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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Daniel won't give up on me. Robin thought as Balthus took her body down the corridors that led to the exit.

Balthus smiled to himself at the warning. "I'm counting on that." He replied. "Don't worry, my dear. I have plans for your little half breed."

I won't let you hurt him!

"As if you really have a choice. This body belongs to me now."

For now. Robin conceded. You think you've won, Balthus. But, it's not over yet.

Balthus laughed at her. "You still think that there's a way to be rid of me? I planted that idea in your head to get you here. This was the plan from the start. I knew that you would be gullible enough to want to break the 'curse'. You and that little whelp you grew up with."

Robin refused to believe that this was the end for her. Maybe she was tricked into coming here by Balthus, but she wouldn't let herself despair. If she couldn't think of a way to escape Balthus, Daniel would. Her friend was the most resourceful person she knew, and since coming here, he'd become even more so.

* * *

Daniel hadn't a clue as to how he was going to save Robin, and throw Balthus out of her body. Ideas had been roiling around in his brain, but none of them seemed right. Unfortunately, he didn't know enough about what Balthus had done to enable him to live inside the bodies of his descendants. Whatever he had done, there had to be a way to reverse it. But, he was no mage or sorcerer. He didn't have one ounce of magic in his body, which must dismay his own ancestors.

If there was a spell or something that could banish Balthus from Robin's body, Marcus, or gods forbid, Tiberius would have to perform it. But, he didn't intend to stay around Tiberius for very much longer. Balthus' ally stank of evil as much as Balthus probably would have if he'd been in his own body.

"Marcus, do you know where Balthus' lab was?" He asked.

"No, but I bet Tiberius does."

Tiberius scowled at them. "If you think I'm taking you there, you're more stupid than I thought."

Daniel seized him by the collar, growling into his face. "You'll do whatever we tell you, you little worm! We're going to Balthus' lab, and you're going to lead us there. I'm just waiting for you to do something so I can kill you. I hate your stench!"

Tiberius' eyes grew wide. The half breed was going crazy! "No one is allowed in Balthus' lab. It was sealed a long time ago."

"Then we'll break the seal." Daniel said determinedly.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by kalier - 06-25-2009, 05:01 AM

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