07-22-2012, 11:06 PM
I can't believe how much I'm digging The Last Story. I have quite a bit of hatred of the FF series (don't ask - we'll be here all day) but this is so... so fresh. So crisp! I can't believe it's by the same writer! There's just so much that's good about it. There's no angst, the dialogue is surprisingly mature for a JRPG (two hours in and the hero gets accused of trying to get the leading lady, and I quote, "in the sack"... what wonderful audacity), the story is mega-political (as in - there are no ancient BS environmental space octopi to be seen here 8D), the combat system is really, really awesome and the tall, dark, annoying, brooding douchebag archetype is instead a chillaxed 'n' cheery Scottish flirt who flings ice magic around as much as he does friendly banter and somehow manages to make A SLEEVELESS LILAC TANK-TOP look like the manliest thing ever... Wow.
I want Syrenne and Lowell for my dream RPG team.
I want Syrenne and Lowell for my dream RPG team.