Phantom's Random Writing
I can't figure out how to get images to work so while I work on that, I'll let you read my writing, which I tend to do before I turn anything into a game. It's how I best figure out how I want things to go before I move on to any visual step. Feel free to ask questions, give critique, etc., I love talking about my work.

I tend to keep things leveled more at a PG-13 rather than PG out of a personal preference. My takes on the Sonic universe and tend to differ to varying extents just because I'm of the personal belief that SEGA makes some insane decisions that contradict their own canon, so I made my own.

Sonic vs Silver fight 1 ("It's no use!"):
Sonic pushed himself up and peeked out of the face-down-hedgehog-shaped crater he'd made, realizing he had no idea where he was. The peaceful meadow he'd fallen asleep in was gone, replaced by rubble, fire and lava. In the distance, he could see a partially destroyed building. Suddenly, he felt his quills prickle up and he spun around just in time to see a silver hedgehog floating, surrounded by debris and a teal aura.
“It's time to end this, Iblis Trigger,” the hedgehog said before launching a volley of debris towards him. Sonic was barely given a second's notice before he started dodging, his speed seeming to perplex the newcomer.
“If it's a fight you want, can it wait a little?” Sonic asked, “I just kind of showed up here and it's really hot and-”
His question was quickly answered by rebar just barely whizzing past him, lodging itself into the ground beside him.
“That's a no!” he said, zooming off, zigzagging to dodge more debris being hurled at him.

Silver flew after the blue hedgehog, psychokinetically grabbing any and all objects he could. He'd found him – the Iblis Trigger, the blue hedgehog that had caused the destruction of his world. He could stop this mess before it reached Soleanna! He gritted his teeth and pushed himself further, only just behind his speedy adversary. The blue hedgehog in question looked back at him, just barely hiding surprise behind a cocky grin.

“Hey hey hey~!” Sonic taunted with a wave, pretending not to notice the road sign dangling down, “Better think fast!”
He ducked and slid under, hearing the metallic THUNK as his pursuer didn't dodge fast enough. He quickly dashed ahead towards the destroyed city ahead. He looked around as he ran, taking in the sight of every destroyed building and the destruction of the city.  Carefully weaving his way around what he could only describe as a tetanus trap of I-beams, rebar, glass and rubble left over from what he could only guess was once a skyscraper. He only stopped as that mysterious hedgehog rose up in front of him again, blood staining the fur of his muzzle. Sonic couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, but it quickly passed because – hey, he's not the one who didn't dodge.

“It ends here,” Silver said, pointing at the blue hedgehog.
“No it doesn't!” he replied, running towards the nearest building. Was he taking the fight indoors? Silver quickly flew after him, only to notice Sonic parkouring up the side. He attempted to shoot more of the city's rubble at him, but watched it tumble to the ground below with a weak spurt of energy. He quickly flew his way up the building.
“Sometimes,” he said to himself, “The easiest way can be a good one. Nobody could survive a fall off this thing...”
He landed on the roof and waited, ready to ambush.

Sonic quickly hopped to the top and looked around.
“Have a nice flight, Silver?” Sonic asked.
“How did you know my name?” the hedgehog asked, caught offguard.
“Lucky guess?” Sonic replied, not letting his guard down for a second, “I just look for easy things to call people when I don't know their names.”
Suddenly, Silver launched himself at Sonic.
“If it's a race you want, it's a race you'll get!” Sonic shouted as he dodged, spindashing his way down the side of the building before unrolling and settling into a full sprint.
“GET BACK HERE!” Silver shouted back, psychokinetically ripping pieces of the building to launch at him. Sonic quickly turned and slowed slightly, running backwards to keep an eye on what he had to dodge.
“What's wrong?” he grinned, “Tired already?”
Silver growled and gave up on launching things at him, instead focusing on catching up. Sonic didn't let his grin falter as the hedgehog shot further down to meet him, face to bloody-nosed face. His amber eyes were hard to read, but a spark of anger was hidden within. As their noses nearly touched, Sonic reached up and flicked Silver's nose before turning around and running off.

Silver stopped and grabbed his sore nose, sneezing loudly before realizing that he forgot to fly. By the time he caught himself, that hedgehog was on the ground, visible only as a blue streak zipping around the ruins of the once-thriving city, the city he'd helped Iblis to destroy. He bared his teeth and flew on ahead of him, stopping at a parking lot. The destroyed cars would make excellent ammunition. A shiny white and hot pink one caught his eye and he realized that it might make even better ammo.

Sonic dashed up and was immediately caught off guard by an oddly shiny and new-ish car being launched at him. He slid under it and skidded to a stop as he realized that the entire parking lot was levitating.
“What's your problem?” he asked, receiving another car flying at him in response. He growled, almost wishing for Egghead. At least he could count on him to reply! Quickly, he hopped up onto the cars and bounced along the tops of them as Silver attempted to throw he and the cars away.

