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Auto Skipping Message
Auto Skipping Message
Sep 2 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.

This is the Script to Auto Skip the Message .
You go in Window_Message , replace all with my Code

Địt lồn mẹ mấy thằng ngu kia , nếu chúng mày ko nhận ra tao là Nguyễn Vũ Dương thì tự cắn buồi mà chết đi đồ ngu ạ ! Xin lỗi mọi người , nếu em có chửi nhầm ai thì bỏ quá cho em
TranslationIf you do not recognize me as Nguyen Vu Duong, you will bite me and kill me! Sorry everyone, if you have misdirected anyone, then give up for you

# ¦ Window_Message
# Created by 'Sonokawa' , you can replace this Script in 'Window_Message'
# and use it easily , change the font property at the line 70 and 71

class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
# ------------------------------------
  def initialize
    super(80, 304, 480, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.visible = false
    self.z = 9998
    @update_text = true
    @fade_in = false
    @fade_out = false
    @contents_showing = false
    @cursor_width = 0
    @lineheight = 32
    @speed = 1
    @speed_frames = 1
    @pause_frames = -1
    @instant_show = false = false
    self.index = -1
# ------------------------------------
  def dispose
    $game_temp.message_window_showing = false
    if @input_number_window != nil
# ------------------------------------
  def terminate_message = false
    self.pause = false
    self.index = -1
    @speed = 1
    @speed_frames = 1
    @pause_frames = -1
    @instant_show = false
    @update_text = true
    @lineheight = 32
    @contents_showing = false
    if $game_temp.message_proc != nil
    $game_temp.message_text = nil
    $game_temp.message_proc = nil
    $game_temp.choice_start = 99
    $game_temp.choice_max = 0
    $game_temp.choice_cancel_type = 0
    $game_temp.choice_proc = nil
    $game_temp.num_input_start = 99
    $game_temp.num_input_variable_id = 0
    $game_temp.num_input_digits_max = 0
    if @gold_window != nil
      @gold_window = nil
# ------------------------------------
  def refresh
    self.contents.clear = "Tahoma" # Change the font name here ^^
    self.contents.font.size = 22 # Change the font size here ^^
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    @x = @y = 0
    @cursor_width = 0
    if $game_temp.choice_start == 0
      @x = 8
    if $game_temp.message_text != nil
      @text = $game_temp.message_text
        last_text = @text.clone
        @text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
      end until @text == last_text
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Nn]\[([0-9]+)\]/) do
        $game_actors[$1.to_i] != nil ? $game_actors[$1.to_i].name : ""
      @text.gsub!(/\\\\/) { "\000" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Cc]\[([0123456789ABCDEFx]+)\]/) { "\001[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Gg]/) { "\002" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Ii]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\003[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Ff]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\004[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Ww]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\014[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Mm]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\015[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Kk]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\022[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Ss]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\023[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Tt]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\024[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\025[#{$1}]" }
      @text.gsub!(/\\[Bb]/) { "\026" }
# ------------------------------------
  def reset_window
    if $game_temp.in_battle
      self.y = 16
      case $game_system.message_position
      when 0
        self.y = 16
      when 1
        self.y = 160
      when 2
        self.y = 304
    if $game_system.message_frame == 0
      self.opacity = 255
      self.opacity = 0
    self.back_opacity = 160
# ------------------------------------
  def update_text
    if @text != nil
      while ((c = @text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
        if c == "\000"
          c = "\\"
        if c == "\001"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0123456789ABCDEFx]+)\]/, "")
          temp_color = $1
          color = temp_color.to_i
          leading_x = temp_color.to_s.slice!(/./m)
          if leading_x == "x"
            self.contents.font.color = hex_color(temp_color)
          if color >= 0 and color <= 7
            self.contents.font.color = text_color(color)
        if c == "\002"
          if @gold_window == nil
            @gold_window =
            @gold_window.x = 560 - @gold_window.width
            if $game_temp.in_battle
              @gold_window.y = 192
              @gold_window.y = self.y >= 128 ? 32 : 384
            @gold_window.opacity = self.opacity
            @gold_window.back_opacity = self.back_opacity
          if c == "\003"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          item_sub = $1.to_i
          c = $data_items[item_sub].name
          l = self.contents.text_size(c).width
