SKillGem XP - kyonides - 10-07-2019
SKillGem XP
Updated Again!
by Kyonides Arkanthes
I had been thinking about skills when I came up with the not so original idea of modifying a skill's stats. This scriptlet would eventually do it via stat modifiers. You better read the comments I included in the script to understand how it actually works!
You will need to parse a TXT file!
The Code
Code: # * SKillGem XP
# Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
# v0.9.0 - 2019-10-14 (No Custom Scene Menu Included)
# This is the first step of two to let the player modify a hero's skills via
# the consumption of skill gems!
# Create a text file or save the template and name it "skillgem modifiers.txt"
# in your game folder and add as many modifiers as you wish.
# @modifiers.default represents all those skills not defined in the text file
# so modify its default values at will.
# DEBUG Constant values and effects #
# true - parse text file (for games under development)
# false or nil - load rxdata file (for closed demos or finished games)
# * Script Calls * In case you don't want to use the Skill Gem menu
# actor = $game_party.actors[Member_Index]
# Keeps an actor aka hero in a temporary variable
# actor.skill_level(Skill_ID)
# Returns a skill's current level
# actor.skill_level_up(Skill_ID)
# Levels up a skill's level using the brute force method!
# No skill gems are lost in the process!
# actor.safe_skill_level_up(Skill_ID)
# Safely levels up a skill's level or returns the current level if failed
# It consumes skill gems on success!
# actor.enough_skill_gems?(Skill_ID)
# Checks if there are enough items to level up a skill
# Returns false if there are no additional levels available!
# $game_party.skill_gems_total
# Returns the total amount of skill gems the player currently owns.
# * Warning *
# In case you don't include any Title scene script in your game project, REMOVE
# the Scene_Title class contents from my script to prevent your game from
# failing to alias an non existing method. You also need to modify your custom
# script by replacing its own definition of $data_skills with the following:
# $data_skills = SKillGem.skills
module SKillGem
DEBUG = true
ITEM_ID = 1 # It should be an item found in the Items Database!
module Improve
def modifier() @modifier end
def modifier=(hash) @modifier = hash end
def level() @modifier[:level] end
def level=(lvl) @modifier[:level] = lvl end
def gems_level(level) @modifier[:gems][level] || 0 end
def sp_cost() @sp_cost + @modifier[:cost] * @modifier[:level] end
def power() @power + @modifier[:power] * @modifier[:level] end
def atk_f() @atk_f + @modifier[:atk] * @modifier[:level] end
def eva_f() @eva_f + @modifier[:eva] * @modifier[:level] end
def str_f() @str_f + @modifier[:str] * @modifier[:level] end
def dex_f() @dex_f + @modifier[:dex] * @modifier[:level] end
def agi_f() @agi_f + @modifier[:agi] * @modifier[:level] end
def int_f() @int_f + @modifier[:int] * @modifier[:level] end
def pdef_f() @pdef_f + @modifier[:pdef] * @modifier[:level] end
def mdef_f() @mdef_f + @modifier[:mdef] * @modifier[:level] end
def self.add_skill_gem_data
skills = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
return if skills[1].instance_variables.include?('@modifier')
skills[1..-1].each do |s|
s.extend Improve
s.modifier = { :power => 0, :cost => 0, :atk => 0, :eva => 0, :str => 0,
:dex => 0, :agi => 0, :int => 0, :pdef => 0, :mdef => 0,
:level => 0, :gems => [0] }
save_data(skills, "Data/SkillsSG.rxdata")
def self.parse_modifiers
lines = File.readlines('skillgem modifiers.txt')
lines << "\n"
total = lines.size
raise("SKillGem is misconfigured!") if total < 13
modifiers = {}
(total / 13).times do
sid = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
modifiers[sid] = mod = {}
mod[:gems] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/).map{|d| d.to_i }
mod[:cost] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:power] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:atk] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:eva] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:str] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:dex] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:agi] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:int] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:pdef] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:mdef] = lines.shift.scan(/\d+/)[0].to_i
mod[:level] = 0
save_data(modifiers, "Data/SKillGem.rxdata")
