The Soul
What is a soul? What happens to a soul once a person dies? If you believe in afterlife, describe it. If you believe in reincarnation, describe its process. If you believe souls blink out like light bulbs, what is the purpose of us being here on Earth?
Not sure if a "soul" exist (afaik no one has ever proofed it that it does exist), but I do "know" that there is no purpose of us being on earth. IMO we are just on big complicated chemical reaction.
Don't know don't care, i'll deal with it when i get there ;)
I really have no idea how souls were first formed. Maybe they are an extension of God. Maybe he made them separately. But I do believe everyone has a soul. As to some dogma, I believe the Jewish refer to the 'Guff' as the source of all souls and when the last soul is used, the end of days begins. *shrugs*

I believe in re-incarnation. I am a twin who's baby sister died at birth. However... I know someone who was borne a few years later who has the same tastes and had an upbringing involving parents in a parallel manner. We even compared scars (a little nod to Jaws, but true). And I swear, we even had headaches at the same time. I feel in my heart as she does... she 'is' my twin sister.

Now I know some people feel this is touchie, but I do not believe that the soul is in a fetus. The soul needs a brain 'developed enough' to house the soul. Until the infant is mature enough, the soul will not enter. So not until like midway or third trimester?
The idea of a soul is a strange one. A 'soul' is the basis of all religion really. A soul, in some form or another, is mentioned in every religion I can think of. It means that 'you' don't die, that you live on forever in heaven or Nirvana or Valhalla or whatever you happen to believe in. Personally, I couldn't think of a worse way to think of your life. This life is precious, it is meaningful and people should not be lead to believe (against all evidence) that you will live on after you die. Certainly not for eternity! Can you imagine that! Hell no, when I die, I wanna stay dead.

What is the purpose of us being here on Earth? Whatever purpose we want to give. We all came about on this planet through the non-random effects of random occuring events. I say, life is what you make of it. You don't need any kind of faith or belief system to live a full, rich and moral life, and anyone who tells you otherwise, doesn't know what their talking about.
I believe in reincarnation, but not in the traditional sense. It is natural for our bodies to decay and return to the earth, where we will provide nutrients for future life. I do not believe in any religion or deity. I do not know if we have a soul or not, but if we do, then I would also believe that all things have a soul, and when we perish, our souls will return to the earth with our bodies.
I would also like to add that I don't believe we were given a purpose, as I don't believe in God or any deity. That shouldn't be viewed pessimistically, though, for each of us can create our own purposes to fulfill.
DerVVulfman Wrote:I really have no idea how souls were first formed. Maybe they are an extension of God. Maybe he made them separately. But I do believe everyone has a soul. As to some dogma, I believe the Jewish refer to the 'Guff' as the source of all souls and when the last soul is used, the end of days begins. *shrugs*

I believe in re-incarnation. I am a twin who's baby sister died at birth. However... I know someone who was borne a few years later who has the same tastes and had an upbringing involving parents in a parallel manner. We even compared scars (a little nod to Jaws, but true). And I swear, we even had headaches at the same time. I feel in my heart as she does... she 'is' my twin sister.

Now I know some people feel this is touchie, but I do not believe that the soul is in a fetus. The soul needs a brain 'developed enough' to house the soul. Until the infant is mature enough, the soul will not enter. So not until like midway or third trimester?

Guff means body actually. The shachina is G-d who gives us a nefesh, or soul. :) I haven't ever heard of that Jewish belief of souls ending, but it could be true and found somewhere in the Kabbalah/Zohar.

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