Pictures of You!
Xayden Wrote:
[Image: l_53d7cf4ee99f441fabc5fc02a54efca4.jpg]

You look a bit like ringo starr Cheery
[Image: como.png]
[Image: fifa10kauve.png]

That's how I look in FIFA 10 :O

[Image: ace2forum.png]

And this is RL, I'm not as evil as I might look *lol* XD
Holy shit those graphics are good o.o
yeah you have to take 2 photos, one of the front and one of the side. Then you have to set some points at the nose, eyes, mouth and so on and afterwards it renders your 3D Face. Then you can upload your face in FIFA 10 and play as yourself in your favourite Team^^ I think its awesome, especially because it's just a beta version.
BTW nice Hat :D
Since my camera's USB cord has been missing for a long time now (I've searched EVERYWHERE too, damnit), I had to dig this ugly thing up from my Imageshack account.

Yikes. For the record I'd like to think I look better than this in real life and just can't take a decent picture (bullshitter).

Here's me on Halloween of last year. At least now I'm scary for a reason...

And an old prom picture (seriously...I am not suffering from a stroke; I'm just not camera-friendly, I swears it!!!):

(I think the first link may have been...corrupted? Don't know; didn't work for me...O_O)
[Image: ss-stoned-drunk.png]
^ me, drunk and stoned. years ago (was 15/16 so quite underaged rofl)

[Image: 8734_278918695108_534090108_8753694.jpg]
^ last year, was in a bad way (due to hospital and stuff) so had a long hair D:
its alot shorter now ;D

no latest picture of me atm so ;x
Wow, never seen a shadowseer before.

My hair is longer >.>

[Image: como3.png]
One of the most successful of my "photos". Although I just looked at them badly, besides, my scar is not visible.
[Image: fea639cd4e8b.jpg]
Sorry for my badly English. This is Google online-translator. Because I'm just very bad speak in English.
Haven't Put any pics up in a while, so here we go!
[Image: 4863_91317888991_778778991_1931353_4938574_n.jpg]
[Image: 4863_91317903991_778778991_1931354_6105530_n.jpg]
[Image: 17055_1355323965780_1311879574_996309_3846560_n.jpg]
[Image: 17055_1355323285763_1311879574_996293_3004808_n.jpg]
V And My Most Recent V
[Image: 69163_1316375689935_1847011373_613039_2251480_n.jpg]
[Image: n778778991_1416533_6563.jpg]
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]

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