Silver glared as the hedgehog got close to him, but he gave him a swift kick to the stomach, sending him tumbling out of the air and to the ground.
“It's no use,” Silver said, landing and levitating the hedgehog himself, holding him in midair, arms out to either side, legs dangling down as he fruitlessly tried to curl up.
Silver quickly shot him into a corner, sending him clear through the wall and tumbling down a hole in the floor and he helplessly failed. Silver stopped for a second, hearing the thud of the guy hitting the floor below. Could he do this...? He looked around at the world around him, the dark brown sky above, the smog filling his lungs with every breath. He clenched his fists and slowly stepped forward, walking to the hole. He had to. He had to. His world – his sister - his friend - his future – was at stake.

Suddenly, Sonic spindashed into his torso, sending him flying backwards before landing on his hands and knees, panting. It was getting harder to breathe the longer he was here – he needed to get out! He quickly glanced around, looking for any exit he could before bolting, only to get stopped in his tracks by Silver's psychokinesis again. He couldn't move as he was jammed through another wall – and another – and another – he lost count. Shakily, he got back to his hands and knees, battered, bruised and bloodied. He felt dust from the rubble cake up in his scratches and winced, baring his teeth as he forced himself to stand.

Silver stared at his opponent, still grinning at him with more arrogance than he'd know what to do with. How was this guy still walking? He growled, slowly walking towards him.
“What's going on?” the blue hedgehog asked, “Why are you trying to beat me up?”
As if he wasn't definitely successfully beaten up?! Silver hid his shock and swallowed his words, instead grabbing him with his psychokinesis.
“I fight for the future,” he stated simply, “My future, my world's future. And you're the one responsible for releasing Iblis!”
“Who's Iblis?” the hedgehog asked. Who's Iblis?! Silver motioned around before levitating him over one of the pools of lava.
“I guess you're about to find out,” he replied. And, for the first time this whole fight, he saw fear flash in his opponent's eyes.

Sonic felt something kick him sharply in the ribs and to the ground before seeing a mass of black ram into Silver and send him flying. Since somebody else was obviously handling it, he decided he'd just lay there and try to rest a little before jumping back into the fray. From his tear-blurred vision, he saw Silver launch that same white and pink car. He followed the trajectory, but saw nothing aside from a flash of light... And then Silver following after the car, clearly launched towards it. Sonic looked back and saw none other than Shadow standing where Silver had stood. He smiled a little, glad his life was saved... And then, he realized that Shadow wouldn't let him live this down unless he did something spectacular. With a groan, he flopped his head back down to the shattered pavement.

“This... isn't over!” the silver hedgehog growled as he pointed at Shadow before sweeping his index finger to aim it at Sonic, “He's responsible for all this! He's the Iblis Trigger!”
“What the hell are you even saying?” Shadow asked, moving himself between the two battered hedgehogs.
“I'm saying,” the hedgehog continued, “That the only way to save this place is to kill him.”
“Aren't you needed somewhere else?” Shadow asked, “Not that I really care where, but just go there, preferably permanently.”
The hedgehog just stared at him for a moment before slowly walking off. Shadow waited for a moment, crossing his arms and glaring at the slow silhouette.
“You're slipping up,” he said finally, “I don't think I've ever seen you take that much of a beating before.”
“Oh, you know,” Sonic replied, slowly standing, “You win some you lose some. I wanted him to feel like he was doing well and then I was gonna give it to him. Live and learn and all that.”
Shadow could hear the cocky grin on his face without even looking at him.
“Rouge is going to kill me if she sees this...” he mumbled, walking to check on the car. To his surprise, Rouge sat up, somewhat dazed, before rolling down the window.
“Well,” she said, “Fancy seeing you here.”
“And here is...?” Sonic asked, following after Shadow.
“Who knows!” Rouge replied, “But fancy seeing you both!”
Sonic grinned at Shadow and elbowed him before wincing and pulling away, guarding his arm.
“You are so dead,” he grinned.
“Dead?” Rouge asked, climbing out, “Dead why-”

Sonic quickly zipped off, cackling at the explosive exclamation of, “MY CAR!!!!!”
That was Shadow's problem to deal with. He, on the other hand, had a murderous levitating maniac to worry about... And whatever this Iblis Trigger deal was...
This next one is my rewrite of the Sonic Heroes Team Dark intro, where Rouge finds Shadow and Omega and they band together and become Team Dark.

