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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Lord Tomas stood up and moved towards a large bookcase, stopping short as he turned his back on Marcus. "So, you disobeyed my direct order on a mere rumor," accused the Lord, who was facing a map of his terrain.

"My lord, I only -"

"Silence!" Marcus flinched when his lord barked back at him. "You have made your claims quite clear," he added. "And you now seek to protect these two who you know murdered my guards."

Hearing his lord's voice shout accusingly at him made Marcus tremble. Marcus has seen his lord's fury before, and seeing Lord Tomas's fist clenched, the guardian's face grew pale.

Suddenly, and without warning, Lord Tomas struck the map on the wall.

"If I didn't hear about the massacre of Javon," He muttered before turning around. Marcus saw a look of sorrow on his face. "And the village of Acorn Pass. Eighty three of my people." His voice grew quiet as he tried to utter the words. "Even the children were slaughtered."

"The children too?" Marcus gasped.

"Marcus, you disobeyed my order." Calmly and slowly, he grasped Marcus by the shoulder. "Thank you, old friend."

Taken aback, the guardian took a step back.

"I take it you plan to pursue this matter?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"And those... children... under your protection. I take it you want them to assist you?"

"They actually demand it, my Lord."

"Do they now?" Tomas began to smile. "Even the boy?"

"He has been surprisingly helpful, my -"

"I am sure he has," he interrupted Marcus and glared at him. Marcus knew what his lord implied. He knew that Daniel's secret elfblood lineage was visible. "He's brave and crafty to come standing before me without letting on what both you and I know."

"My lord?"

"Go." Moving back towards his desk, the Lord continued on. "Go and do what you may." He scribbled something on a small sheet of paper and passed it to Marcus. "Take what you think you need for this venture." Marcus glanced at the paper seeing the Letter of Marque he was given. "But after that, I cannot interfere. This is all the help I can offer right now."
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by DerVVulfman - 06-25-2009, 05:34 AM

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