Phantom Star Art
Hello! I've recently been on a bit of a roll with art and feel like sharing it! I'll post old and new art back and forth, but I'll start off with these newer lovelies.

[Image: dkYnOXn.png]
A battle between Mephiles and Shadow. If it hasn't been plainly obvious already, I love Sonic '06. Fun fact: everything people complain about with that game was caused by SEGA forcing Sonic Team to push the game out under a certain release window after they'd repeatedly told SEGA that the game wasn't ready yet. Between SEGA's deadlines and extreme crunch time and the almost universal negative feedback the game got, the creator of Sonic quit working at SEGA to work on other projects with a more decent schedule. That's right! The glitches, bugs, unexpressive 3D models, lack of inclusion of all originally intended stories, Sonic's story being fairly disjointed from the rest of the plot and continuity errors were the result of corporate meddling. Anyway, this piece is called Drown In Darkness and I was working on my perspective, depth, lighting, a semi-limited color palette and foreshortening.

[Image: JFSVh4P.png]
This is just a piece called Jewel Theif and while I originally designed it for notebooks, it ended up making a much better sticker. It was another small challenge in depth, as well as the first time I've ever colored in makeup. The necklaces she's holding are colored specifically to evoke the Master Emerald and her purple outfit from Sonic Heroes, which also inspired how I draw her shoes. With the eyeshadow, I couldn't pick between doing either blue or pink, so I asked some friends of mine and they couldn't decide either, so I used three of her five canon eyeshadow colors and made a gradient. Blue from her typical look, pink from her Heroes look and purple from some of her alternate costumes.

[Image: liiDpD2.png]
This one was inspired by gargoyles and is, as such, titled Night Gargoyle. I've always thought it would be fun to do a piece with her about to launch herself off of a building, kind of like how gargoyles always look like they're about to. I went back and forth with a few different poses before I settled on this one. Much like Jewel Theif, it was intended to be a notebook cover. Unlike Jewel Theif, it works better as a notebook cover than a sticker. Aside from gargoyles, I was inspired by those notebooks with interesting scenes of characters on them that they just don't seem to have anymore. I had a Batman one and a Spider-Man one growing up, but they were always much more expensive than the plain solid-color Mead notebooks or the fun Lisa Frank sets... And the Lisa Frank sets always had more colors. Regardless though, it's also a wonderful piece for showing off my own take on Rouge's outfit, with straps keeping her breastplate in place and a fun belt breaking up the monotony of her bodysuit. I've always liked her wings from Adventure 2 the best, as I think they tie in to her color scheme better than solely purple or black like in the other games featuring her. The pink really pops, it's very eye-catching and it ties in nicely with the pink details on her boots and breastplate. In one of her alternate costumes, she's seen with earrings and I thought it would be a fun touch to make them match the other hearts, as well. The belt is, much like the heel details on her boots, inspired by her Heroes outfit.

[Image: pVcyK5b.png]
If you've ever played Sonic Advance 3, then you know about the fun character teams you can make, including the hilariously and sarcastically named Lovely Couple ("Lovey-Dovey" Couple in Japanese, sarcasm quotes included)! The way the special drawing for these two seems to depict Amy dragging an extremely unenthusiastic Sonic off for the adventure was always funny to me, so I wanted to make something inspired by it. As such, Say Cheese! was born. The end result ended up looking like an impromptu photo that she just sort of dragged Sonic into. It was something of an exercise in visual opposites, as well. Amy is visually younger than her crush and visually more into the situation than he is. While she tugs him off his feet and into frame, he can't help but just sort of give in. However, out of every detail in the image, I think Amy's outfit has to be one of my favorites. I've always liked Classic Amy's palette better than Modern Amy's, but I like Modern Amy's appearance more than Classic Amy's. I decided to mix the two together for my own take on the character. The puffy headband is inspired by one I saw at the store, as are the shoes. They have an easy velcro closure and light-up rainbow-strobing soles. The shirt is meant to add some girly fanciness to the outfit, while the skort is more practical than fashionable, especially for an active girl such as herself. The statement socks are both a meta-reference to Modern Amy's design and an in-universe reference to Sonic. For Sonic himself, I keep the design much more simple, only really adding a Ring necklace (of plot relevance) and an earring that's both fashionable and covers up a notch in his ear that he's not too proud of. I plan on making pieces inspired by the other three special teams in this game as well (Unbreakable Bond, Fighting Buddies and Team Jubilee), so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for that!


[Image: 5oMDySR.png]
The very first piece of Sonic art I ever made specifically to put on Redbubble, although it's since been taken down. Redbubble says it was due to copyright, but I guess they've since changed their policy on that, seeing as (knock on wood) none of my other stuff has been taken down and I've more or less been put onto their fanart account plan. Tails Doll, from the forgettable game with a killer soundtrack, Sonic R, is something of an urban legend in the Sonic community. Some say that if you beat Sonic R as the character, he'll come to you in your dreams. Others say you have to play slowed down music from the game in a dark room afterwards to get the effect. Why? Who knows actually. In actual canon lore, he's a plush robot made for the race in Sonic R to pad out Eggman's team and he's later used in some of the comics to spy on unsuspecting heroes and lurk around generally being creepy or spontaneously being drawn with a little too much realism for comfort. In my own personal stuff, he's that and more - a completely indestructible robot with an interesting mechanic where you can use an absolutely OP self-healing skill, but only if your HP is above a certain amount. "But why," you ask, "does the image say WAFFLEZ?" Simple! I've always imagined he sounds like GIR from Invader Zim and I designed this piece specifically for my fellow emos and scene kids out there. While the original design for this character was creepy enough, I wanted to add a few more creepy details. The mismatched button eyes, the visible robot underneath the stitched mouth and the needle claws sounded like creepy additions and I think they work quite nicely. I even tried to lean slightly into the overly-realistic thing that some of the comics did with him when it came to the button eyes. As you can see, they're the only part of this that's actually shaded. As for a little more backstory, this character actually goes back to the first Adventure game. At the beginning of E-102 Gamma's story and the end of Sonic's story, you can find these target dolls for training Eggman's robots that resemble Sonic and his friends. One of the developers who was working on both Adventure and R decided to turn one of these target dolls into a character for the racing game and thus, Tails Doll was born to haunt the nightmares of young 90's gamers forever. Or until they grew up enough to realize that a plush doll in a video game can't actually haunt you. Probably. This isn't the only instance of me taking a character from Sonic R and turning it into something more, but it's the only one I actually have art for. The other Brass Knuckles, who is a rebuilt version of Metal Knuckles. Unlike Tails Doll, Metal Knuckles gained absolutely no sort of reputation and was largely forgotten by almost everybody, much like the bulk of Sonic R itself, aside from Tails Doll and the soundtrack.
Pop off, you madlad!

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