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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"[i]What did you say?[i]" He demanded. Yep, his ears were definitely twitching.

Robin guessed that he had misconstrued what she'd said. She gigled. "Oh, nevermind! It's nothing important." She lightly smacked his arm.

"Uh huh." He flushed scarlet, and began looking around. Robin smiled behind her hand, and started off on her own.

She was touching the stone wall, and glanced over her shoulder. "What exactly are we looking for, anyway?"

"I think there's hidden passages here somewhere." He admitted. "A while ago, I thought I heard something. Stone sliding on stone. Our friend is probably behind the walls here. We just have to--" He gave a startled gasp, and she rushed to his side.

"What is it?" She asked worriedly.

"My's stuck." He whispered. "Something's here, Robin. Help me get my hand out."

She took him by the shoulders, and tugged. He wasn't budging. "Danny, I can't!" She struggled, pulling harder. "How did you get stuck that deep?!"

"I don't know! Pull harder!"

Daniel was stuck pretty good, and he knew it. However, he also happened to notice something else, too. A switch or something was pressing against his fingertips. Maybe if he could reach just a little bit further... "Robin, forget about pulling." He said. "I can feel something."

"What?" She stepped back a little. "What do you feel, Danny?"

Sweat dripped on his brow, as he tried to reach into the hole even further. The was right there! Just a little more. He flicked his finger. Not close enough! Darn! If his arm was just a little longer, he'd be able to get it.

"Danny, wait!" Robin grabbed him by the shoulders. "I just had a thought. If you hit that switch with your arm stuck, you could get it ripped off!"

Oh. He hadn't thought of that. "I guess we better get me out of here first." He agreed. "Then look for something that we could stick in the hole to push the switch. Try again, Robin."

Robin wrapped her arms around Daniel's waist, and Daniel placed his free arm against the wall. "One, two, three!" Robin called, pulling while Daniel pushed. This time, they felt Daniel's arm give slightly. They were on the right track.

"Again!" Danel told her.

This time his arm made it halfway out of the wall, before Robin slipped on some loose gravel. She went face first to the ground. "Robin!" Daniel called out in alarm. "Are you all right?"

"Yes." She muttered. Getting to her feet, dusting herself off. "Can you get out on your own now?" She asked, concerned.

"No, I'm still stuck."

Grumbling, she returned to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "This last time should do it." She told him. "One, two, three!" She pulled, and his arm came free.

Grinning, he shook his arm. "Thanks." He pulled her against him gently, and pressed his lips to hers.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by kalier - 06-25-2009, 04:05 AM

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