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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Samantha sat up with a start and immediately found herself wrapped in the comforting arms of Margaret Lethe.

"Shhh.. it's all right Samantha. Everything is all right."

The girl sobbed and tried to stop trembling. The terrors of her mind were still fresh and frightening but the woman's soft voice was comforting.

Eventually she looked up and the woman dried her eyes with her skirt. "See? You're safe," she said to the girl. "It was just a bad dream. You're going to be fine."

Samantha sniffled and nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Margaret asked.

The girl shook her head.

"If you're sure... Do you want some water?"

She hesitated, then said "A little... please."

The woman smiled as she rose and went over to the earthen pitcher. Samantha watched her from the bed. The woman, Margaret, had been one of several taking care of her since she arrived in Takuro. The days before were still a horrific blur that was creeping into even her dreams.

"Here you go dear," said Margaret, handing her a cup. "Drink up."

"Thank you." She gulped down the cool water and started to feel a little better. The woman sat beside her and stroked her hair in a motherly fashion.

Samantha put down the cup and looked up at her questioningly.

"Yes Samantha?"

"...You remind me of... of someone," she corrected herself quickly. "She was an elf too."


"She died. Before Javon was attacked."

"I'm sorry."

"Do you think Uncle Marcus is okay?"

"I hope so." For Daniel's sake, Margaret added to herself.

"I do too," said Samantha.

"Now, you need your rest. You're still weak. I'll be here if the nightmares come back, all right?"

"Would you say a prayer with me?"

"Of course, honey."

They murmured a child's prayer of protection and then Margaret tucked the girl back into bed. She sat by her bedside until Samantha quietly slipped back into slumber, and then silently prayed a second prayer for her son, where ever he may be.

* * *

Daniel couldn't sleep.

It was warm enough with both blankets and the glowing coals of the fire, but somehow, he couldn't seem to relax even though he knew he needed the rest.

Most of the survivors, save those on patrol, were asleep already. Even Robin with her endless energy was sleeping soundly. He didn't see Marcus, but imagined the guardian was elsewhere asleep in the caves; there was only so much room by each firepit.

Eventually Daniel sat up, reached for his belongings, and drew the elven blade from its sheath. Faint light danced across its polished surface. He was still amazed at how natural it felt in his hand, It was a blade that called to his elven blood, a part of him that he'd tried to hide for most of his life.

He'd killed a man with it. It had been necessary, but that hadn't made it any easier. The thought still made him feel sick.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 06:29 AM

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