.power_increase, 0].max
armor.power_reduction = reduction
def reforge_weapon(smith_level, weapon_id)
weapon = @break_weapons[weapon_id]
return unless weapon and weapon.broken
return reforge_equip(smith_level, weapon)
def reforge_armor(smith_level, armor_id)
armor = @break_armors[armor_id]
return unless armor and armor.broken
return reforge_equip(smith_level, armor)
def reforge_equip(smith_level, eq)
repair = (rand(100) > eq.failure_rate and eq.level <= smith_level)
eq.broken = !repair
eq.uses = KExtra::DEFAULT_USES * smith_level if repair and eq.uses == 0
return repair
def lift_weapon_curse(caster, level, weapon_id)
lift_equip_curse(caster, level, @break_weapons[weapon_id])
def lift_armor_curse(caster, level, armor_id)
lift_equip_curse(caster, level, @break_armors[armor_id])
def lift_equip_curse(caster, level, thing)
return if thing == nil
thing.cursed = cursed = case caster
when :priest, :clerigo then thing.level > level
when :smith, :herrero then thing.level + 1 > level
when :tech, :tecnico then thing.level + 2 > level
return !cursed
def add_skill_handicaps(skill_id, source)
return if @skill_handicaps[skill_id]
@skill_handicaps[skill_id] = skill =
skill.uses = source[0]
skill.blocked = source[1]
skill.level = source[2]
skill.power_reduction = source[3]
skill.power_increase = source[4]
skill.remover_item_id = source[5]
def increase_skill_power(skill_id)
return unless (handicap = @skill_handicaps[skill_id])
reduction = [handicap.power_reduction - handicap.power_increase, 0].max
handicap.power_reduction = reduction
def add_skill_uses(skill_id, extra_uses=0)
if extra_uses == 0
item_id = KExtra::SKILL_USES_ITEM_ID
return unless item_number(item_id) > 0
extra_uses = KExtra::DEFAULT_USES
@skill_handicaps[skill_id].uses += extra_uses
def lift_skill_curse(skill_id)
return unless (handicap = @skill_handicaps[skill_id])
item_id = handicap.remover_item_id
return unless item_number(item_id) > 0
def priest_lift_skill_curse(priest_level, skill_id)
return unless (skill = @skill_handicaps[skill_id])
@skill_handicaps.delete(skill_id) if skill.level <= priest_level
def broken_weapons?(){|wid,w| w.broken }.size > 0 end
def cursed_weapons?(){|wid,w| w.cursed }.size > 0 end
def broken_armors?(){|aid,w| w.broken }.size > 0 end
def cursed_armors?(){|aid,w| w.cursed }.size > 0 end
def force_lift_curse(skill_id) @skill_handicaps.delete(skill_id) end
def skill_cursed?(skill_id) @skill_handicaps[skill_id] end
def unblock_skill(skill_id) @skill_handicaps[skill_id].blocked = nil end
def priest_level() @levels[:priest] end
def smith_level() @levels[:smith] end
def tech_level() @levels[:tech] end
def learn_skill(skill_id)
already_learned = @skills.include?(skill_id)
recently_learned = @skills.include?(skill_id)
return unless !already_learned and recently_learned
return if @skill_handicaps[skill_id]
return unless (skill = KExtra::SKILL_HANDICAPS[skill_id])
add_skill_handicaps(skill_id, skill)
def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
if (skill = @skill_handicaps[skill_id])
return if skill.uses == 0 or skill.blocked or skill.power_reduction == 100
class Game_Enemy
attr_reader :troop_id
class Game_Party
def broken_weapons?(){|a| a.broken_weapons? }.size > 0 end
def cursed_weapons?(){|a| a.cursed_weapons? }.size > 0 end
def broken_armors?(){|a| a.broken_armors? }.size > 0 end
def cursed_armors?(){|a| a.cursed_armors? }.size > 0 end
Terms & Conditions
Just the usual, include me in your game credits, don't use it on commercial games unless you have contacted me first...
RE: KExtra - kyonides - 01-07-2018
Even if there are not even 4 cats following this scriptlet, I have posted a new and complete version, in my humble opinion. Here you can even make an enemy curse one of your hero's skills, meaning he or she won't be able to use it unless they find a cure or a highly trained priest with the appropriate level to lift that curse. You can also make them consume a predefined item to increase the number of cursed skill uses, among a few other things that are currently available. :P
RE: KExtra XP WS - kyonides - 01-08-2018
I have updated this script to include features that affect weapons like letting them break (kind of...) or get cursed. Because of these issues I also implemented ways to reforge them or lift the curses. Here you will only find script calls, no GUI included. Do you need a GUI? Then get my other script KWorkshop XP as well, then you will be able to do that by means of a simple visual menu!
RE: KExtra XP WS - kyonides - 01-10-2018
I included a few more features as well as a couple of minor changes to improve the code, especially when other scripts like KWorkshop XP have been included in your game project, too. Perhaps I also fixed a couple of bugs I found or that were reported by some furry forumer.