          draw_item_name($data_items[item_sub], @x, @y * 32)
          @x = @x + l + 24
         if c == "\004"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          fontize = $1.to_i
          case fontize
            when 1
     = "Arial"
            when 2
     = "High Tower Text"
            when 3
     = "Tw Cen MT"
            when 4
     = "Tahoma"
        if c == "\014"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          w_sub = $1.to_i
          c = $data_weapons[w_sub].name
          l = self.contents.text_size(c).width
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_weapons[w_sub].icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(@x+4, @y * 32+ 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
          @x += 28
          self.contents.draw_text(@x+4, 32 * @y, l+32, @lineheight, c)
          @x = @x + l
        if c == "\015"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          a_sub = $1.to_i
          c = $data_armors[a_sub].name
          l = self.contents.text_size(c).width
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_armors[a_sub].icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(@x+4, @y * 32+ 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
          @x += 28
          self.contents.draw_text(@x+4, 32 * @y, l+32, @lineheight, c)
          @x = @x + l
        if c == "\022"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          skill_sub = $1.to_i
          c = $data_skills[skill_sub].name
          l = self.contents.text_size(c).width
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon($data_skills[skill_sub].icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(@x+4, @y * 32+ 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
          @x += 28
          self.contents.draw_text(@x+4, 32 * @y, l+32, @lineheight, c)
          @x = @x + l
        if c == "\023"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          bigness = $1.to_i
          self.contents.font.size = bigness
          @lineheight = bigness
        if c == "\024"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          @speed = $1.to_i
          @speed_frames = @speed
        if c == "\025"
          @text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
          @pause_frames = $1.to_i
        if c == "\026"
          if @instant_show == true
            @instant_show = false
            @instant_show = true
        if c == "\n"
          if @y >= $game_temp.choice_start
            @cursor_width = [@cursor_width, @x].max
          @y += 1
          @x = 0
          if @y >= $game_temp.choice_start
            @x = 8
        self.contents.draw_text(4 + @x, 32 * @y, 40, @lineheight, c)
        @x += self.contents.text_size(c).width
    if $game_temp.choice_max > 0
      @item_max = $game_temp.choice_max = true
      self.index = 0
    if $game_temp.num_input_variable_id > 0
      digits_max = $game_temp.num_input_digits_max
      number = $game_variables[$game_temp.num_input_variable_id]
      @input_number_window =
      @input_number_window.number = number
      @input_number_window.x = self.x + 8
      @input_number_window.y = self.y + $game_temp.num_input_start * 32
    @update_text = false
# ------------------------------------
  def update
    if @fade_in
      self.contents_opacity = 255
      if @input_number_window != nil
        @input_number_window.contents_opacity = 255
      if self.contents_opacity == 255
        @fade_in = false
    if @input_number_window != nil
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        $game_variables[$game_temp.num_input_variable_id] =
        $game_map.need_refresh = true
        @input_number_window = nil
    if @contents_showing
      if @update_text
        if @pause_frames > 0
          @pause_frames -= 1
        @speed_frames -= 1
        if @speed_frames == 0
          @speed_frames = @speed
          if $DEBUG
            while && @update_text
          if @instant_show
            while @instant_show && @update_text
      if $game_temp.choice_max == 0
        self.pause = true
      if self.pause == true && Input.dir4 != 0
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        if $game_temp.choice_max > 0 and $game_temp.choice_cancel_type > 0
          $$game_temp.choice_cancel_type - 1)
        terminate_message if self.pause == true
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        if $game_temp.choice_max > 0
    if @fade_out == false and $game_temp.message_text != nil
      @contents_showing = true
      $game_temp.message_window_showing = true
      self.visible = true
      self.contents_opacity = 0
      if @input_number_window != nil
        @input_number_window.contents_opacity = 0
      @fade_in = true
    if self.visible
      @fade_out = true
      self.opacity = 0
      if self.opacity == 0
        self.visible = false
        @fade_out = false
        $game_temp.message_window_showing = false
# ------------------------------------
  def update_cursor_rect
    if @index >= 0
      n = $game_temp.choice_start + @index
      self.cursor_rect.set(8, n * 32, @cursor_width, 32)

# ==============================================================================
# ** End of Auto Skipping Message - made by "Sonokawa" ^^
# ==============================================================================

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