04-24-2011, 07:18 PM
There are a few other errors with Selwyn's rewrite. I, too, use it in my Resolution kit, however I have modified it a bit to fix several errors, mainly with how the bitmap is tiled across the sprite. Here is my modified version of Selwyn's script:
This should work with different resolutions.
As for your scrolling issue on the title screen. it's most likely how you are calling the plane class. If this doesn't fix the error, please post the script you use to scrol a plane on the title screen and I'll see what I can do to fix it for you.
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# – SG::Plane
# originally by Selwyn
# edited and remastered by Draycos Goldaryn
# This is a replacement for the Plane class. Planes are special sprites that
# tile bitmap patterns across the entire screen, and are used to display
# panoramas and fog.
module SG
class Plane
attr_reader :ox, :oy
# — initialize
def initialize(viewport = nil)
@sprite = Sprite.new(viewport) # The special Sprite
@max_width = 640 # The maximum viewable width
@max_height = 480 # The maximum viewable height
@bitmap = nil # The Bitmap to be tiled across the Plane
@ox = 0 # The Plane's starting x coordinate
@oy = 0 # The Plane's starting y coordinate
# — z, zoom_x, zoom_y, opacity, blend_type, color, tone
# z=, zoom_x=, zoom_y=, opacity=, blend_type=, color=, tone=
def method_missing(symbol, *args)
# — bitmap=
def bitmap=(bitmap)
@bitmap = bitmap
# — ox=
def ox=(ox)
# If the bitmap hasn't been defined, don't do anything.
return if @bitmap.nil?
w = (@sprite.bitmap.width / 2)
# If there is no change, don't do anything.
if @ox == ox or @ox == ox % w
# Otherwise, scroll the Plane horizontally
@ox = ox % w
@sprite.ox = @ox
# — oy=
def oy=(oy)
# If the bitmap hasn't been defined, don't do anything.
return if @bitmap.nil?
h = (@sprite.bitmap.height / 2)
# If there is no change, don't do anything.
if @oy == oy or @oy == oy % h
# Otherwise, scroll the Plane vertically
@oy = oy % h
@sprite.oy = @oy
# — refresh
def refresh
# If there was already a bitmap made, get rid of it.
if @sprite.bitmap != nil
# If the bitmap hasn't been defined, don't do anything.
return if @bitmap.nil?
# Set the maximum viewable area
w = @sprite.viewport != nil ? @sprite.viewport.rect.width : @max_width
h = @sprite.viewport != nil ? @sprite.viewport.rect.height : @max_height
# Set the size of the Sprite.Bitmap. it should be greater than 4x the
# viewable area for proper scrolling
bw,bh = @bitmap.width,@bitmap.height
until bw > w * 2
bw += @bitmap.width
until bh > h * 2
bh += @bitmap.height
@sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(bw * 2, bh * 2)
# Now that the size is set, find out how many times the bitmap will fit
max_x = @sprite.bitmap.width / @bitmap.width
max_y = @sprite.bitmap.height / @bitmap.height
# Go ahead and tile the bitmap till it fills the Sprite
for x in 0..max_x
for y in 0..max_y
@sprite.bitmap.blt(x * @bitmap.width, y * @bitmap.height,
@bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, @bitmap.width, @bitmap.height))
This should work with different resolutions.
As for your scrolling issue on the title screen. it's most likely how you are calling the plane class. If this doesn't fix the error, please post the script you use to scrol a plane on the title screen and I'll see what I can do to fix it for you.