MKXP Compatible Mouse Add-on - Printable Version

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MKXP Compatible Mouse Add-on - DerVVulfman - 08-30-2023

<not an RPGMaker XP script but close>
Version: 1.0


MKXP, a replacement engine for RPGMaker XP, has built-in content to support mouse input. But it does not attach mouse input to the input class, generate a mouse cursor, nor deal with highlighting of menu options by way of the mouse.   This script is a skeleton for users of MKXP or latter additions of HiddenChest (at least tested with 64bit Windows).

  • Allows a new Graphics\Mouse folder for cashing the cursor
  • Creates a new Sprite_Mouse class for generating the mouse cursor
  • Tracks the mouse within the Window_Selectable class for simple menu use
  • Adds Left-Click for Input::C (Decision)
  • Adds Right-Click for Input::B (Cancel)
  • Adds Middle-Click for Input::A (um... up to you)
  • Shows simple means to add mouse control to any Scene_ code instances


A screenshot?  It would show just a mouse cursor IN the game window.




Generally, place this below Scene_Debug and above Main for this to work if you are using a generic RPGMaker XP set of scripts. 

REQUIRES:  You include a .png file named "Arrow" within a new Graphics\Mouse folder


This is stripped down from other work that I have, made primarily to test different MKXP-based engines.


Not for RPGMaker XP, but compatible MKXP based engines.  Earlier HiddenChest engines such as HiddenChest Hires has issues.

Credits and Thanks

Ancurio for MKXP, Kyonides for HiddenChest, and Melana for retaining HiddenChest Hires edition.

Terms and Conditions

Free for use.... PERIOD!

RE: MKXP Compatible Mouse Add-on - kyonides - 08-30-2023

OK, this sounds like a good idea for making it easy to treat mouse clicks like your typical OK and Cancel buttons in RPG Maker. I just find it unfair. Nope, it's not jealousy speaking here. Actually, it's all about accessibility. The people which for any given reason need to use their left hand the way most of us use our right hand, could end up feeling slightly discriminated here. Happy with a sweat It doesn't offer a way to adapt it to their circumstances. Sad