Ever woke up and wanted to share a dream you just had? Well you can on this thread!
I'll start first, warning: mature content not suitable for young viewers.
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Some of my dreams sometimes take place at school so this is one of them.
This one had a chain of events so only sharing a brief part of the dream...
I seem to have entered the school through a window which is a first in any of my dream(lol) and met this sexy+cute girl who was walking in the hallway. I asked her if we could you know...do something so she agreed and we went in some part of the school that didn't seem to have any people around and well what do you know... it became part of a library with comfy couches but we saw a librarian woman approaching so we scattered. She ran across the room with no pants on but luckily not exposing any naughty parts and then I distracted the librarian since I seem to have been wearing earphones while she asked questions and told me how she didn't have pants on which was funny. So me and her figured she should just work on her assignment first and help her with it. She wrote on her notebook paper and put her number on it to give me... then the dream ends there.