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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again


"Sir, according to the scouts, it's less that two days to the border," the captain replied curtly.


"The men are well stocked and well armed. We are ready sir."

"Good, see to the watches and make sure the men are prepared for the morrow. Dismissed."

"Yes sir," the captain snapped a quick salute and stepped out of the tent.

Olan fished a flask from his belt and took a pull, savoring the way the strong alcohol burned on the way down. Less than two days...

He'd barely believed the figure he saw in the eldritch candlelight only a few hours ago, but the girl did have the Seal of Balthus (everyone in his order knew what THAT was, it was practically drilled into them from their first day onward) and had powers like that namesake to contact him such.

Now his mission had a slight detour, one that promised to be most rewarding. Balthus was a master in arts Olan found sadistic pleasure in. When they met, the things he could learn...

Of course, there was much to do before that, he added, drawing his favorite blade from the sheathe and admiring the sheen and envisioned it covered in red.

He smiled. Yes, much to do.

* * *

Marcus wished he had his shoes again so he could give the door a good solid kick. It wouldn't break the seal, but at least he'd feel a little better.

Instinct told him someone was approaching, so when he saw Daniel and the girl it was down the sight of a crossbow.

"Marcus, it's okay!" the boy said quickly.

He lowered the weapon. "Aye, I see." He smiled a little. "You got your girl back."

"Ummm... not exactly," Daniel answered.

Marcus raised an eyebrow and studied the two of them carefully. The girl, mouth defiantly clamped shut, stared back at him coldly with a familiar hate in her eyes. Daniel stood behind her, hands on her shoulders as if ready to stop her from doing... something.

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "So... who exactly were you kissing back there?"

An embarrassed blush started to creep across Daniel's face. "That was... um" he started to protest when he realized he wasn't so sure himself anymore. "But she's getting better and...uh... What happened to Tiberius?" he quickly changed the subject.

The guardian scowled. "I don't know how, but he walked through that damned door as if it weren't even there."

Robin gave a cruel mocking laugh. "What's the matter guardian? My magics too clever for you?"

Marcus' eyes narrowed as he focused down on her. "Yes Balthus," he said evenly, "So clever that they allowed the scheming weasel, who was plotting to kill you not that long ago as I recall, into your private sanctum AND all your treasures. Oh yes. Very clever indeed."
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 05:16 AM

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