Soulwake - Sword of the Spirit
Valdred Wrote:You have written good background story, but maybe you could share some of the storyline (what happens from the point of gamestart and forward)?

thanks for the request, yea i'm guessin i need an introduction storyline since others usually do. i'll get on that valdred asap!

ANOTHER music update (brainsTOrm!)

"Until We Meet Again"
David's search against the tossing of the seas and the whirlwind for his beloved finally gives him up to a deserted ghost town inhabited my berserk drones that have been trying to kill him with the power of the element of air for weeks upon weeks. Where he is more than ready to destroy the satanic fleet, with the help of God.
Where does the sword come in?
Valdred Wrote:Where does the sword come in?

sorry i dont even know yet - At the moment my music is helping me visualize the storyline, kinda bassackwards i know :/ lol . He doesnt start with it right off the bat, David is actually really mischeavous (im sure i didnt spell that right) in the beginning but ya everything is coming together storyline and music wise now for me to begin putting a demo together. it really isnt ur ordinary bible gamehaha. i gotta keep it fun :)


David has a blind date w/ destiny and a carnie girl ! First played on the last nite of the Carnival's stay @ Gravelstone, when the grand finale is about to go down at the Big Show featuring the great infamous Shadowcaster and his mysterious legendary pet monster drago..... errr dino.. uh I mean giant lizard!! ya thats it ;) spread the word!
Uhm, you should really take your time to write and organize stuff. It sounds like your story is cool, but a bit messy.
Tech Administrator of Save-Point

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