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Blitz Script
Blitz Script
by makeamidget
May 6, 2005

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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what this is: this is like the Blitz skill found in Final Fantasy 6, used by Sabin

what it does: it requires you to input a series of button presses and does an attack based on the button presses

how to do it: go into a battle, pick blitz, input a series of button presses and when you are done press 'enter'

idea to do this goes to eccid

create a new class, at 9 call it whatever
the blitz skills are skills, you learn them just like any other skill, and if you don't know them then you can't use them, for the description put the commands that are required to use it, make them only useable in battle, and make a failure one that targets one enemy, so that if they mess up they don't know, until it executes it

it selects who attack or heal randomly, if you don't like that, then fix it yourself!! or ask and i might do it, it depends, okay now get ready for some editing, woohoo

in Scene_Battle 1 somewhere in def main, put
@blitz =,0,0,0) = false

in def update, still in Scene_Battle 1 put
if == true

in Scene_Battle 3 go to def update_phase3_basic_command, then in
if Input.trigger?(Input::C) go to when 1 and under

if @active_battler.class_id == 9
          @command = []
          @i = 0
 = true
          @skill = nil
          @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
 = false
          @actor_command_window.visible = false

be sure to put an end right above when 2

then above def update_phase3_item_select

def blitz_update

      if Input.trigger?(Input::UP)
        @command[@i] = 1
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
        @command[@i] = 2
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
        @command[@i] = 3
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
        @command[@i] = 4
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::X)
        @command[@i] = 5
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::Y)
        @command[@i] = 6
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::Z)
        @command[@i] = 7
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::L)
        @command[@i] = 8
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::R)
        @command[@i] = 9
        @i +=1

      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        # if you want anything to happen when player tries to cancel put it here

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        for i in 1...$game_temp.blitz_list.size
          if @command == $game_temp.blitz_list[i]
            @skill = $game_temp.blitz_skill[i]
        if (@skill == nil and @command.size >= 1) or (not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
          # ブザー SE ã‚’æ¼”å¥?
          @skill = $data_skills[89] #change the 89 to the skill that you want it to use upon blitz failure
        @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = = false = false
        @actor_command_window.visible = false
        if @skill.scope == 1
          @active_battler.current_action.target_index = rand($game_temp.battle_troop_id.size) - 1
        elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5
          @active_battler.current_action.target_index = rand($game_party.actors.size) -1

and make this a new script somewhere before main(right click and pick insert)
#-Sample blitz list ----------------------------------------------------
#-script by makeamidget-------------------------------------------------
#---------to make a new blitz attack just add---------------------------
#---------@blitz_list[1] = [buttons to push]----------------------------
#---------@blitz_skill[1] = $data_skills[id number of attack to perform]
#-1 is up---------------------------------------------------------------
#-2 is down-------------------------------------------------------------
#-3 is left-------------------------------------------------------------
#-4 is right------------------------------------------------------------
#-5 is A(input X)-------------------------------------------------------
#-6 is S(input Y)-------------------------------------------------------
#-7 is D(input Z)-------------------------------------------------------
#-8 is Q(input L)-------------------------------------------------------
#-9 is W(input R)-------------------------------------------------------
#-you will fail unless the character knows the skills that you put in---
#-blitz_skill make sure that you learn or will learn the skill----------

class Game_Temp
  attr_reader :blitz_list     #keys you press to activate blitz
  attr_reader :blitz_skill    #skill that correct blitz will do

  alias blitz_list_initialize initialize

  def initialize
    @blitz_skill = []

  def get_blitz_list
    #first blitz
    @blitz_list[1] = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]
    @blitz_skill[1] = $data_skills[3]

    #second blitz
    @blitz_list[2] = [1,2,3,4]
    @blitz_skill[2] = $data_skills[7]

    #third blitz
    @blitz_list[3] = [2,1,3,4]
    @blitz_skill[3] = $data_skills[1]

#-Skill_Command_Change by Vash------------------------------------------
#-to change the command Skill to class specific things just change the--
#-class id to the id of the class you want to change and change the-----
#-command to what you want it to say instead, make sure that you keep---
#-the ' or it will not work---------------------------------------------

class Scene_Battle

class Window_Command
  def set_command_name(index,name)
    @commands[index] = name

class Scene_Battle
  alias skill_names_original_phase3_setup_command_window phase3_setup_command_window
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    return if @active_battler.nil?
    SKILL_COMMAND_NAMES.each do |names|
      if names['CLASS_ID'] == @active_battler.class_id

the list above is just a sample, for it to work for you, you will have to do a little bit of editing

put this in the sample list to make a new blitz attack

$game_temp.blitz_list[?] = [blitz input]
$game_temp.blitz_skill[?] = $data_skills[skill]

okay just put all the skills that you want to be a blitz in the sample list,

for the ?'s just put the next number from the other ones, the next one would be '4', you have to put the same number in for both the blitz_list and the blitz_skill or it won't work how you want it too. blitz input is the buttons you want to have pressed to activate it, and skill is the id of the skill you want to use upon correct blitz input. the blitz's are tied in to the skills, so you can put anything that you want in here for the blitz's, you will get a failure unless the blitz character knows the skill, so you can learn new blitz's like you would learn skills

since the blitz character can't select skills in battle, the only way for him to do them is to input them correctly, the same goes for the menu, since you make them only useable in battle, you can't use them there, you can only view them


okay the blitz_update that was posted above is for random selection of the enemies to attack the one i'm about to post is if you want the player to be able to pick the character to attack so if you do indeed want this then replace the def blitz_update from above with this

def blitz_update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::UP)
      @command[@i] = 1
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
      @command[@i] = 2
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      @command[@i] = 3
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
      @command[@i] = 4
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::X)
      @command[@i] = 5
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::Y)
      @command[@i] = 6
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::Z)
      @command[@i] = 7
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::L)
      @command[@i] = 8
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::R)
      @command[@i] = 9
      @i +=1

    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      for i in 1...$game_temp.blitz_list.size
        if @command == $game_temp.blitz_list[i]
          @skill = $game_temp.blitz_skill[i]

      if (@skill == nil and @command.size >= 1) or (not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # ブザー SE ã‚’æ¼”å¥?
        @skill = $data_skills[89]
      @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = = false = false
      @actor_command_window.visible = false

      if @skill.scope == 1
        start_enemy_select Â�  Â�  Â�  Â�  Â�  Â�  Â�  
      elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5

things still to add
I will put these in based on what yall think. So, what do you think?

put a time limit to input blitz attack(yet again, maybe not)
not let it go back to character if they mess up blitz, like if you know that you messed up and you want to try again

as far as i know there are no problems so..... if you find one you know what to do

Theres a demo below too, so try it out there if you want

.zip (Size: 207.19 KB / Downloads: 3)

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