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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Marcus and the two youths were led further down the rocky path towards a small outcropping in the hillside. Just surrounding it was a small collection of bushes, nearly lifeless and barren. Corbin approached the hillside and gave Daniel a hateful stare.

And then vanished into the hillside.

As another hunter walked into the hillside, he too disappeared as if the hillside swallowed him up. Robin groaned. “Oh, fantastic.” Her hand immediately went to massage her temple as she begins to feel a throbbing headache sprout. “Another cave.”

Daniel rests a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. She clasps his hand and smiles. “It won’t be that bad this time.”

“This time?” a voice interjected. Bartel was behind the trio and escorted them to the hillside.

Daniel blinked and saw a hazy passage through the stony wall. Another illusion. A simple one too, he thought. Before Robin could say anything, he took a step and vanished without a trace.

She stepped forward and faced the wall. It looked solid enough to her, but she knew it had to be fake. After closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to build up her resolve.

Marcus gave her a quick push through the mountainside illusion.


She spun around and glared at the old man. He strolled into the cave with nary a problem, followed by Bartel. She watched the two pass her and meet up with Daniel and the others. Further down the stone passage, she could see the pale glow of lantern light . What few of Javon’s survivors there were, they were here.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by DerVVulfman - 06-25-2009, 06:11 AM

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