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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Blades of grass that bore the brunt of an early winter snow just days earlier now bore the weight of the approaching riders. The leader of the party, astride a tall pinto, galloped ahead of the others. He was confused.

He came to a halt where the simple path ended, and raised the visor on his helmet. There were nothing but trees and vegetation before him. Their intended target was supposed to be in the village down the road.

But where was the village?

With outstretched arms, Hallah stood before the raiding party, chanting in words that Alston didn't recognize. He knew that her father spent fortunes on teaching her the arcane arts He only hoped that this gambit would work.

The air before them shimmered like water and dancing around within were tiny specks of light that buzzed around like ghostly fireflies. Through the strange barrier she put up, Alston could see the riders as they halted, their horses neighing fiercely. The closest raider urged his horse forward before raising the visor on his dark, black helm.

It's working. It's working, Alston silently cheered. Turning his attention back towards the village, he saw nothing. Not a single bit of movement. Sammie, please hurry.

With eyes that were merciless and unemotional, the armored leader of the marauders studied the road that lay before him. It ended abruptly. It ended and became nothing but grass and trees and dirt as if no one had ever ventured this way before.

Yet, they had just traveled on a large established road from Sarrs.

Looking back the way they came, he could see the clearly laid path and freshly cut marks from wagon wheels.

Some trickery is afoot, he thought as he drew his blade.

He didn't notice the sudden crack, or quiet groan that issued from behind him.

Oh damn, thought Hallah as she saw the bandit in black and green armor draw his sword. That idiot got me killed! She cursed Alston for this absurdity... that she could dissuade the approaching bandits from advancing while help came.

Then suddenly, the quiet yet shrill whistle of an arrow sounded. Looking back, she saw Donagio and Leewen taking aim while Bartel knocked another arrow.

Holy! The apprentice sorceress stepped back as she realized that she was directly in the line of fire.

Two more arrows were loosed as Hallah lost concentration. The air between her and the raiders no longer shimmered as the barrier fell. But two more of the raiders did as the archers struck their targets. Armor or no armor, they scored their targets as if they would a stag.

As if a mist had blown away, the pathway before him was laid bare. Stumbling back, a dark haired girl in a light violet dress caught his attention. Sorcery. He then noticed the others. The archers that just fired upon him.

But if magic was there to hold him back, he would surely take the source of it out first.

The girl.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by DerVVulfman - 06-25-2009, 05:55 AM

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