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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"No, my lord."

A tense hush fell across the room.

Lord Tomas studied Marcus carefully. "You question my orders?"

Marcus met his gaze "These two are under my protection Lord Tomas, and forgive me, but I fear for their safety, even in your cells." Marcus lowered his voice. "The boy is from the village too my lord. A place where the words 'extortion' and 'coercion' have seen little use until now."

Robin felt Daniel's hand tighten around hers as she watched the dark-haired lord consider this.

Eventually, he turned to the guards. "Wait outside," he ordered.

"Now," said Lord Tomas after the four of them were alone, "an explanation, Marcus. Why are you here, instead of Weseluk, and what is this about 'coercion'?"

"A Necrordinator plot, my lord."

"Necrordinators? They're little more than a fringe cult."

Robin thought she saw a faint flicker of annoyance slipped across Marcus eyes, replaced by the stone-faced seriousness of a seasoned soldier.

"That may be, my lord," Marcus continued, "T'is best not to underestimate them just the same. As I was saying, family was used to force the girl to the fortress."

"For what reason?"

"Retrieval of one of Balthus' effects at any cost."

"Even the murder of my men?"

"Consider this my lord. Which would you chose: the death of a stranger, or the death of someone close to you? A mother? A close friend? Desperation can cause poor choices. And if I may be blunt my lord?"

"Since when are you not, Sir Marcus?"

"My lord, it was your actions that brought this upon her."

"...MY actions?"

"The letter you send to the other lords, the one I advised against, stating you had unsealed the lower caverns."

"For study, Marcus," corrected Lord Tomas, obviously annoyed by the direction the conversation was taking.

"I am aware of that, my lord, but word spreads. Word the caverns where Balthus the Black conducted his studies was once again open... Necrodinators like Tiberius would jump-"

"Tiberius? I've heard that name. A minor noble from near Sharl?"

"Yes, my lord."

Lord Tomas frowned. "Yes, I do remember him. He's involved in this business?"

"Yes my lord, he was. He held the boy here prisoner for a time while the girl sought Balthus' vault."

"Where is he now?"

"Very dead, I'm afraid."

"Your doing?"

Marcus shook his head. "Balthus' vault had been located and I believe something in there killed him. What exactly... I'm afraid I do not know. I would advise the caverns be resealed as soon as pos-"

"A moment. What of this thing the girl was sent to retrieve?"



"Taken by another of the Necrodinators I believe. And as to who..." he shook his head sadly, "I couldn't say. Only that he and Tiberius were working together for a time."

"...And the reason you are here, instead of Weseluk?"

"Word of the plot reached me. Thought it best if I investigate quietly. The less who knew, the better."

"I see..."
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 05:33 AM

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