def self.modifiers() @modifiers end
def self.skills() @skills end
@skills = DEBUG ? add_skill_gem_data : load_data("Data/SkillsSG.rxdata")
@modifiers = DEBUG ? parse_modifiers : load_data("Data/SKillGem.rxdata")
@modifiers.default = {
:cost => 0, :power => 0, :atk => 0, :eva => 0, :str => 0,
:dex => 0, :agi => 0, :int => 0, :pdef => 0, :mdef => 0,
:level => 0, :gems => [0]
class Game_Battler
alias :kyon_skill_gem_skill_effect :skill_effect
def skill_effect(user, skill)
skill = user.gem_skills[] if user.class == Game_Actor
kyon_skill_gem_skill_effect(user, skill)
class Game_Actor
attr_reader :gem_skills
alias :kyon_skill_gem_gm_actor_setup :setup
def setup(actor_id)
@gem_skills = {}
@skills.each{|n| @gem_skills[n] = setup_gem_skill(n) }
def setup_gem_skill(sid)
skill = SKillGem.skills[sid].dup
skill.extend SKillGem::Improve
skill.modifier = SKillGem.modifiers[sid].dup
def learn_skill(skill_id)
return if skill_id == 0 or skill_learn?(skill_id)
@gem_skills[skill_id] = setup_gem_skill(skill_id)
def forget_skill(skill_id)
def enough_skill_gems?(sid)
skill_lvl = @gem_skills[sid].level + 1
gems_level = SKillGem.skills[sid].gems_level(skill_lvl)
return false if gems_level == 0
return $game_party.skill_gems_total >= gems_level
def safe_skill_level_up(sid)
skill_lvl = @gem_skills[sid].level
gems_level = SKillGem.skills[sid].gems_level(skill_lvl + 1)
total = $game_party.skill_gems_total
return skill_lvl if gems_level == 0 or total < gems_level
$game_party.lose_item(SKillGem::ITEM_ID, gems_level)
def skill_level_up(sid) @gem_skills[sid].level = @skill_levels[sid] end
def skill_level(sid) @gem_skills[sid].level end
def skill_next_level(sid) @gem_skills[sid].level + 1 end
class Game_Party
def skill_gems_total() @items[SKillGem::ITEM_ID] || 0 end
# Scene_Title Modification - For games that do include that script only!
class Scene_Title
alias :kyon_skill_gem_scn_title_main :main
def main
$data_skills = SKillGem.skills
Code: Skill ID: 1
Gems per Level: 0, 5
Cost: -5
Power: 5
Attack: 0
Evasion: 0
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Agility: 0
Intelligence: 0
P. Defense: 0
M. Defense: 0
Feel free to add as many skills as needed, but always leave a blank line after each skill data!
I might add it has reached some level of maturity so it should not fail to run on fresh projects (with no save files).
Terms & Conditions
You must include my nickname and the current website's URL in your game credits.
Since this scriptlet is under development and I need (beta) testers, it's for free as in beer and speech.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts!
RE: SKillGem XP - kyonides - 10-11-2019
I Need Brains!?
No, wait a second! I just need some Skill Gems!
Today I have revisited this scriptlet to add more features that will make it look usable already!
I added skill gem levels to let you ask the player to start collecting skill gems!
Obviously you'll let them level up their skills!
You can manually do so via script calls!
Just promise me you won't EVER dare to level up Aluxes's skills ever!
I also posted a template so you can use it in your game projects.
Happy Pumped Up Skills!
Side notes
I won't be held responsible for overpowering your heroes!
RE: SKillGem XP - kyonides - 10-15-2019
Important Script Update
I needed to update my script once again because I noticed there could be an issue with editing a game with the default RMXP editor. The root cause was that the editor always tries to read the default RPG::Skill class definition without any later modifications. Saving the new data in the Skills.rxdata file would make the editor crash so I had to add some extra code to save it in a different file, namely SkillsSG.rxdata to make sure you could use vanilla Game.exe or HiddenChest or anything similar and the default editor at any time.
What that also means is that I had to further change other stuff like the Game_Actor class, the class that represents a hero in RM series, to let it fully update the extra skill info I added in my script. The save files will be a little bit larger than before, but that isn't supposed to be a real surprise, don't you think?
Don't forget! Keep deleting old save files before you update scripts that modify heroes or enemies or vehicles and save such data in binary format!
By the way, I consider my script has reached the 0.9.0 milestone already, unless you come up with bug reports that force me to fix it. The only thing that it still lacks would be a menu scene.