Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Printable Version

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Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 07-06-2024

Hello everyone! I've been training with drawing arts again these past few months, so I'm posting here all the things I've done throughout my training journey. Hope you enjoy 'em! ^^

Character OCs art requests:
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More recent stuff:
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Bust arts:
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Previous Arts:
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Some of my oldest arts:
(this is mostly from a game that I will work upon in the future, with cooler arts of course xD)
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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 07-12-2024

Here's one I made for Muyoko Honey's character Madison in a new outfit! Made her with themes of Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty and love. ^^ <3

[Image: Madison-Outfit.png]

RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 07-14-2024

More new arts!

Concept art for Delvin! The shy and naive Incubus.
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My thank you art for the Harold Jam 2024 with my entry A Sun-Kissed Fantasy
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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 07-20-2024

Some new drawings! ^^

Fanart of Nola from Remi's Perseverance: Full Clearance
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Fanart of Penelope from Daybloom Project/BabeElena's Loneliness Butterfly
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Also, here's BlueSkies 1 and 2 new official cover art I made a few days ago!
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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 07-28-2024

New drawings! :D

​A silly comic strip for Delvin, and his family drama with Matria and Sitanel
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Concept art for Delvin's Imp buddies! Kisha, Cadenz, and Bamir
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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 08-19-2024

Been dealing with some writer's block again, so here's a Matria portrait I did to keep me quite productive in terms of art practicing, I guess! xD

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I also did the little printed name over signature thingy to appear like a professional artist, even though I'm not. xD <3

RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 08-20-2024

Here's a fanart I did for Reeruro, OC of Kiyasu

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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 08-21-2024

I just finished making this art tribute for the Triple Moon Goddess, Hecate, Queen of Witches, in her 3 forms (from left to right) Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 09-01-2024

I took in a bunch of fun art requests this week to help further my art practice, and here are the character art requests I've finished so far!

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RE: Starmage's Arts and Training Journey - Starmage - 09-10-2024

Finished more requests!! :D <3
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