Goodbye Takentai, Hello ACBS!
Takentai is kind of getting old, and last I seen on here. the battlesystem is pretty much unsupported, like a Windows Operating System. So, I'm hereby redoing the game, as I had some story altering mind changes anyway, to replace SBS Takentai for Victor Saint's Atoa Custom Battle System (ACBS). It'll take some time since I don't have the in-development version on my PC, and am instead using the latest Early Access Version I uploaded a long while ago.
This might also mean that only the graphical assets from that Early Access Version is going to be salvaged.
Welp, I'm using a Dell Laptop I got from my dad, which his boss just gave him. It's not quite as good as my last laptop, but it can be improved later.... and if I have the funds..... It's also pink. Don't ask please.
Anyway, Time to make the doughnuts.