an introduction
Hi there. my name's takeiya or lawrence you can address me however and short-hand it however. I usually play games that let me drone off and have been doing so for around 90% of my lifetime, I used to write a lot sometimes and tried to get into coding at a young age but got bored of it almost immediately. i'm a columnist now who works at a local news work site in my hometown, but really, my writing skills haven't improved since. I want to join the forum as an on-and-off member because i usually have spurs of motivation to make things sometimes, whether it be 3D models, drawings, writing, or whatever mods I can make or compile and get my hands on, I usually endeavour into open-source projects in my free time. I'm a big fan of keystroke games and competitive tech-filled games like GunZ and sometimes i knit and sew, I also brew tea: my favorite brews being camomile and roobois. I hope to learn something at least.
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Messages In This Thread
an introduction - by takeiya - Yesterday, 06:42 AM
RE: an introduction - by DerVVulfman - Yesterday, 06:46 AM
RE: an introduction - by Remi-chan - 31 minutes ago

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