Rouge made her way through the dark, dusty hallways and down the blue tubes that once carried a purple liquid her sources called Mega Mack. She passed some run-down robots, shut down in the middle of their tasks, dried Mega Mack in their joints and the separation between metal plates. Others were destroyed, with holes right through them or vital parts of them crushed. Closer inspection revealed blue quills... Sonic had been here at some point. As she walked on, she smiled a little. He must have been why it was shut down. This chemical plant had been Eggman's, after all. Her smile grew as her HoloWatch beeped. She stopped a second later, hand resting on an ID pad.
“This must be it... I've found Eggman's secret treasure!”
She pressed her HoloWatch to the pad. As the door opened, she noticed the dusty interior as the musty scent of a seldom-opened room wafted out like a solid wall of stench. She coughed, squeezing her eyes shut and ducking behind a wall, just in case there were any hidden security measures. She heard no security systems activate so,with a smile, she walked into the stale room and right up to the big tube in the middle, surrounded by a security panel. A quick look to either side revealed nothing. She pulled a small plug-in out of her thigh pocket and plugged it in. The panel's lights turned green and the metal around it rose up a few inches, revealing a green fluid being sucked out of it from the bottom. She heard a harsh thud from inside before the metal continued rising. She stared, watching, barely breathing from excitement.

She stared into the somewhat-familiar red eyes of none other than Shadow. Eyes she'd come to know well in the short time she'd known him. His eyes looked back at her with the unfamiliarity of a stranger seeing her for the first time, unknowing of who she was.
“Shadow?” she asked softly, breath caught in her throat. Six months ago, she watched him die. Now, he just laid there, sopping wet and struggling to get up. Around his ankles and wrists were his inhibitor rings, though he was otherwise entirely naked. She thought back to the inhibitor ring Sonic had given her, which she'd hung on her wall as a reminder of this bizarre hedgehog. Slowly she reached out, but Shadow quickly turned his head to look at something before finding the strength within to launch himself at her, tackling her out of the way as a barrage of gunfire ripped through the air.
“Must eliminate all Eggman robots!” a robotic voice shouted over the gunfire. She quickly looked around but saw no robots from her limited view, thought it was admittedly hard to see anything, pinned beneath Shadow.
“Stay here,” he almost whispered, his voice a low growl as he got up.

Rouge sat up and watched as Shadow took on a barrel-chested robot that seemed to have machine guns for hands. He wasn't as strong or fast as she remembered, but given how he'd fallen through the atmosphere after the final hazard of the second ARK incident, she was surprised he was still alive. And then, the robot's words hit her. The robot who said it was out to destroy all Eggman robots was the only Eggman robot in the room – he bore the signature yellow, black and red paint job, but with the Ω symbol. She stood up as Shadow launched himself into the center of the gunfire. She only had seconds to act and without thinking, she dove to the ground, sliding between the two before getting up and using all her upper body strength to shove the two away from each other.
“Hey, hold up!” she shouted. And thankfully, they stopped. Shadow breathed heavily before promptly flopping to the floor with a wet thud.
“Identify yourself,” the robot stated, machine gun becoming a hand that pointed at her.
“The treasure hunter, Rouge the bat.”
“Known former accomplice and current enemy of Eggman.”
She nodded a little proudly at that last statement.
“Now,” she said, “Why don't we all take a minute to catch our breath and we'll discuss everything like mature, civilized people.”
“I do not discuss things,” the robot replied, “I destroy things.”
“Well it's never too late to change,” she said. The robot just stared at her as she walked off and hopped onto a destroyed pipe still somehow hanging onto the wall despite the numerous bullet holes filling it.

Rouge watched as Shadow looked around at his surroundings with almost no familiarity aside from vague understanding of what the objects around him were. The robot, on the other hand, looked around, head spinning to scan the entire facility before focusing on its hand, which it then spun in a circle as it stared. Rouge frowned and thought for a moment.
“Shadow,” she said, “What do you know about yourself?”
He thought silently, eyes searching, but visibly coming up short.
“You can't remember anything, can you Shadow?” she asked, “And you, robot – you must be mad at Eggman for locking you in this room. How right am I?”
She watched the two slowly nod and a smile grew on her face. She jumped down between them and helped Shadow up.
“Then it's settled,” she said, pulling his hand towards the robot's, “We'll find Eggman together.”
She looked between the two as Shadow glared at the robot before turning away.
“So what's your name?” Rouge asked, “We can't just go around calling you robot.”
“I am called E-123 Omega,” the robot replied.
“That seems a little long, don't you think?” she smiled. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shadow move to look at the robot again.
“Omega...” he said quietly. Rouge turned to look at him.
“What was that, Shadow?” she asked.
“Omega. We could call him Omega,” he replied, a little louder.
“What do you think about that, Omega?” she asked, turning to face the robot.
“It is suitable,” he replied, “Question. If we are working together, does this mean we are a unit?”
“A unit hunting down whoever Eggman is,” Shadow replied, “I don't know who he is or who either of you are, but I don't really have any choice but to trust you.”
Rouge nodded quietly.
“A team,” Omega said.
“A team...” Shadow softly repeated. Rouge placed Shadow's hand on Omega's and put her hand on top of the pile with a grin.
“A team.”

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